Public Laws - 31st
The following list of Public Laws currently available in electronic format from the 31st Guam Legislature. If you do not see the Public Law you are looking for within the following list, please contact the Clerk of the Legislature or call (671) 472-3465/3474 (Updated: January 28, 2013)

Public Law 31-285 - An act to repeal Sections 5 and 6 of Public Law No. 31-279, relative to salary reductions; to amend subsection (a) of § 4109 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to annual leave; and for other purposes. (Bill No. 543-31, Sponsor: Committee on Rules, Federal Foreign & Micronesian Affairs, and Human & Natural Resources, Passed: 1/4/13, Signed into Law: 1/18/13) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-284 - An act to approve maintenance and insurance payments. (ABill No. 544-31, Sponsor: V.C. Pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 1/4/13, Signed into Law: 1/10/13) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-283 - An act to add new §§ 16201.1, 16201.2, 16201.3, 16215, 16216, 16217, 16218, 16219, 16220, 16221, and 16222; and to amend §§ 16203, 16205 and 16206, all of Article 2 of Chapter 16, Title 3, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the presentation of initiative measures, and to be known as The Initiative Reform and Transparency Act of 2012. (SBill No. 532-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/31/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-282 - An act to approve the terms and conditions of Guam Economic Development Authority project revenue bonds to finance the Ironwood Lada Senior Village Affordable Multi-Family Rental Housing Development; to amend Public Law 30-172, relative to the Lada Estates Project ensuring development of project for affordable housing for the people of Guam; and amend Public Law 31-195, relative to affordable homes; and to authorize tax credits in lieu of payment for the off site infrastructure work servicing the Lada Estates Affordable Housing Project. (SBill No. 538-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/31/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-281 - An act to authorize the Guam Visitors Bureau to recruit the necessary personnel to support its mission, and to authorize an appropriation for the purpose of such recruitment; and to appropriate the sum of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) from the Tourist Attraction Fund to the University of Guam to fund programs of the Guampedia Foundation; and to appropriate the sum of ten thousand dollars form the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to the Tamuning-Tumon-Harmon Latte Festival. (SBill No. 519-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/31/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-280 - An act to add a new Secton 8 to Chapter VIII of Public Law 31-233, relative to the continuing appropriations for the Mayors Council of Guam. (Bill No. 510-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/31/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-279 - An act to amend §4119, and to repeal §4110.1, all of Chapter 4 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to personnel policy; to add a new Section 4 to Public Law 31-154, relative to budgetary savings to reduce the General Fund deficit; to repeal and reenact Chapter 12 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to Comright-21; and for other purposes. (Bill No. 507-31, Sponsor: Committee on Rules; Federal Foreign & Micronesian Affairs; and Human & Natural Resources, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/31/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-278 - An act to amend § 2950, repeal and reenact §2951, amend §§ 2952 through 2954, add a new §2954(a), and amend §§ 2955 through 2960 all of Chapter 2, Article 10, Title 10 Guam Code Annotated, relative to updating the Adult Protective Services' mandates. (SBill No. 511-31, Sponsor: Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/28/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-277 - An act to repeal and reenact Section 18 of Public Law 31-229 to authorize the University of Guam to pledge certain revenues and enter into installment purchase and sale agreements for the purpose of refinancing the Jesus and Eugenia Leon Guerrero School of Business and Public Administration Building. (Bill No. 535-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/28/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-276 - An act to amend subsections (a) and (b) of §1512.3, and to add a new subparagraph (3) to §1512.3(j), all of Article 5, Chapter 1 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the issuance of bonds and other obligations of the government of Guam for the sole purpose of refunding prior bonds and other obligations to achieve debt service savings. (SBill No. 524-31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / Sam A. Mabini, Ph.D., Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-275 - An act to rezone Lot 10063 REM (Portion 1), municipality of Dededo, containing an area of approximately 5,432 ±square meters, and bordered by Harmon Loop Road. (Bill No. 541-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-274 - An act to adopt and to add the proposed fee schedule for the Systems of Care Children's Services to any existing Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse fee schedule that has been established. (Bill No. 540-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-273 - An act to rezone Lot 10063 REM. (Portion 3), Municipality of Dededo, containing a area of approximately 5,432 ± square meters, from One-Family Dwelling Zone (R1) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 534-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-272 - An act to establish the Administrative Rules and Regulations governing the Guam prescription drug monitoring program of the Department of Public Health and Social Services, under a new Article 18 of Chapter 4, Division 1, Title 26, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations, and in conformance with §67.301(a) of Article 3 [Regulation and Control of the Manufacture, Distribution and Dispensing of Controlled Substances], Chapter 67, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated. (SBill No. 505-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-271 - An act to add a new §34105.2 to Chapter 34 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the termination of child support. (Bill No. 503-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-270 - An act to appropriate six hundred fifty thousand dollars ($650,000) from the Tourist Attraction Fund for the operations of the Tumon Precinct, to fund new police positions, and to provide new visitor security systems. (Bill No. 502-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-269 - An act to amend §3132 of Chapter 3, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to adding veterans to the better customer service policy. (Bill No. 494-31, Sponsor: Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / M. Silva Taijeron / Sam Mabini, Ph.D., Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-268 - An act to amend §§6105(b)(1) of Article 2, Chapter 6, of Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the minimum qualifications of the Guam Regional Transit Authority Executive Manager position and modifications to established routes, schedules, fares and policies. (SBill No. 473-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-267 - An act to develop an economic incentive program by establishing the Talofofo River Walk Project to spur economic development and enhancement programs in southern Guam. (Bill No. 442-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / M. Silva Taijeron / Sam A. Mabini, Ph.D., Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-266 - An act to add a new subsection (m) to §41103 of Article 1, Chapter 41 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing a certification program for government of Guam employees in the provision of services to individuals with disabilities. (Bill No. 417-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-265 - An act to rezone Lot No. 10060 REM-2-2-1-R1, municipality of Dededo, from One-Family Dwelling Zone/Multifamily Dwelling Zone (R1/R2) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 359-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-264 - An act to rezone Lot No. 10060 REM2-1-R2, municipality of Dededo, from One-Family Dwelling Zone/Multifamily Dwelling Zone (R1/R2) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 358-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-263 - An act to rezone Lot No. 10060-REM-2-2NEW, municipality of Dededo, from One-Family Dwelling Zone/Multifamily Dwelling Zone (R1/R2) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 357-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-262 - An act to rezone Lot No. 10060 REM 3-3, municipality of Dededo, from One-Family Dwelling Zone/Multifamily Dwelling Zone (R1/R2) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 356-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-261 - An act to rezone Lot No. 10060 REM 3-2, municipality of Dededo, from One-Family Dwelling Zone/Multifamily Dwelling Zone (R1/R2) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 355-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-260 - An act to rezone Lot No. 10060 REM 3-R3, municipality of Dededo, from One-Family Dwelling Zone/Multifamily Dwelling Zone (R1/R2) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 353-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-259 - An act to rezone Lot No. 10060-REM- 3-1, municipality of Dededo, from One-Family Dwelling Zone/Multifamily Dwelling Zone (R1/R2) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 354-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-258 - An act to rezone Lot No. 10060REM-4-1-1, municipality of Dededo, from One-Family Dwelling Zone/Multifamily Dwelling Zone (R1/R2) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 352-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-257 - An act to add a new §70.44.3 to Article 1 of Chapter 70 of Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to blacklisting. (Bill No. 237-31, Sponsor: V. Anthony Ada / T.C. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/23/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-256 - An act to amend §§1103.1 and 1103.3 of Chapter 1 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to exempting certain government vehicles from logo requirements. (Bill No. 322-31, Sponsor: V. Anthony Ada / Chris M. Dueñas / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 12/14/12, Signed into Law: 12/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-255 - An act to repeal and reenact Chapter 1 through 20, of Title 3, Guam Code Annotated [Elections]. (Bill No. 413-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Overridden: 12/12/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-254 - An act to amend §4101(c) of Chapter 4, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring mandatory skills assessment testing as a requirement for government of Guam employment. (SBill No. 466-31, Sponsor: Sam Mabini, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 11/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-253 - An act to authorize I Maga'lahen Guåhan to exchange government-owned property in Tamuning for privately-owned property in Dededo owned by the estate of Lorenzo C. Rosario. (Bill No. 459-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/10/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-252 - An act to amend §2111 of Chapter 2, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the Judiciary of Guam to submit requests for criminal history checks to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for all Guam Americorps volunteers. (SBill No. 455-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 11/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-251 - An act to add a new subsection (k) to §12001 of Article 1, Chapter 12, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing compensation to the Commissioners of the Guam Public Utilities Commission. (SBill No. 492-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / V. Anthony Ada / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/26/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-250 - An act to add a new Article 23 to Chapter 12, Part 2 of Title 10 Guam Code Annotated, relative to the creation of the Guam Social Work Practice Act. (SBill No. 461-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/10/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-249 - An act to establish a task group within the Guam Economic Development Authority for the purpose of developing a master plan for the Agaña Spring and Minondo River areas. (Bill No. 440-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / V. Anthony Ada / Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D., Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/06/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-248 - An act to add a new §89.15 to