Public Laws - 30th
The following list of Public Laws currently available in electronic format from the 30th Guam Legislature. If you do not see the Public Law you are looking for within the following list, please contact the Clerk of the Legislature or call (671) 472-3465/3474 (Updated: January 26, 2011)

Public Law 30-239 - An act to distribute additional COLA award payments for Certificates of Claim issued, and to authorize the sale of General Oblication Promissory Notes for payments to COLA awardees, in reference to Superior Court Case No. SP0206-93. (SBill No. 492-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 1/20/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-238 - An act to rezone Lot No. 5, Block No. 3, Tract 172. Agricultural subdivision of Lot No. 10065, Mogfog, Dededo to Public Facility (PF) zone, pursuant to §61313 of Article 3, Chapter 61 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, for the purpose of constructing a multi-purpose community center for public usage. (SBill No. 471-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 1/20/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-237 - An act to add a new §4120 to Chapter 4 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring government agencies to post their budget on their websites. (Bill No. 445-30, Sponsor: Telo Taitague / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / V.A. Ada, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 1/20/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-236 - An act to add a new Article 4 to Chapter 3 of Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to employment leave for victims of violence. (Bill No. 381-30, Sponsor: Telo Taitague / V.A. Ada / E.J.B. Calvo, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 1/20/11) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-235 - An act to add a new Section 9 to Public Law 30-200, relative to expanding the borrowing ability of the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority by including the authorization to also enter into revolving load funds, and direct loans. (Bill No. 503-30, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-234 - An act to rezone Lot No. 14, Block 16 in the municipality of Santa Rita from One-Family Dwelling Zone (R1) to Multiple Dwelling Zone (R2). (SBill No. 499-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-233 - An act to amend subsection (a) of §8121 of Chapter 8 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the suspension of annuity payment. (Bill No. 498-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-232 - An act to zone Apra Harbor Reservation Lot F-12-1 and Lot F-12-R1, in the municipality of Piti, to Limited Industrial (M1) Zone. (Bill No. 494-30, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-231 - An act to zone the previously unzoned Lot No. 165-R4 in the municipality of Piti to Limited Industrial (M1) Zone. (Bill No. 493-30, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-230 - An act to amend §§26201 and 26202(e) of Article 2 of Chapter 26, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the business privilege tax on contractors. (SBill No. 491-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / J.P. Guthertz, DPA, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-229 - An act to repeal and reenact §3401(d); to repeal and reenct §3401.1(a),(b),(d) and (e); and to add a new §3401.1(m), all of Article 4 of Chapter 3, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to accessible parking in Guam. (SBill No. 486-30, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-228 - An act to add a new §1515 and amend §1514(b) of Article 5, Guam Code Anntoated; and to amend Section 2 of Public Law 30-179, relative to authorizing the issuance of government of Guam limited oblication bonds for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and equipping an educational cultural facility and certain other projects that benefit Guam's tourism industry, and for the purpose of refunding government of Guam limited obligation infrastructure improvement bonds, 1997 services A, to approve the terms and condistions of such bond issue; and to changing the terms for the issuance of debt authorized under Public Law 30-179. (SBill No. 485-30, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-227 - An act to amend §4302(c), and to add new subsections (1), (2) and (3), of Article 3, Chapter 4 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend §15102 of Article 1, Chapter 15, Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing an open process in healthcare insurance negotiations for employees and retirees of the government of Guam, and to be known as the "Healthcare Insurance Transparency Act of 2010." (Bill No. 482-30, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-226 - An act to exhange undeveloped lots within the Pigua subdivision "Land for the Landless Project", designated in Public Law 25-181, with other lots in Dedeo. (Bill No. 481-30, Sponsor: E.J.B. Calvo / V.A. Ada / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-225 - An act to amend Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, Division 1, Chapter 2, §2907.2(a), relative to providing annual mammograms for women forty (40) years of age and older who are clients of the medically indigent program, while medically necessary and as otheriws stipulated. (Bill No. 477-30, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-224 - An act to add new Sections 9 and 10 to Chapter VIII of Public Law 30-196, relative to providing to the Mayors Council of Guam a continuing appropriation and an authorization for payments of prior year obligations; and to make technical changes to the General Appropriations Act of 2011. (SBill No. 462-30, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-223 - An act to repeal and reenact Chapter 89 of