Chapter 89 of Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to employment limitations on convicted sex offenders. (Bill No. 385-31, Sponsor: V. Anthony Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr. / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/06/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-247 - An act to add a new Chapter 10 to Division 1 of Title 26, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations, relative to adopting the isolation and quarantine regulations to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, as provided pursuant to Article 3 of Chapter 3, Division 1, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated. (SBill No. 388-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/06/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-246 - An act to amend §§25.01.20, 25.01.30 and 25.01.40 of Chapter 25.01, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the solicitation of children and child pornography. (Bill No. 482-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/06/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-245 - An act to add a new subsection (i) to §28.40 of Article 2, Chapter 28, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to defining the term "pornographic". (Bill No. 476-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/06/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-244 - An act to add a new § 21008.1 to Chapter 21 of Title 3, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing a mechanism to enhance the registration process of the Guam Decolonization Registry. (Bill No. 361-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/06/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-243 - An act to add a new §2208.1 to Article 2, Chapter 2 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to mammograms. (Bill No. 525-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/06/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-242 - An act to add a new subsection (a)(4) to §3601 or Article 6, Chapter 3 of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to vehicle safety inspections. (Bill No. 480-31, Sponsor: V. Anthony Ada / R.J. Respicio / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/06/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-241 - An act to amend §§40105, 40111(b) and 40113(b)(8), and to add a new §40135.1, all of Chapter 40, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Mayors Council of Guam. (SBill No. 522-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/06/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-240 - An act to add a new Article 1B to Chapter 4 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated; to add new subsections (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) to §67101 of Chapter 67, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend §3102.1 of Article 1, Chapter 3, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to derived veterans benefits for spouses and legal guardians of veterans rated one hundred percent (100%) disabled or individually unemployable, and the process for receiving such benefits. (SBill No. 462-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/06/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-239 - An act to adopt the proposed fee schedule of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse; and to add new subsections (f),(g) and (h) to §86111 of Chapter 86, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Fund. (SBill No. 506-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/06/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-238 - An act to amend §23112 of Article 1 and §23203 of Article 2, both of Chapter 23, Division 2, Title 7, Guam Code Annotated, relative to levies on earnings. (Bill No. 477-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/06/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-237 - An act to add a new Chapter 15A of Division 3, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Student Financial Assistance Programs for higher education. (SBill No. 509-31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Muña Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 12/06/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-236 - An act to amend subsection (d)(4) of Section 1, Chapter V of Public Law 31-233, relative to the expansion and upgrade of the Guam Veterans Cemetery. (Bill No. 530-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 11/26/12, Signed into Law: 11/28/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-235 - An act to add a new §3218.1 to Chapter 3, Article 2, Title 10 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to women's informed consent for abortion; and to cite the act as "The Women's Reproductive Health Information Act of 2012." (SBill No. 52-31, Sponsor: Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs and Human & Natural Resources, Passed: 10/24/12, Signed into Law: 11/1/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-234 - An act to amend Section 3 of Public Law 31-40, relative to extending the deadline to obligate or expand American Recovery and Reinvestment Funds; to amend Section 13 of Chapter XII of Public Law 31-233, relative to restrictions on hiring of unclassified employees; and to amend Section 14(a) of Chapter X of Public Law 31-233, relative to service and reporting requirements of the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF). (SBill No. 496-31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / v.c. pangelinan, Passed: 10/1/12, Signed into Law: 10/9/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-233 - An act making appropriations for the operations of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches of the government of Guam for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2013; making other appropriations; and establishing miscellaneous and administrative provisions. (SBill No. 426-31, Sponsor: Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs, and Human & Natural Resources, Passed: 8/28/12, Signed into Law: 9/7/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-232 - An act to authorize I Maga'lahen Guåhan to transfer Skinner Plaza, presently under the control and supervision of I Liheslaturan Guåhan, to the government of Guam for the purpose of constructing an educational cultural facility. (Bill No. 454-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / Chris M. Duenas / T.C. Ada, Passed: 8/28/12, Signed into Law: 9/6/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-231 - An act to add a new Item (1) to Subsection (a) of §16301 of Article 3, Chapter 16, Title 3, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the Guam Election Commission to reconfigure the Primary Election Ballot to accommodate independent candidates. (Bill No. 488-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / R.J. Respicio / J.P. Guthertz, DPA, Passed: 7/9/12, Signed into Law: 7/10/12).
Public Law 31-230 - An act to rezone lot no. 5231-9-1 in the municipality of dededo from agricultural zone (a) to commercial zone (c). (SBill No. 175-31, Sponsor: Dennis Rodriguez, Jr. , Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/18/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-229 - An act to authorize lease financing for the rehabilitation, construction, expansion and renovation of public school facilities. (SBill No. 437-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/18/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-228 - An act to add a new §5220 to part B of article 3, chapter 5 of title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to posting invitations for bid (IFBs) and requesting for proposals (RFPs) Online. (Bill No. 438-31, Sponsor: V. Anthony Ada / T.C. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr. , Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/15/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-227 - An act to adopt the guam housing corporation administrative rules and regulations for the implementation of the first-time homeowner assistance program. (Bill No. 463-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / Judith T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada , Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/15/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-226 - An act to amend §1107 of article 1, chapter 1, title 22 of the Guam Code Annotated; and to add a new subsection of (g) to §1209.1 of article 2, chapter 1 of title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to research and statistics (SBill No. 434-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/15/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-225 - An act to amend §4301.1 of article 3, chapter 4, title 4 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to negotiating and procuring health insurance services for the government of Guam. (SBill No. 460-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / B.J.F.Cruz / T.C. Ada, Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/15/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-224 - An act to amend subsection(r) of 40112 of chapter 40, title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to mayoral duties with respect to non-routed streets and roadways. (Bill No. 468-31, Sponsor: Chris M. Dueñas / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/15/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-223 - An act to add a new chapter 14 to division 1 of title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to memory storage devices on machines used by government of guam departments and agencies. (SBill No. 250-31, Sponsor: M. Silva Taijeron / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/15/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-222 - An Act to amend §58110(g) chapter 58, title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring the utilization of locally-based, Locally owned training businesses. and services as a condition for the issuance of geda qualifying certificates. (Bill No. 402-31, Sponsor: Sam Mabini, Ph.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / F.F. Blas Jr. , Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/15/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-221 - An Act to amend §15102 of article 1, chapter 15, title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to certificate of authority.(Bill No. 394-31, Sponsor: Judith P. Guthertz,DPA / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada , Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/15/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-220 - An Act to amend subsections (a),(d) and (e) of §9301, and §9303, all of article 3, chapter 9 of title 5, Guam code annotated, relative to the administrative adjudication law, to include a review by the department of administration for proposed personnel rules and regulations, and to further enhance transparency by requiring the electronic publishing of proposed rules and regulations.(Bill No. 387-31, Sponsor: Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada , Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/15/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-219 - An Act to add a new §22705 to article 7, chapter 22 of title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to release of working animals for government service.(Bill No. 380-31, Sponsor: Adolpho B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada , Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/15/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-218 - An act to add a new article 1, chapter 43 to title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting secret voting by Government of Guam Boards and Commissions(Bill No. 321-31, Sponsor: V. Anthony Ada / Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / F.F. Blas Jr. , Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/15/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-217 - An act to Amend §§ 5102, 5103, and 5105 of chapter 5 of title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to an update and revision of permitted and prohibited political activity by government employees, and investigations by the civil service commission. (Bill No. 419-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/15/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-216 - An act to add a new item (1) to §3101(m) of article 1, chapter 3, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, Relative to the renewal of a Guam driver's license (Bill No. 420-31, Sponsor: Adolpho B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/15/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-215 - An act to repeal and re-enact section 4 of public law 31-209, Relative to the transfer of parcels in the Sagan linahyan Subdivision, Dededo Guam.(Bill No. 458-31, Sponsor: T.R.Muña Barnes/ T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/12/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-214 - An act to amend § 50103 of Chapter 50 of Division 2, Title 11 Guam Code Annotated relative to the Income Tax Refund Reserve Fund. (Bill No. 470-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada, Passed: 6/4/12, Signed into Law: 6/5/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-213 - An act to amend §3227 and add a new §3227.1 of Article 2, Chapter 3 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing the Office of Vital Statistics Revolving Fund. (SBill No. 408-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 4/27/12, Signed into Law: 5/10/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-212 - An act to add a new § 5126 to Part C of Article 2, Chapter 5 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing joinder or mutual use of contracts by governmental entities by the Women, Infants, and Children Program of the Department of Public Health and Social Services. (SBill No. 430-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 4/27/12, Signed into Law: 5/9/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-211 - An act to add a new §66104.2 to Chapter 66, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend Section 5 of Chapter XII of Public Law 31-77, relative to the employment of civilian volunteer police reserve officers. (Bill No. 429-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 4/27/12, Signed into Law: 5/9/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-210 - An act to add a new §77302 to Article 3, Chapter 77 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the duties of the Guam Police Department Community Assisted Policing Effort (CAPE) volunteers. (Bill No. 412-31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.R. Muña Barnes, Passed: 4/27/12, Signed into Law: 5/9/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-209 - An act to authorize I Maga'lahen Guåhan to transfer abandoned properties located within Tract Number 1113, also known as the Sagan Linahyan Subdivision, from the Dipåttamenton Minanehan Tåno' (Department of Land Management) to the Guam Housing Corporation for the purpose of affordable Housing. (ABill No. 411-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 4/27/12, Signed into Law: 5/9/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-208 - An act to add a new subsection (xx) to §1102 of Chapter 1, and a new §9107.1 to Chapter 9; all of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated; relative to providing for a court imposed penalty requiring the taking of a defensive driving program for the offense of reckless driving. (Bill No. 407-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 4/27/12, Signed into Law: 5/9/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-207 - An act to amend §58104 of Chapter 58, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the inclusion of Green Technology as a acceptable activity for the eligibility of a qualifying certificate application. (Bill No. 342-31, Sponsor: M. Silva Taijeron / Sam Mabini, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 4/27/12, Signed into Law: 5/9/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-206 - An act to rezone Lot No. 10129-1 in the municipality of Dededo from Agricultural Zone (A) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 333-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.R. Muña Barnes / Chris M. Dueñas, Passed: 4/27/12, Signed into Law: 5/9/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-205 - An act to rezone Lot No. 10060-REM-R6-NEW in the municipality of Dededo from Agricultural Zone (A) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 332-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.R. Muña Barnes / Chris M. Dueñas, Passed: 4/27/12, Signed into Law: 5/9/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-204 - An act to rezone Lot No. 10060-REM-1-R2 in the municipality of Dededo from Agricultural Zone (A) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 331-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / Chris M. Dueñas / T.C. Ada, Passed: 4/27/12, Signed into Law: 5/9/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-203 - An act to add a new Chapter 14 to Division 2 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring the Guam Department of Education to continually update a ten (10)- year capital improvement project plan, and to identify funding sources for the projects; and to cite this act as the "Teaching and Learning Communities Act". (SBill No. 315-31, Sponsor: Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 4/27/12, Signed into Law: 5/9/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-202 - An act to add a new Article 7 to Chapter 6 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to protection of minor's and students' rights. (Bill No. 202-31, Sponsor: V. Anthony Ada / T.C. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 4/27/12, Signed into Law: 5/9/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-201 - An act to add a new Article 6 to Chapter 6 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to protection of minors' and students' rights. (Bill No. 201-31, Sponsor: V. Anthony Ada / Chris M. Dueñas / J.P. Guthertz, DPA, Passed: 4/27/12, Signed into Law: 5/9/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-200 - An act to amend subsection (y) of §63101 of Article 1, Chapter 63 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the definition of a shark. (Bill No. 405-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada, Passed: 3/21/12, Signed into Law: 4/2/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-199 - An act to add a new §3229 to Article 2, and a new subsection (a) to §3413 of Article 4, all of Chapter 3, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing for the regulated conduct of special tasting and sampling events at approved locations, when conducted by an off-sale licensee, for the sale of alcoholic beverages and distilled spirits. (Bill No. 328-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 3/21/12, Signed into Law: 4/2/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-198 - An act to add a new § 61217 to Article 2 of Chapter 61, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to designating all Federal Excess Land returned by the U.S. Government to the government of Guam, as Agricultural Zone (A). (ABill No. 377-31, Sponsor: Chris M. Dueñas / R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada, Passed: 3/21/12, Signed into Law: 3/30/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-197 - An act to amend § 4302(c) of Article 3, Chapter 4, Title 4 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to negotiating and procuring health insurances for the government of Guam. (SBill No. 435-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 3/19/12, Signed into Law: 3/28/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-196 - An act to amend §§ 24102(f) and 24103 of Article 4, Chapter 24, Division 2 of Title 11; to amend subsections (a), (e), (j), (o), and (q) of §1512.3; add a new subsection (r) to §1512.3; add a new subsection (W) to §1515(i)(2); and repeal and re-enact §1515(i)(2)(G), all of Article 5, Chapter 1, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing and Series B of revenue anticipation financing bond and for other purposes. (SBill No. 414-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / R.J. Respicio / J.P. Guthertz, DPA, Passed: 3/16/12, Signed into Law: 3/28/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-195 - An act to approve and ratify the transfer of certain property relative to the LADA Estates Project by the Guam Housing Corporation for the purpose of developing affordable housing for the people of Guam. (Bill No. 416-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 3/16/12, Signed into Law: 3/21/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-194 - An act to amend §3346, and to add a new §3346.1, all of Chapter 3, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to restricting the use of mobile phones while driving a vehicle, and providing for public education requirements regarding such restrictions. (Bill No. 397-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 2/17/12, Signed into Law: 2/28/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-193 - An act to amend §85.26 of Chapter 85, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the general powers of the Guam Parole Board. (Bill No. 400-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 2/17/12, Signed into Law: 2/27/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-192 - An act to repeal Section 2 of Public Law 26-10; and to amend subsections (l) and (v) of §8104, and repeal and re-enact §8134, all of Article 1, Chapter 8 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to Survivor Annuities. (Bill No. 399-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 2/17/12, Signed into Law: 2/27/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-191 - An act to zone the previously unzoned Lot No. 1060-5-2, in the municipality of Barrigada, to One-Family Dwelling Zone (R1). (Bill Not. 370-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 2/17/12, Signed into Law: 2/27/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-190 - An act to zone the previously unzoned Lot No. 1060-5-1, in the municipality of Barrigada, to One-Family Dwelling Zone (R1). (Bill No. 369-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 2/17/12, Signed into Law: 2/27/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-189 - An act to add a new Chapter 27 to Title 16 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to bicycle safety, and to cite the act as the "Bicycle Safety Act of 2012." (Bill No. 362-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 2/17/12, Signed into Law: 2/27/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-188 - An act to add a new subsection (r) to § 40112 of Chapter 40, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to empowering mayors with the authority to close routed and non-routed roads for village funerals, fiestas, and other events. (Bill No. 341-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.R. Muña Barnes / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 2/17/12, Signed into Law: 2/27/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-187 - An act to add a new §10314 to Article 3, Chapter 10, Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring all Government of Guam Departments and Agencies to accept applications, filings and forms for services via the internet. (Bill No. 326-31, Sponsor: M. Silva Taijeron / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 2/17/12, Signed into Law: 2/27/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-186 - An act to amend § 60113 of Article 1, Chapter 60 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorization of the Guam Department of Agriculture to administer and collect fees. (Bill No. 300-31, Sponsor: Sam Mabini, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 2/17/12, Signed into Law: 2/27/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-185 - An act to amend Chapter 16 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the "Disaster Service Volunteer Leave Act." (Bill No. 289-31, Sponsor: Chris M. Dueñas / V. Anthony Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 2/17/12, Signed into Law: 2/27/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-184 - An act to require the Department of Public Health and Social Services to conduct a feasibility study on providing after-hour urgent care services at the Public Health Centers. (Bill No. 276-31, Sponsor: V. Anthony Ada / v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada, Passed: 2/17/12, Signed into Law: 2/27/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-183 - An act to repeal Chapter 11 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to abolishing the Office of the Adequate Education Suruhanu. (Bill No. 248-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 2/17/12, Signed into Law: 2/27/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-182 - An act to amend subsections (a), (c) and (d) of §31A05 of Article 1A of Chapter 3, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to driver's licenses road testing. (Bill No. 190-31, Sponsor: Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 2/17/12, Signed into Law: 2/27/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-181 - An act to amend §4207 of Article 2, Chapter 4 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing the Priority Placement Program for affected employees of the government of Guam resulting from any reorganization or reduction in force initiative of the Executive Branch. (SBill No. 338-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr. / B.J.F Cruz / Chris M. Dueñas / Sam Mabini, Ph.