Title 9 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Guam Sex Offender Registry. (Bill No. 428-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-222 - An act to amend §10306 of Article 3, Chapter 10 to Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to posting forms and applications of government of Guam agencies on the internet. (SBill No. 380-30, Sponsor: Telo Taitague / V.A. Ada / E.J.B. Calvo, Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-221 - An act to add a new Chapter 44 to Title 10, Guam Code Annotated; and to add a new §76220 to Chat er76, Article 2 of Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the implementation of the "Guam Beverage Container Recycling Act". (SBill No. 149-30, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 12/22/10, Signed into Law: 12/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-220 - An act to amend §§77109 and 77112, and to repeal §77110 of Chapter 77, Article 1, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Chief of Police, the Deputy Chief of Police, and the Police Commander of the Guam Police Department. (Bill No. 466-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Overridden: 12/21/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-219 - An act to add new subsections (5), (6), (7) and (8) to §13109(a), Chapter 13 of Title 2, Guam Code Annotated, relative to Section 30 funds and other federal matters. (SBill No. 438-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.R. Muna-Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Overridden: 12/21/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-218 - An act to amend §13201(b) of Article 2, Chapter 13, Title 19 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the reporting of suspected child abuse or neglect by clergy personnel of churches, or other religious organizations. (SBill No. 372-30, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Overridden: 12/21/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-217 - An act to reprogram the sum of One Million Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,050,000) from unused bond proceeds to the Department of Public Works for the paving of village streets as a result of traffic diversions related to ongoing road construction projects. (SBill No. 474-30, Sponsor: Telo Taitague / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-216 - An act to reprogram and appropriate funds from the Limited Obligation Highway Bonds authorized by Public Law 19-2, relative to improving the availability of Department of Public Works (DPW) school buses by the refurbishing of selected school buses; performing overdue preventative maintenance services; purchasing of tools and equipment for bus maintenance; and the repairing of facilities at DPW bus substations; and to repair vehicles of the Guam Police Department, and the Guam Fire Department. (SBill No. 473-30, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-215 - An act to amend subsection (a) of §3107 of Article 1, Chapter 3 of Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to compensation for public safety personnel who perform work in shifts. (Bill No. 467-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-214 - An act to repeal and reenact §34152 of Article 1, Chapter 34, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to disbursing child support payments by electronic means. (Bill No. 463-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-213 - An act to add a new Article 2 to Chapter 40, of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to creating a Community Partnership Council (CPC), for the purposes of identifying sites and funding for the construction of multipurpose centers for every village, which shall be known as the "Community Partnership Act of 2010." (SBill No. 461-30, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-212 - An act to amend §51821(a) of Article 8, Chapter 51 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the use of proceeds of sale of bonds. (Bill No. 459-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-211 - An act to approve the offical zoning map F3 67S 52, the Dos Amantes planning area and all related zoning amendments. (SBill No. 453-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-210 - An act to amend §8150 of Article 1, Chapter 8, Title 4 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to investments in bonds of United States and Federal Instrumentalities. (Bill No. 450-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / Telo Taitague / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-209 - An act to authorize the extension of the term of the lease between the Port Authority of Guam and Cemention Micronesia, LLC< for a term of up to thirty (30) years. (SBill No. 442-30, Sponsor: T.C. Ada. / V.A. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-208 - An act to amend §4302 (b) of Chapter 4, Article 3, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing utilization and cost information to current and prospective health insurance companies who provide health care coverage to government of Guam employees and retirees. (Bill No. 431-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-207 - An act to add a new §80105 (g) to Chapter 80 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the transfer of property under the jurisdiction of the Port Authority of Guam to the jurisdiction of the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission. (Bill No. 403-30, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-206 - An act to add a new §80105 (f) to Chapter 80 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the transfer of property under the jurisdiction of the Port Authority of Guam to the jurisdiction of the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission. (Bill No. 402-30, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-205 - An act to add a new §80105 (e) to Chapter 80 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the transfer of property under the jurisdiction of the Port Authority of Guam to the jurisdiction of the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission. (Bill No. 401-30, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-204 - An act to amend Section 6 of Public Law 24-141, relative to event admissions assessment to the Guam Raceway Park. (SBill No. 364-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-203 - An act to rezone Lot No. 1, Block 2, of the subdivision of Lot 1098 remainder, located in the municipality of Barrigada, Guam, from Residential Zone (R1) to Commercial Zone (C), to allow for greater application and use of the property and the surrounding area. (Bill No. 306-30, Sponsor: F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-202 - An act to repeal §77108, Chapter 77, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, "Authority to hire Attorney"; and to repeal §3104, Chapter 3, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing provisions for the Attorney General to provide legal services to the Guam Police Department, and relative to the positions of Fire Chief and Chief of Police, and for other purposes. (Bill No. 271-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada, Overridden: 11/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-201 - An act to authorize the funding for the construction of the University of Guam Student Services Center and the annex building for the School of Engineering; for the extension of the Guam Community College (GCC) Gregorio G. Perez Crime Lab Building; and for the renovation and hardening of GCC buildings 100 and 200. (SBill No. 446-30, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/10/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-200 - An act to amend subsection (s) of §80109, Chapter 80, Division 4, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to expanding the borrowing ability of the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority by including the authorization to also enter into revolving loan funds, and direct loans. (SBill No. 479-30, Sponsor: F.B. Aguon, Jr. / v.c. pangelinan / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 11/30/10, Signed into Law: 12/9/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-199 - An act to ratify the adoption of the 2009 editions of the International Building Code, International Fire Code, and additional related construction codes, as amended, and to provide for a task force to develop a new Guam Building Code Council. (Bill No. 460-30, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 9/7/10, Signed into Law: 9/21/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-198 - An act to appropriate Four Hundred Fifty-Four Thousand One Hundred Fifty-One Dollars ($454,151) from the Guam Highway Fund to the Guam Regional Transit Authority for the purpose of carrying out its mandate. (Bill No. 427-30, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 9/7/10, Signed into Law: 9/10/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-197 - An act to repeal and adopt a new Title 22, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations, Division III, Chapter 15; and to amend 10 GCA Chapter 50 relative to the Guam Environmental Protection Agency's pesticide regulations. (SBill No. 441-30, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 8/20/10, Signed into Law: 9/1/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-196 - An act making appropriations for the operations of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the government of Guam for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2011, making other appropriations, and establishing miscellaneous and administrative provisions. (SBill No. 439-30, Sponsor: Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, Retirement, and Land, Passed: 8/20/10, Signed into Law: 9/1/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-195 - An act to amend subsections (a) and (b) of §12203 of Part 1, Article 2; and subsections (a) and (b) of §12803 of Part 1, Article 8 of Chapter 12 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to provisions applicable to the Board of Medical Examiners, and the Guam Board of Allied Health Examiners. (SBill No. 416-30, Sponsor: F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 8/16/10, Signed into Law: 8/28/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-194 - An act to repeal and reenact subsection (g), and to add a new subsection (h) of §3811, Article 8, Chapter 3 of Title 10, Guam Code Annoated, relative to restoring the Community Health Center Council's authorization to access and expend funds from the Community Health Center Revolving Fund, and to ensuring accountability by requiring monthly financial reports and an annual audit. (Bill No. 410-30, Sponsor: F.B. Aguon, Jr. / v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada, Passed: 8/16/10, Signed into Law: 8/28/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-193 - An act to add a new §1127 to Chapter 1, Title 2, Guam Code Annotated, relative to honoring those killed in action by the designation of I Milayan Mas Takhilo' Na Sakrufisu. (Bill No. 407-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 8/16/10, Signed into Law: 8/28/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-192 - An act to amend §15105, and to repeal and reenact §15107(a)(2) of Chapter 15 of Title 18 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to Limited Liability Companies. (Bill No. 394-30, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / V.A. Ada / v.c. pangelinan, Passed: 8/16/10, Signed into Law: 8/28/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-191 - An act to add a new subsection (g) to §50103.1 of Article 1, Chapter 50 of Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to local sale of bonds. (Bill No. 388-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 8/16/10, Signed into Law: 8/28/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-190 - An act to repeal and re-enact Chapter 80 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, realtive to establishing the autonomy of the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority. (Bill No. 386-30, Sponsor: F.B. Aguon, Jr. / F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 8/16/10, Signed into Law: 8/28/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-189 - An act to repeal and reenact §8101 of Chapter 8 of Title 2 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the registration and regulation of legislative lobbyists. (Bill No. 383-30, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada, Passed: 8/16/10, Signed into Law: 8/28/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-188 - An act to add a new Article 2 to Chapter 30 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the office of the Attorney General to recover costs associated with providing statutorily mandated legal services to agencies and programs that are not supported by the tax-base of the government of Guam. (SBill No. 345-30, Sponsor: Telo Taitague / B.J.F. Cruz / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 8/16/10, Signed into Law: 8/28/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-187 - An act to amend §4301(a), and to add new 4301.1(d) and 4302.2 of Article 3, Chapter 4, Guam Code Annotated, realtive to creating the government of Guam Employee Health Benefits Trust Fund by the Division of Accounts of the Department of Administration. (Bill No. 252-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 8/16/10, Signed into Law: 8/28/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-186 - An act to amend §61531 of Part 4, Article 4 of Chapter 61, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to expanding the provisions of the Automobile Parking Space Provision. (SBill No. 188-30, Sponsor: J.V. Espaldon / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 8/16/10, Signed into Law: 8/28/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-185 - An act to rezone a certain parcel in the municipality of Mangilao from Single Family Residential (R1) zone to Commercial (C) zone. (Bill No. 32-30, Sponsor: E.J.B. Calvo / T.R. Muna-Barnes / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 8/16/10, Signed into Law: 8/28/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-184 - An act to add a new §49119, and a new §49104(r) to Chapter 49 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, realtive to creating the Ultra-low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Standard for diesel fuel in Guam. (SBill No. 414-30, Sponsor: Telo Taitague / R.J. Respicio / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 8/16/10, Signed into Law: 8/28/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-183 - An act to repeal and re-enact §§3102 and 3103; to repeal §§3108, 3111.1, 3112, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118, 3119, 3120 and 3124; and to add new §§3102.1, 3102.2, 3102.3, 3102.4, 3102.5, 3102.6, 3102.7, and 3103.1, all of Chapter 3 of Title 17 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the reorganization of the GUam Education Policy Board. (SBill No. 424-30, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / A.V. Ada, Passed: 8/13/10, Signed into Law: 8/25/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-182 - An act to add a new Chapter 58B to Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the financing and construction of additional facilities for the expansion of the existing Okkodo High School in northern Guam. (SBill No. 413-30, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / J.V. Espaldon, Passed: 8/13/10. Signed into Law: 8/25/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-181 - An act to address the payment of the promissory note between the Guam Department of Education and the Guam Power Authority in Fiscal Year 2010. (Bill No. 444-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 8/9/10, Signed into Law: 8/20/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-180 - An act to add new subsections (a), (b) and (c) to §76212 of Article 2, Chapter 76 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting the transfer of all prehistoric and historic properties, antiquities, and objects owned by the people of Guam, or in the investory of the government of Guam, without legislative concurrence. (Bill No. 359-30, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 8/19/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-179 - An act to add a new §1514 to Article 5 of Chapter 1 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to obtaining a limited obligation loan to acquire, construct and equip an education cultural facility. (SBill No. 179-30, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 8/13/10, Signed into Law: 8/14/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-178 - An act to amend §§ 58A105, 58A108 and 58A109 of Chapter 58A of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated. (Bill No. 1 (5-S), Sponsor: Committee on Natural Resources, and Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs, Passed: 7/29/10, Signed into Law: 8/3/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-177 - An act relative to reaffirming the Judiciary of Guam as a seperate and equal branch of the Government of Guam, through ensuring the proper and timely disbursement of cash allotments necessary for the administration of justice in the courts as provided in the annual appropriations by I LIHESLATURAN GUAHAN to the Judiciary of Guam. (SBill No. 100-30, Sponsor: F.B. Aguon Jr. / J.V. Espaldon / v.c. pangelinan, Passed: 