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / v.c. pangelinan / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / R.J. Respicio / M. Silva Taijeron / Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 1/20/12, Signed into Law: 2/3/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-180 - An act to add a new §44115 to Chapter 44 of Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing a scholarship program for economically-disadvantaged students seeking careers in the construction trade, and providing funding sources for the program; and to cite this act as the "Building Guam's Trades Scholarship Program." (SBill No. 193-31, Sponsor: Chris M. Dueñas / T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 1/20/12, Signed into Law: 2/3/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-179 - An act to amend subsections (a) and (i), and to add a new subsection (j) to §77104 of Article 1 of Chapter 77, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the duties of the Director of Parks and Recreation, and providing the authority to determine the appropriate number of vendors for the Guam Park System; and to repeal §2105 of Chapter 2, of Division 1 of Title 23, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations, relative to the number of allowable park vendors. (Bill No. 390-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 1/20/12, Signed into Law: 2/3/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-178 - An act to amend §40135, and to add new §§40137, 40137, 40139, 40140, 40141 and 40142, all of Chapter 40, Division 4 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to Gymnasium Revolving Funds within various island municipalities. (Bill No. 327-31, Sponsor: M. Silva Taijeron / T.R. Muña Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 1/20/12, Signed into Law: 2/3/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-177 - An act to amend §3102.1, 7160(e) and 7161(f) of Title 16; §51506(d) of Title 10; and §4104(b) of Title 4, all of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the continuing application of benefits to Guam's Veterans. (ABill No. 309-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 1/20/12, Signed into Law: 2/3/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-176 - An act to amend §3812 of Article 8, Chapter 3, and §2912.10 of Article 9, Chapter 2, all of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the community health centers of the Department of Public Health and Social Services to obtain reimbursement for services rendered to medically indigent program patients. (Bill No. 292-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 1/20/12, Signed into Law: 2/3/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-175 - An act to add a new §43101 to Article 1 of Chapter 43 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting members of boards and commissions from procuring goods and services to any Government Department, Agency or Instrumentality in which they are appointed to serve. (Bill No. 272-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 1/20/12, Signed into Law: 2/3/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-174 - An act to add a new §34155 to Article 1, Chapter 34 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the "Most Wanted Delinquent Absent Parent List" and other child support lists of delinquent obligors. (SBill No. 124-31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.R. Muña Barnes, Passed: 1/20/12, Signed into Law: 2/3/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-173 - An act to add a new Article 5 to Chapter 63 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing the Guam Forest System; and to cite this act as the "Guam Forestry Legacy Act of 2012." (SBill No. 382-31, Sponsor: Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / Chris M. Dueñas / T.C. Ada, Passed: 1/20/12, Signed into Law: 2/3/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-172 - An act to add a new §90.16 to Article 1 of Chapter 90, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing minimum qualifications for the position of Department of Corrections Officer. (Bill No. 296-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 1/20/12, Signed into Law: 2/3/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-171 - An act to add a new Article 3 to Chapter 120 of Title 8, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring convicted sex offenders, Inter Alios, to submit to DNA profiling. (SBill No. 99-31, Sponsor: V. Anthony Ada / R.J. Respicio / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 1/20/12, Signed into Law: 2/3/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-170 - An act to exempt the maps of the Chamorro Land Trust Lease sites, previously approved by the Chamorro Land Trust Commission, from the requirements of Article 2 of Chapter 62, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to subdivision and recordation procedures. (Bill No. 401-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 1/5/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-169 - An act to extend the deadline to submit petitions to establish the Francisco Q. Sanchez School as Academy Charter School.(Bill No. 384-31, Sponsor: Judith T. Won Pat, Ed.D., v.c. pangelinan, Sam Mabini Ph.D., Passed: 12/23/11, Signed into Law: 1/05/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-168 - An act to amend §§2101 and 2101.1 of Chapter 2 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the jurisdiction of the Guam State Clearinghouse. (Bill No. 340-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / F.F. Blas, Jr. / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 1/4/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-167 - An act to authorize the Department of Land Management to exchange a portion of Government of Guam land, and Deed Lot No. 1NEW-6, within Block No. 24, municipality of Hagatña, to Concepcion F. Cristobal pursuant to recorded probate and Civil Case CV230-88, recorded under Document No. 478218. (ABill No. 207-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 1/4/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-166 - An act to repeal and re-enact Article 7, relative to the Guam Housing Corporation's First-Time Homeowner Assistance Program, and to add a new Article 10, relative to the Housing Trust Fund Act, all of Chapter 4, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend Section 5, Section 11(c), as repealed and re-enacted by Public Law 26-123, and Section 12, all of Public Law 20-210. (SBill No. 138-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes, Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 1/4/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-165 - An act to authorize the sale of a portion of Lot No. 87-4-2-R1, NOT to exceed one hundred fourteen (114)± square meters, under the inventory of the Chamorro Land Trust Commission. (Bill No. 112-31, Sponsor: V. Anthony Ada / T.C. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 1/4/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-164 - An act to amend Item (F) of Appendix A, and Item (B) of Appendix D; and to repeal §67.801 of Article 8, all of Chapter 67 of Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to listing Salvia Divinorum, or Salvinorum A, and certain synthetic drugs as Schedule I substances, and listing Carisoprodol as a Schedule IV substance under the Guam Uniform Controlled Substances Act. (SBill No. 386-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 1/4/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-163 - An act to amend Subsection (c), and to add a new Subsection (d) of §4401 of Article 4, Chapter 4, Division 1, Title 7, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the authority of Magistrate Judges. (ABill No. 366-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 1/4/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-162 - An act to amend §40113(B)(19) of Chapter 40, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to placing the Taga'chang Beach Park under the administrative authority of the Office of the Mayor of Yona. (Bill No. 365-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.R. Muña Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 1/4/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-161 - An act to authorize the use of local funds for matching grants available from the Veterans Affairs State Cemetery Grants Program; and to approve a conceptual capital improvement plan relative to the expansion of the Guam Veterans Cemetery. (ABill No. 363-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 1/4/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-160 - An act to add a new §58110(i) to Chapter 58, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the inclusion of local professional advice and support as a condition of benefit for qualifying certificate beneficiaries. (Bill No. 350-31, Sponsor: M. Silva Taijeron / B.J.F. Cruz / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 1/4/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-159 - An act to add a new Article 4 to Chapter 50 of Division 2 of Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to creating the Guam Film Office. (Bill No. 343-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 1/4/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-158 - An act to amend Chapter 9, Division 2 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to education and training facilities and opportunities for individuals with disabilities. (Bill No. 264-31, Sponsor: Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 1/4/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-157 - An act to add a new § 2110 to Chapter 2, Title 2, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring a "Land Zoning Consideration Report" from the Department of Land Management for any zoning legislation. (SBill No. 253-31, Sponsor: Chris M. Dueñas / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 1/4/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-156 - An act to repeal and reenact §4114.1 of Chapter 4 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to integrating academic curriculum and career and technical education into the Guam Department of Education's basic curricula; and to be known as the "College and Career Readiness (CCaRe) Act". (SBill No. 239-31, Sponsor: Sam Mabini, Ph.D. / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 1/4/12) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-155 - An act to add a new Chapter 4A to Division 1 of Title 19, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring parental consent for the conduct of an abortion upon a minor. (Bill No. 323-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V. Anthony Ada, Passed: 12/22/11, Signed into Law: 12/29/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-154 - An act to require that budgetary savings or cost avoidances realized within any general fund budget appropriation for any Executive Branch Agency due to I Magalahi's reorganization of the government, be used for the purpose of reducing the Government of Guam's General Fund Deficit. (Bill No. 330-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed into Law: 11/23/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-153 - An act to amend §§30109 and 30118, and to add new §§ 30121, 30121.1 and §30121.2, all of Chapter 30 of Division 3, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to granting increased autonomy to the Office of the Attorney General on financial and personnel matters. (ABill No. 286-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/21/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-152 - An act to amend §66103 of Chapter 66, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Civilian Volunteer Police Reserve; to add a new subsection (c) to §50111 of Chapter 50, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to re-establishing the "Accessible Parking Fund"; and to amend §3401.1(e) of Article 4, Chapter 3, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to accessible parking for persons with disabilities. (Bill No. 294-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/21/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-151 - An act to authorize I Maga'lahen Guåhan to transfer abandoned staff housing properties held by the Government of Guam to the Aturidat Gimina' Yan Runueban Suidat Guahan (Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority) for the purpose of affordable housing. (Bill No. 235-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/21/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-150 - An act to add a new Article 2 to Chapter 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing a task force on the Guam Product Seal under the auspices of the Office of I Segundu Na Maga'lahen Guåhan (The Lieutenant Governor of Guam). (SBill No. 227-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / Sam Mabini, Ph.D. / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/21/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-149 - An act to add a new Article 7 to Chapter 4 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to sexual harassment complaints. (SBill No. 212-31, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / T.C. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/21/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-148 - An act to amend § 61542 of Chapter 61, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to regulation of political signs. (Bill No. 203-31, Sponsor: A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/21/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-147 - An act to add a new §54106 to Article 1 of Chapter 54, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring the Department of Public Works (DPW) to consider the feasibility of road construction projects during the evening hours. (SBill No. 196-31, Sponsor: M. Silva Taijeron / T.R. Muña Barnes / J.P. Guthertz, DPA, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/21/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-146 - An act to amend Chapter 84 of Division 4, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the establishment, promotion, and maintenance of a comprehensive Guam Emergency Medical and Ambulance Services System. (SBill No. 339-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / M. Silva Taijeron / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-145 - An act to further amend Section 4 of Public Law 30-57, relative to authorizing the Jose D. Leon Guerrero Commercial Port to enter into negotiations for the acquisition of the "Pola" gantry cranes owned by Matson/Horizon, Inc. or its successor. (SBill No. 336-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-144 - An act to amend §71501 of Article 5, Chapter 71 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to insurance requirements for private security organizations. (Bill No. 329-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-143 - An act to add a new §3329.1 to Article 3 of Chapter 3 of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing for the safety of pedestrians who are blind or visually impaired when crossing Guam roadways. (SBill No. 325-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr., Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-142 - An act to rezone Lot No. 3257-4-R2, in the municipality of Sinajana from Agricultural Zone (A) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 297-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-141 - An act to add a new §22420.1 to Article 4, Chapter 22 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated; and a new §23109 to Chapter 23, Part 1 of Division 2, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to mandating that healthy foods be sold in vending machines at all Government of Guam buildings. (Bill No. 285-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-140 - An act amend § 51502 of Article 5, Chapter 51 of Division 2, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated; relative to exempting the Guam Recycling Revolving Fund from the transfer of authority of I Maga'lahen Guåhan. (Bill No. 282-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-139 - An act to add a new subsection (d) to §9303 of Article 3, Chapter 9 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to transmitting to the Compiler of Laws notifications of the Disposition of Rules and Regulations filed with the Legislative Secretary. (Bill No. 281-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-138 - An act to amend §4502(d), and to add new §§4504.1 and 4508 to Chapter 4 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to expanding Whistle-Blower Protection to all employees of the Government of Guam. (SBill No. 238-31, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / J.P. Guthertz, DPA, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-137 - An act to add a new Chapter 51 to Division 5 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing the Physician Recruitment and Retention Education Debt Repayment program. (SBill No. 236-31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Bares / v.c. pangelinan, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-136 - An act to add new subsections (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) to §50205, and to amend §50207(c) and add new subsections (d), (e) and (f), all of Article 2, Chapter 50 of Division 2, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring a Country of Origin label to comply with the Guam Product Seal Permit program. (SBill No. 226-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / Sam Mabini, Ph.D. / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-135 - An act to add a new Chapter 71, and a new §161102 of Chapter 161, all of Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing the Department of Revenue and Taxation with the necessary resources and tools to target high risk, cash-based businesses, and non-licensed businesses engaged in military construction projects; and to be known as "The Cash Economy Enforcement Act of 2011". (SBill No. 210-31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-134 - An act to add a new subsection (h) to §80105 of Chapter 80, Division 2 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the transfer of properties under the jurisdiction of Guam Community College to the jurisdiction of the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission. (Bill No. 206-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-133 - An act to require the Department of Parks and Recreation to conduct a review of beaches and nearshore areas surrounding Guam. (Bill No. 204-31, Sponsor: M. Silva Taijeron / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-132 - An act to add a new subsection (G) to §26603(d)(1) of Article 6, Chapter 26 of Title 11, Guam Code Annotated; to amend §§85110 and 85111, and add new §§85111.1 and 85112.1, all of Chapter 85, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend §77124 of Article 1, Chapter 77 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated; relative to the off-island Educational Training and Cultural Enhancement Fund, and the Sports Fund for off-island travel; and to establish a Mentoring and Leadership Program for the prevention and cessation of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, to be known as "The Youth Educational Training, Cultural Enhancement and Sports Opportunities Act". (Bill No. 191-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.R. Muña Barnes / M. Silva Taijeron, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-131 - An act to add a new §80128 to Chapter 80 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the Guam Public Library System to lease a portion of its frontage property at the Nieves M. Flores Public Library in Hagåtña for the operation of a food establishment. (Bill No. 182-31, Sponsor: Sam Mabini, Ph.D. / M. Silva Taijeron / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D., Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-130 - An act to delete a portion of the 1966 Highway Master Plan Reservation Easement on Lot No. 121-6, Mongmong-Toto-Maite, Guam; and to repeal and re-enact §62103 of Article 1, Chapter 62 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to compliance with Master Plan. (SBill No. 273-31, Sponsor: C.M. Dueñas / v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-129 - An act to add a new Article 14 to Chapter 15 of Division 3, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing a scholarship program for economically-disadvantaged students, and providing funding sources for the program; and to cite this act as the "Every Child is Entitled to a Higher Education Scholarship Program". (SBill No. 198-31, Sponsor: C.M. Dueñas / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-128 - An act to add a new § 34102 to Chapter 34 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing a scholarship program for economically-disadvantaged students, and providing funding sources for the program; and to cite this act as the "Growing Guam's Work Force Scholarship Program". (SBill No. 192-31, Sponsor: C.M. Dueñas / T.C. Ada / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/17/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-127 - An act to add a new Item (37) to Subsection (k) of §26203 of Chapter 26, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing business privilege tax exemptions for child care centers and group child care homes, to promote early childhood learning and development opportunities for modern child care facilities. (Bill No. 141-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez,Jr. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. Passed: 11/8/11, Signed into Law: 11/14/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-126 - An act to appropriate one million three hundred sixty thousand nine hundred forty-three dollars ($1,360,943) from the Supplemental Appropriations Revenue Fund to the University of Guam for its FY 2012 operations; for the payment of tax year 2010 income tax refunds; and to amend Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to improving fiscal discipline. (Bill No. 308-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-125 - An act to repeal Chapter 26 of Division 3, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated; and to add a new Chapter 71 to Division 6 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to empowering the Guam Northern and Southern Soil and Water Conservation Districts. (SBill No. 299-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / B.J.F. Cruz / T.R. Muña Barnes, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-124 - An act to add a new §10313 to Article 3 of Chapter 10, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the public disclosure of temporary labor certifications. (SBill No. 256-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / M. Silva Taijeron / T.C. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-123 - An act to amend §17106 of Article 1, Chapter 17, Title 3, Guam Code Annotated, relative to referendum and initiative titles. (Bill No. 252-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-122 - An act to add a new subsection (q) to §1106 of Article 1, Chapter 1 of Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring the Director of Labor to electronically transmit job announcements to each Mayor's Office. (SBill No. 246-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio / M. Silva Taijeron, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-121 - An act to add a new subsection (k) to §7118.1 of Article 1, Chapter 7 of Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting non-immigrant temporary workers from participating in the decision-making over any recruitment and selection of personnel, or the processing of applications for temporary alien labor certification. (SBill No. 245-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio / M. Silva Taijeron, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-120 - An act to rezone Lot 6, Block 2, Tract 148 in the municipality of Barrigada from Agricultural Zone (A) to Limited Industrial Zone (M1). (Bill No. 243-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-119 - An act to amend §63201(a), (b) and (c) of Article 2, Chapter 63 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the qualifications for selection and tenure of the Adjutant General of the Guam National Guard. (Bill No. 242-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-118 - An act to amend §§850, 852 and 853 of Article 2, Chapter 8 of Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to arts in buildings and facilities. (SBill No. 240-31, Sponsor: A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-117 - An act to repeal and reenact §23111 of Chapter 23, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Medical Referral Benefits Bank Act, and to be known as "The Senator Edward J. Cruz Medical Referral Mileage Bank Account Act." (Bill No. 231-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-116 - An act to amend §78106 of Chapter 78, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the Guam Community Police Review Commission to conduct meetings and relevant activities within Guam Police Department Facilities. (Bill No. 228-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-115 - An act to add new §§5011 and 5012 to Part A, Article 1 of Chapter 5, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to adopting a procurement policy in favor of service-disabled veteran owned businesses, and to be cited as "The Support for Disabled Veteran Businesses Act". (SBill No. 225-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-114 - An act to add a new §23112 to Chapter 23 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring the posting of non-employee travel justification reports on an agency's website. (SBill No. 224-31, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-113 - An act to amend §67.407 of Article 4, Chapter 67, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Guam Uniform Controlled Substances Act. (SBill No. 220-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / V.A. Ada / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D., Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-112 - An act to amend §33106 of Chapter 33, Title 7, Guam Code Annotated, relative to Mechanics' Lien on Guam. (Bill No. 219-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-111 - An act to require I Maga'lahene Guåhan to establish a project plan of action for the construction of the Tiyan Parkway Project. (SBill No. 217-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-110 - An act to amend items (C), (D), and (E), and to add a new item (F) to Appendix A; to amend items (A)(1), (B), (C), (E) and (F) of Appendix B; to amend