7/2/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-176 - An act to amend Chapter 12 of Title 17 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Guam Academy Charter Schools. (SBill No. 412-30, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-175 - An act to amend §5270 of Article 4, Chapter 5, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to including the Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse in the government gruop purchase of drugs from manufacturers. (SBill No. 405-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-174 - An act to prohibit the possession of HU-210, JWH-018 and JWH-073, chemicals found in the product commonly known as Spice, and Salvia Divinorum or Salvinorum A. (Bill No. 396-30, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-173 - An act to amend §§61619 and 61633 of Article 6, Chapter 61, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to hearing date-notice. (Bill No. 391-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-172 - An act to amend subsection (d) of Section 38, Chapter VI of Public Law 29-113, relative to the LADA estates project and ensuring access to affordable housing for the people of Guam. (Bill No. 390-30, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-171 - An act to add a new §3132 to Article 1, Chapter 3, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to creating better public service for the Man'amko and individuales with mobility disabilities. (Bill No. 379-30, Sponsor: Telo Taitague / V.A. Ada / E.J.B. Calvo, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-170 - An act to amend subsection (a) and to add a new subsection (g) of §4301, Article 3, Chapter 4, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to recognizing the tremendous benefit and importance of perventive healthcare activities and programs in promoting healthier lives, through requiring that the acquisition of health or medical insurance through the government of Guam include the provision of preventive healthcare, wellness, and fitness. (Bill No. 378-30, Sponsor: F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-169 - An act to add a new §849.6 to Article 1, Chapter 8 of Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to renaming the South Daigo Dededo buffer strip, located within lot block 16A, as the "Dededo Veterans' Memorial Park." (Bill No. 362-30, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-168 - An act to renumber §§20119 and 20120, and to add new §§20119 and 20120 to Chapter 20 of Title 19, Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting discrimination for government of Guam programs solely on the basis of conviction of a status offense. (Bill No. 352-30, Sponsor: V.A. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr. / Telo Taitague, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-167 - An act to amend §§ 8107 and 8108 of Chapter 8, Title 7, Guam Code Annotated, and §6403 of Article 4, Chapter 7, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to including school attendance officers under the provisions of special deputy appointments. (SBill No. 346-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / Telo Taitague, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-166 - An act to amend §26603(d) of Article 6, Chapter 26, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) with a secured funding source for the purpose of reducing outstanding debt service payments, thereby providing financial relief in GMHA's borrowing ability and support in its operations. (F.B. Aguon, Jr. / v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-165 - An act to add a new Article 10 to Chapter 51 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to recognizing the villages of Inarajan and Ordot as the host community for accomodating the solid waste disposal needs of the entire island of Guam resulting from the operation of the Leyon landfill and the Ordot dump in their backyards. (SBill No. 303-30, Sponsor: Telo Taitague / T.C. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-164 - An act to add a new §3133 to Article 1 of Chapter 3 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the creation of the Department of Education Financial Supervisory Commission; and to amend §3112 of Article 1 of Chapter 3 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated. (Bill No. 238-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-163 - An act to add a new Chapter 90A to Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting the importation and sale of ingestible tobacco film strips, ingestible tobacco sticks, tobacco hard candies, nicotine lollipops, nicotine lip balm, and nicotine water. (Bill No. 159-30, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-162 - An act to repeal §64.50 of Article 2, Chapter 64, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated; and to repeal and reenact Chapter 5 of Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to restricting greyhound racing. (SBill No. 406-30, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-161 - An act to amend §7120.3(b) of Chapter 7, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the inclusion of widows and widowers in the eligibility for issuance of special gold star license plates. (Bill No. 338-30, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada / v.c. pangelinan, Passed:7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/16/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-160 - An act to amend §40110 (a) and (b) of Chapter 40, Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the filling of vacancies for Mayors and Vice Mayors. (Bill No. 374-30, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / V.A. Ada / T.C. Ada, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/14/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-159 - An act to amend Section 9 and Section 11 of