items (B), (C), (D) and (E), and to add a new item (F) to Appendix C; to amend items (B), (C) and (D) of Appendix D; to amend item (A), and to add a new item (D) to Appendix E; and to add a new §67.301(f) to Article 3, all of Chapter 67 of Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to updating the Guam Uniform Controlled Substance Act based on the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Schedule Listing. (SBill No. 216-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-109 - An act to amend §40105(b) of Chapter 40, Title 7, Guam Code Annotated; and to repeal and reenact §§30.80 through 30.80.5 of Chapter 30, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to differed pleas of domestic violence abusers. (SBill No. 214-31, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D., Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-108 - An act to repeal §6108 of Article 1, Chapter 6 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to sick persons. (Bill No. 213-31, Sponsor: A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-107 - An act to amend §3102.1 of Article 1, Chapter 3, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to facilitating the procedure for obtaining a waiver of driver's license fees for veterans. (Bill No. 211-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-106 - An act to amend §1033 of Chapter 10, Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to including the Guam Ko'ko' Road Race as part of the Guam-Micronesia Island Fair, and to provide for support from the Guam Police Department and Guam Fire Department. (Bill No. 209-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz / C.M. Dueñas, Passed:9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-105 - An act to amend §60900, and to add new §§60909, 60910, and 60911 of Article 9, Chapter 60 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the construction of a new Department of Land Management Building in Hagåtña. (Bill No. 208-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-104 - An act to approve the commercial lease agreement by and between the Department of Land Management and the Macheche Plaza Development. (Bill No. 200-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-103 - An act to add a new §30.200 to Chapter 30, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to creating a central database containing information about repeat offenders who have committed multiple offenses involving domestic/family violence; and to be known as the "Family Violence Registry Act". (Bill No. 195-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D., Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-102 - An act to add a new §90114 to Chapter 90, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting smoking in a motor vehicle when a child is present. (SBill No. 188-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-101 - An act to add a new §3105.1 to Article 1, and a new §3702.1 to Article 7, all of Chapter 3 of Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the prohibition of caffeinated malt beverages. (Bill No. 178-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-100 - An act to add a new §3112.2 to Article 1, Chapter 3, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to creating a Safe Schools Program: School Crime Stoppers. (SBill No. 177-31, Sponsor: A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / C.M. Dueñas, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-99 - An act to amend §§30102(2) and (6), 30103(4), 31102, 21107, 21108(2) and (6), 31110(5), 31111, 31112, and Article 1 of Chapter 32; to repeal §§31102.1, 31115, 31116(C) and 33104; to add new §§33105 and 33106; and to move Article 3 of Chapter 32 to Division 5, all of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Guam Community College. (SBill No. 176-31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / Sam Mabini, Ph.D., Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-98 - An act to repeal and re-enact §61214 of Article 2, Chapter 61 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing "Split-Zone Elections". (Bill No. 174-31, Sponsor: C.M. Dueñas / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-97 - An act to add a new Article 4 to Chapter 13 of Titel 19, Guam Code Annotated, relative to creating a task force on the prevention of sexual abuse of children within the Child Protective Act. (SBill No. 173-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.R. Muña Barnes / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D., Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-96 - An act to amend §75107 of Chapter 75 of Title 10 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to Safe Harbor exemption and restrictions. (Bill No. 172-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-95 - An act to add a new §34118.1 to Article 1 of Chapter 34, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to mandating the electronic remittance of child support payments and withholdings by employers and payroll processors. (SBill No. 163-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / J.P. Guthertz, DPA, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-94 - An act to amend §27003(e) of Chapter 27, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the removal of members of the Guam Commission for Educator Certification. (Bill No. 161-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-93 - An act to add a new Article 14 to Chapter 5, relative to establishing the Guam Procurement Advisory Council; to add new §§5118 and 5119 to Part B, Article 2 of Chapter 5, relative to Procurement Counsel, and legislative inquiries and hearings; and to amend §20512 of Division 1, Article 1 of Chapter 20, relative to the special surplus property fund, all of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated. (SBill No. 159-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-92 - An act to add a new subsection (a) to §3104 and a new subsection (a) to §3105 of Chapter 3, a new subsection (a) to §20007 of Chapter 21, all of Title 3, Guam Code Annotated; and to add a new subsections (a) and (b) to §2109 of Chapter 21, Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the registration, education campaign and voting process for the plebiscite on political status for Guam, all in consultation with the Commission on Decolonization. (SBill No. 154-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-91 - An act to amend §3103(16) of Article 1 of Chapter 3, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to Department of Education Management Assessments. (Bill No. 150-31, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-90 - An act to add a new §6101(k) to Article 1, and new §§6602(c) and (d) and 6603 to Article 6; and to amend §6600 of Article 6, all of Chapter 6 of Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to placing limitations on the importation of tobacco products. (Bill No. 146-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-89 - An act to add a new §3348 to Article 3 of Chapter 3, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting the use of video screens in a motor vehicle while in motion or in a lane of traffic. (SBill No. 136-31, Sponsor: M. Silva Taijeron / T.C. Ada / Sam Mabini, Ph.D., Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-88 - An act to repeal §58128.7 of Chapter 58, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to assistance in military outsourcing and downsizing. (Bill No. 132-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-87 - An act to amend §7118(d) of Article 1, Chapter 7 of Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring employers to obtain exit clearances from the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority for non-immigrant temporary workers. (Bill No. 123-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-86 - An act to add new §§77126 through 77132 to Chapter 77, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing a Lifeguard Volunteer Corps within the Department of Parks and Recreation to enhance the protection and safety of the people of Guam at public recreational areas. (Bill No. 118-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-85 - An act to add new §§ 54106, 54107 and 54108 to Article 1 of Chapter 54, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to allocating federal funds for mitigation and utilities relocation costs; and to amend §§ 53101, 53103 and 53104, and add new §§53102(a)(5) and 53109 all of Chapter 53 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to defining utilities as Permitted Encroachments. (Bill No. 114-31, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / C.M. Dueñas / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-84 - An act to add new §§12212.1, 12212.2 and 12212.3 to Article 2, Part 1 of Chapter 12, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the public disclosure of a physician's professional profile; and which may be cited as "The Patient Protection Through Information Act". (SBill No. 107-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-83 - An act to amend §53105 of Chapter 53, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to ensuring the adequate repair and restoration of Guam's public roads and highways by contractors who open and excavate these roads. (SBill No. 62-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-82 - An act to amend §1102(ss) and (uu) of Chapter 1, and §3102.2(a) and (c) of Article 1 of Chapter 3, all of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to facilitating the timely issuance of driver's licenses, through the allowance of off-duty road examinations. (Bill No. 38-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-81 - An act to amend §66202.1(a) of Article 2, Chapter 66 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to including the Guam Department of Agriculture as one of the agencies required for approval of a clearing and grading permit. (SBill No. 234-31, Sponsor: Sam Mabini, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-80 - An act to add a new §3222 to Chapter 3 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring the Department of Education to administer a career information delivery system pilot program to middle and high school students. (Bill No. 94-31, Sponsor: Sam Mabini, Ph.D. / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D., Passed: 9/19/11, Signed into Law: 9/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-79 - An act relative to extending the time limits for acting capacity of the superintendent of the Department of Education. (Bill No. 313-31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / J.P. Guthertz, DPA, Passed: 9/23/11, Signed into Law: 9/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-78 - An act to Amend §§22402, 24404, 24405, 22406, and 24407 of Article 4, Chapter 24 of Division 2, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, Relative to the real property tax provisions; to amend subsection (c) §1512.3 and to add a new item (4) to §1512.3(a) of Article 5, Chapter 1, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the General Obligation Bond Authorization. (Bill No. 1 (4-S), Sponsor: Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign, & Micronesian affairs, and Human & Natural Resources, Passed: 9/23/11, Signed into Law: 9/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-77 - An act making appropriations for the operations of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the Government of Guam for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2012, making other appropriations, and establishing miscellaneous and administrative provisions. (Bill No. 1 (2-S), Sponsor: Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Public Debt, Banking, Insurance, Retirement and Land, Passed: 9/7/11, Signed into Law: 9/20/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-76 - An Act to authorize the issuance of bonds for the repayment of unpaid income tax refunds, cost of living allowance to certain retired government of guam employees pursuant to the case known as Rios v. Camacho, health insurance premiums for fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes. (Bill No. 1 (3-S), Sponsor: Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign, & Micronesian affairs, and Human & Natural Resources. Passed: 9/14/11, Signed into Law: 9/19/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-75 - An act to appropriate funds for the operations of the Guam Department of Education for fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and to provide for the efficient opening of all schools, including F.Q. Sanchez Elementary School, by providing financing for working capital expenditures for the 2011-2012 school year; and for other purposes. (SBill No. 257-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 8/3/11, Signed into Law: 8/4/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-74 - An act to provide additional appropriation authorization for the government of Guam employee and retiree health insurance for fiscal year ending September 30, 2011, and for other purposes, to be known as the "Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2011". (SBill No. 184-31, Sponsor: Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs, and Human & Natural Resources, Passed: 6/3/11, Signed into Law: 6/6/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-73 - An act to establish the Administrative Rules and Regulations of the Department of Public Health & Social Services relative to child care facilities and group child care homes, under Article 1 of Chapter 1, Division 1, Title 26, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations, and in conformance with Article 4, Child Welfare Services Act, Chapter 2, Division 1, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated. (SBill No. 70-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 6/2/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-72 - An act to add new §§61309(c) of Article 3, and 61640 of Article 6, all of Chapter 61 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing a policy for the approval of workforce housing facilities for temporary workers. (Bill No. 15-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/25/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-71 - An act to add a new §4121 to Chapter 4, and a new §2103.2 to Chapter 2, all of Title 5; and to repeal and reenact §1106 of Chapter 1 of Title 2, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the suspension of the salaries of I Maga'lahen Guahan, I Segundu Na Maga'lahen Guahan, and the Senators of I Liheslaturan Guahan in the event of a government shutdown caused by the failure to enact an annual operating budget for the government of Guam in accordance with the Organic Act. (Bill No. 157-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-70 - An act to amend §§77108, 77110.1, 77110.2, 77110.3, 77110.4 and 77112; and to repeal §77110.5, all of Article 1 of Chapter 77, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the qualification requirements for uniformed management positions within the Guam Police Department. (Bill No. 152-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11)
Public Law 31-69 - An act to add a new §10.17 to Chapter 10 of Title 8, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the statute of limitation on crimes of first or second degree criminal sexual conduct. (Bill No. 135-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / F.F. Blas, Jr. / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-68 - An act to repeal and reenact §7103.1 of Chapter 7, and to add a new §1120 to Chapter 1, all of Title 3, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the use of electronic voting machines with voter verified paper ballots in Guam elections. (Bill No. 128-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-67 - An act to approve the lease by and between the Government of Guam and the Guam National Tennis Federation, by adding a new §77125 to Article 1 of Chapter 77 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated. (Bill No. 116-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muña Barnes / v.c. pangelinan / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-66 - An act to rezone Lot No. 13, Tract 209, in the municipality of Dededo, from One-Family Dwelling Zone (R1) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 109-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-65 - An act to rezone Lot No. 20, Block 9, Dededo village extension, in the municipality of Dededo, from Multiple Dwelling Zone (R2) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 108-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-64 - An act to amend §3202 (j) and (k) of Article 2 of Chapter 3, Title 19, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the payment for solemnization of marriage by a Mayor of Vice Mayor. (Bill No. 106-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-63 - An act to zone the previously unzoned Lot No. 2181-4NEW-R1NEW, Lot No. 5200-3, and Lot No. 5199-1, in the municipality of Barrigada, to Limited Industrial Zone (M1). (Bill No. 96-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-62 - An act to add a new Article 9 to Chapter 3 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing the Guam Early Learning Council for Guam's Early Childhood Comprehensive System. (SBill No. 89-31, Sponsor: A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-61 - An act to direct the Guam Election Commission to review and update procedures and policies contained in Title 6 (Elections) of the Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations (GARR); and to recommend to I Liheslatura any necessary changes to Title 3 (Elections) of the Guam Code Annotated (GCA); all in advance of the 2012 Elections. (Bill No. 88-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-60 - An act relative to granting a setback variance and density variance of Lot No. 54-2 REM, located in the municipality of Agana Heights. (Bill No. 68-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-59 - An act to amend §7105 of Chapter 7, and §16301(a), (d) and (e) of Article 3, Chapter 16, all of Title 3, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the primary election ballot. (SBill No. 54-31, Sponsor: C.M. Duenas / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-58 - An act to repeal §10129 of Chapter 10, Title 3, Guam Code Annotated, relative to early voting service to the community. (Bill No. 50-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-57 - An act to amend §19117 of Chapter 19 of Title 3, Guam Code Annotated, relative to campaign advertising; and to provide for penalties for violations of this Chapter. (Bill No. 27-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-56 - An act to rezone a certain parcel in the municipality of Tamuning from Multiple Dwelling Zone (R2) to Commercial Zone (C). (Bill No. 26-31, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / V.A. Ada / M. Silva Taijeron, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-55 - An act to require a project plan of action for the reconstruction of the Bile and Pigua Bay bridges in Malesso. (SBill No. 23-31, Sponsor: M. Silva Taijeron / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-54 - An act to zone Lot No. 2176-1-4 and 2176-1-R5, located in the municipality of Barrigada, as Commercial Zone (C) to allow for commercial use of the property. (ABill No. 20-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-53 - An act to authorize I Maga'lahen Guahanto sell severed government of Guam Lot 2417-3 to adjacent private landowner. (Bill No. 17-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/24/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-52 - An act to amend §8103 of Chapter 8, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to allowing the recording of open meetings. (ABill No. 126-31, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / T.R. Muna-Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/23/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-51 - An act to add a new §3336 (d) to Article 3 of Chapter 3 of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to increasing the penalties for drivers who disregard the safety of school children entering or exiting school buses. (ABill No. 122-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/23/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-50 - An act to add a new Chapter 8 to Title 5A, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations, relative to the Guam Commission for Educator Certification Rules & Regulations. (SBill No. 117-31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / Sam Mabini, Ph.D., Passed: 5/2/11, Signed into Law: 5/23/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-49 - An act to amend §§32302 and 32303(b) of Article 3, Chapter 32 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission with administrative and professional services necessary for the conduct of its activities. (Bill No. 105-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/23/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-48 - An act to add a new §89.14 to Chapter 89 of Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the e-mail addresses of registered sex offenders. (SBill No. 102-31, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / R.J. Respicio / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/23/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-47 - An act to add new subsections (y) and (z) to §89.01, a new subsection (i) to §89.03, and new subsections (g), (h), (i) to §89.05, all of Chapter 89 of Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to limiting access and regulating the use of social networking websites, instant messaging and chat rooms by registered sex offenders. (SBill No. 101-31, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / R.J. Respicio / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/23/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-46 - An act to repeal and re-enact §4502, to amend §4503, and to add a new §4510 to Chapter 4A; and to amend §3231 of Article 2 of Chapter 3, all of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the control and disposition of a dead human body, and the duty of burial. (Bill No. 97-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / V.A. Ada / T.C. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/23/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-45 - An act to amend §8103(a) of Chapter 8, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to expanding the Chamorro language and culture curriculum in public schools. (SBill No. 95-31, Sponsor: M. Silva Taijeron / v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/23/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-44 - An act to add new subsections (e) and (f) to §75107 of Chapter 75 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring two (2) appraisals of any Chamorro Land Trust property to be leased. (Bill No. 115-31, Sponsor: C.M. Duenas / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/17/11) Voting Sheet | Attachment
Public Law 31-43 - An act to add a new Chapter 70 to Division 6 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing the Guam Invasive Species Council; to establishing the Guam Invasive Species Inspection Fee and Fund; and to authorizing the Department of Agriculture to establish a Biosecurity Division. (SBill No. 111-31, Sponsor: C.M. Duenas / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 5/10/11, Signed into Law: 5/17/11) Voting Sheet | Attachment
Public Law 31-42 - An act to amend Section 3 of Public Law 30-216, relative to providing additional time to utilize funds for the repair and maintenance of school buses and public safety vehicles, and the reallocation of surplus funds to fund preventative maintenance on school buses. (SBill No. 142-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/2/11, Signed into Law: 5/16/11) Voting Sheet | Attachment
Public Law 31-41 - An act to establish Administrative Rules and Regulations of the Department of Public Health and Social Services under Article 5 of Chapter 4, Division 1, Title 26, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations, relative to the issuance of sanitary permits. (SBill No. 137-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/2/11, Signed into Law: 5/16/11) Voting Sheet | Attachment
Public Law 31-40 - An act to appropriate sixty million eighty eight thousand nine hundred thirty five dollars ($60,088,935) to the Guam Department of Education for ongoing and continuing capital improvement projects (CIPs), technology upgrades and equipment projects. (SBill No. 103-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 5/2/11, Signed into Law: 5/16/11) Voting Sheet | Attachment
Public Law 31-39 - An act to amend § 81113(b)(1) of Chapter 81 of Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to creating the Guam Cancer Assistance and Treatment (GCAT) program, to bridge the gaps in services for Guam cancer patients. (Bill No. 170-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / v.c. pangelinan / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 5/6/11, Signed into Law: 5/9/11) Voting Sheet | Attachment
Public Law 31-38 - An act to add a new §4125 to Chapter 4 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to encompassing internet safety in public education curricula. (Bill No. 100-31, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / R.J. Respicio / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-37 - An act to amend §151311; to add a new §151311.1; and to repeal §151307(c), all of Article 13 of Chapter 15 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the awarding of the Dr. Antonio C. Yamashita Teacher Corps Scholarship to Chamorro language and culture students at the University of Guam. (SBill No. 98-31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / C.M. Duenas, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-36 - An act to add a new § 80116(f) to Chapter 80 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, to provide expanded transparency and public access relative to the finances of the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority. (Bill No. 83-31, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr., Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-35 - An act to repeal and reenact Article 3 of Chapter 10 of Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting the privatization, sale or lease of the Jose D. Leon Guerrero Commercial Port. (Bill No. 79-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio / J.P. Guthertz, DPA, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-34 - An act to amend §33111 of Chapter 33 of Title 7, Guam Code Annotated, relative to Mechanics' Liens. (Bill No. 76-31, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-33 - An act to add new §§78103.1, 78103(a)(5) and 78103(d)(1) to Chapter 78 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing the Guam Community Police Review Commission with administrative and clerical support necessary for the conduct of its activities, and allowing for the appointment of a Interim Chairperson. (Bill No. 75-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / v.c. pangelinan, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-32 - An act to amend §43107 of Article 1, Chapter 43 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the quarterly attendance report of Board and Commission members. (Bill No. 74-31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-31 - An act to appropriate funds to the Guam Environmental Protection Agency (GEPA) for actions arising from the enforcement activities of Chapter 76 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, and for other purposes. (Bill No. 73-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-30 - An act to add a new §3347 to Article 3, Chapter 3, of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to penalties for moving violations involving large vehicles. (SBill No. 67-31, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-29 - An act to add a new §7112.1 to Division 2, Chapter 7 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the Guam Department of Education (GDOE) to enter into a public-private partnership for the management of the maintenance, operation and repair of GDOE facilities. (SBill No. 64-31, Sponsor: A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-28 - An act to add a new §75107 to Chapter 75, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to excluding law enforcement personnel, employees and positions from the application of the provision of "Safe Harbor" under the government of Guam's drug-free workplace program; and to amend §75100(a) of Chapter 75, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the definition of law enforcement personnel, employee, or position. (Bill No. 63-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-27 - An act to add new §§1102(c)(1), and 1102(vv) and (ww) to Chapter 1; and to add new definitions to §5101, amend §§5109(a), 5109(c) and 5112(b), and add new §§5112(d), 5116(d) and 5117 to Chapter 5, all of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to granting DMV/MCSAP officials with authority to issue citations and expand the scope of the authority and intrastate movements of CMVS, and codifies E.O. 87-27 relative to conducting inspection of CMVs at owner's premises. (SBill No. 61-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / V.A. Ada, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law:4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-26 - An act to amend Section 20 of Chapter XIII of Public Law 30-196 (The General Appropriations Act of 2011), relative to requiring all government of Guam agencies to comply with the staffing pattern disclosure mandates, inclusive of the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 2010. (Bill No. 59-31, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / T.C. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-25 - An act to amend §§1013 and 1013.1(c) of Chapter 10 of Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the Mayors Council of Guam to maintain oversight of the Guam Island Fair Committee and all Liberation Day festivities; and to add new §§1013.6 and 1013.7 to Chapter 10 of Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to ensuring fiscal accountability for all funds earned during Liberation Day festivities, and broadcast privilege. (SBill No. 57-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / Sam Mabini, Ph.D., Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-24 - An act to amend §5302(c) of Article 3, Chapter 4, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to policymakers participating in the government of Guam Healthcare Insurance Negotiating Team. (SBill No. 56-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D., Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-23 - An act to amend §11.10 of Chapter 11, Title 8, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing for the expungement of crime records following an executive pardon of a crime. (Bill No. 53-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-22 - An act to amend Section 2 of Public Law 26-100, relative to authorizing the Guam Police Department to occupy office space in Tiyan, until a permanent headquarters and administrative office facility is constructed, no later than September 30, 2013. (SBill No. 45-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-21 - An act to repeal §3123 of Article 1, Chapter 3 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent not part of I Maga'lahen Guahan's (Governor's) Cabinet. (Bill No. 42-31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / R.J. Respicio / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-20 - An act to amend §12000 of Chapter 12 of Title 12, Guam Code Annotated; to amend §1921 of Chapter 19 of Title 1, Guam Code Annotated; and to repeal §51103(b) and 51118 of Chapter 51, and to repeal Article 3, Article 4, Article 6, Article 7, Article 8 and Article 9 of Chapter 51 of Title 10, GCA, and reenact them under a new Chapter 51A, Title 10, GCA, relative to establishing the Guam Solid Waste Authority, an autonomous, public corporation. (SBill No. 35-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-19 - An act to amend §§3102.1, 3102.3(c) and 3102.2, and repeal §3102.3(d), all of Article 1, Chapter 3 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the duties of the Guam Education Board. (SBill No. 32-31, Sponsor: A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada / Sam Mabini, Ph.D., Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-18 - An act to amend §50103(p)(4) of Article 1, Chapter 50 of Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to Guam Economic Development Authority loans and lending practices. (Bill No. 24-31, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-17 - An act to repeal and reenact §67101.8 of Article 1, Chapter 67 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to fulfilling the mandate of Public Law 30-199 by providing for the establishment of the Guam Building Code Council. (Bill No. 18-31, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / C.M. Duenas, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-16 - An act to amend §5601(g), Part A of Article 11, Chapter 5 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the definition of 'Immediate Family' in public procurement. (Bill No. 12-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-15 - An act to add a new subitem (13) to §3103 of Chapter 3 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the Superintendent of Education to hire maintenance, custodial/janitorial, and cafeteria personnel at the Department of Education. (SBill No. 8-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 4/4/11, Signed into Law: 4/18/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-14 - An act relative to repealing inorganic provisions in conflict with 48 U.S.C. §1421G(A) - The Organic Act of Guam, by repealing §§ 80105.5 and 80107 of Chapter 80, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, pertaining to the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Board of Trustees. (Bill No. 127-31, Sponsor - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 4/1/11, Signed into Law: 4/4/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-13 - An act to add a new Article 3 to Chapter 50, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing the "Government of Guam Mitigation Program for Business Interruption." (SBill No. 36-31, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Overridden: 3/30/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-12 - An act to add a new §5425A to Part A of Article 9, Chapter 5 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing temporary expedited procurement protest procedures for acquisitions funded with 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act moneys allotted to the Guam Department of Education. (Bill No. 48.31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 2/24/11, Signed into Law: 3/9/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-11 - An act to amend §1032(e) of Chapter 10 of Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to Senior Citizens Day at the Legislature. (Bill No. 47-31, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr., Passed: 2/23/11, Signed into Law: 3/9/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-10 - An act to amend §§ 63101 and 63129, and to add new 63114.1, 63114.3, 63114.4 and 63114.5, all of Article 1, Chapter 63 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting the possession, selling, offering for sale, trading, or distribution of shark fins, rays and ray parts. (SBill No. 44-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada, Passed: 2/24/11, Signed into Law: 3/9/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-9 - An act to amend §§ 19.69 and 19.70 of Chapter 19, and §61.20 of Chapter 61, and new §§ 28.90, 28.100 and 28.101 to Chapter 28, all of Title 9, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend §3112.1 of Article 1, Chapter 3 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to bullying, cyberbullying and sexting. (Bill No. 41-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.R. Muna-Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 2/24/11, Signed into Law: 3/9/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-8 - An act to repeal and reenact Section 12 of Chapter III, Part II-Department of Public Health and Social Services, of Public Law 30-196, relative to funding for the government of Guam animal shelter, currently operated by the Guam Animals in Need (GAIN), Inc. (Bill No. 37-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 2/23/11, Signed into Law: 3/9/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-7 - An act to amend §11306, and to add a new §11306.50 of Article 3, Chapter 11 of Title 7, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the statute of limitations for civil actions involving child sexual abuse. (Bill No. 34-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 2/24/11, Signed into Law: 3/9/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-6 - An act to add a new §10.16 to Chapter 10 of Title 8, Guam Code Annotated, relative to repealing the statute of limitation for the prosecution of a sex crime involving a victim who is under the age of majority. (Bill No. 33-31, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 2/24/11, Signed into Law: 3/9/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-5 - An act to amend §34205(a) of Article 2, Chapter 34 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, and § 70.10 of Article 1, Chapter 70 of Title 9, Guam Code Annotated; and to addnew §§ 70.01, 70.10.1, 70.10.2 and 70.10.3 to Article 1, Chapter 70 of Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to keeping animals in Guam. (Bill No. 9-31, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 2/24/11, Signed into Law: 3/9/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-4 - An act to add a new §4128 to Article 1, Chapter 4 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the granting of administrative leave for volunteer sign language and foreign language interpreters. (Bill No. 58-31, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 2/24/11, Signed into Law: 3/8/11)
Public Law 31-3 - An act to amend §§ 85.10, 85.14 and 85.26 of Chapter 85, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the composition and powers of the Guam Parole Board. (Bill No. 16-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 2/24/11, Signed into Law: 3/8/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-2 - An act to add a new, subsection (u) to §80109 of Chapter 80, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority to solicit and contract, in whole or in part, for the management and operation of vendor services relative to cafeteria, snack bar, restaurant, and/or other food service activities. (Bill No. 55-31, Sponsor: D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D., Passed: 2/24/11, Signed into Law: 3/8/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 31-1 - An act to amend Section 2 of Public Law 30-233, relative to the suspension of annuity payment from the Defined Benefit Retirement Plan. (Bill No. 40-31, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 2/21/11, Signed into Law: 2/22/11) Voting Sheet