Public Law 30-25, relative to the implementation date of the 2009 International Building Code (IBC 09), and the adoption of the referenced codes. (Bill No. 433-30, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/14/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-158 - An act to authorize the Ancestral Lands Commission to extinguish claims of original landowners of Tiyan properties transferred to the A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority by the United States of America by a land exchange with properties identified persuant to Public Law 30-06. (SBill No. 278-30, Sponsor: Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, Retirement, and Land, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/13/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-157 - An act to amend § 5150 of Part F, Article 2 of Chapter 5 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, realative to the duties of the Attorney General. (Bill No. 434-30, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-156 - An act to amend §3303 of Article 3, §§3419 and 3420 of Article 4, and §3619 of Article 6, all of Chapter 3 of Title 11, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend §§18102 and 18121 of Article 1, Chapter 18 of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to increasing the minimum legal drinking age; and to be known as the "Ramon Someros Oberiano Act". (Bill No. 389-30, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-155 - An act to amend §3613 of Article 6, Chapter 3, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the penalty imposed for violations of the hours of sale provision of the alcoholic beverage control law. (Bill No. 357-30, Sponsor: B.J.F, Cruz / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-154 - An act to amend §3414 of Article 4, Chapter 3, Title 11 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to reducing the hours of sale of alcoholic beverages. (Bill No. 356-30, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 7/2/10, Signed into Law: 7/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-153 - An act to add a new subsection (g) to §55102, Chapter 55, Division 3, Title 10 of the Guam Code Annotated; and to amend §5.55(g) of Article 2, Chapter 5, Title 8, Guam Code Annotated, relative to including the criminal investigation supervisor, tax investigators, assistant tax investigators, compliance inspection supervisor and compliance inspectors of the Department of Revenue and Taxation, and the entomologist and the commodity inspectors of the Department of Agriculture in the compensation of public safety and law enforcement officers. (SBill No. 304-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 7/2/10, Passed into Law: 7/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-152 - An act to repeal and reenact Chapter 18 of Title 10 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the "Barbering and Cosmetology Act of 2010". (SBill No. 358-30, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / E.J.B. Calvo, Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/25/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-151 - An act to add a new Article 3 to Chapter 36 of Title 18, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the establishment of a secure and fair enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act. (SBill No. 351-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada, Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/25/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-150 - An act to add a new §80105 (d) to Chapter 80 of Titlr 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the transfer of property under the jurisdiction of the Port Authority of Guam to the jurisdiction of the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission. (Bill No. 382-30, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / Telo Taitague, Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-149 - An act to amend Section 11 of Public Law 30-101, relative to the appropriation to the Guam Veterans Affairs Office. (Bill No. 371-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada, Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-148 - An act to amend §60112 of Article 1, Division 2 of Chapter 60, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the land for the landless program. (Bill No. 370-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-147 - An act relative to approving the terms and conditions of the issuance by Guam Power Authority (GPA) of revenue bonds to finance the local matching portion of costs of the Smart Grid Project; to fund certain other generation, transmission and distribution projects; to fund the costs of an administration building; to refund specific outstanding GPA bonds; and to approve the terms and conidtions of the issuance by Guam Power Authority of subordinate revenue bonds to fund certain reserves and refund its outstanding obligations relating to its commercial paper program. (Bill No. 368-30, Sponsor: F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-146 - An act to amend Section 29 of Public Law 30-101, relative to including a waiver of immunity for the Thirty Million Dollar ($30,000,000) short term note to be issued by the Guam Waterworks Authority (GWA). (SBill No. 366-30, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-145 - An act to amend section 4 of Public Law 28-71, relative to approving the terms and conditions of the issuance of Guam Waterworks Authority revenue bonds (SBill No. 365-30, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-144 - An act to add a new subsection (e) to §7160, and a new subsection (f) to §7161 of Chapter 7, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated; to add a new subsection (d) to §51506, Chapter 51, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend §7120.2(e) of Chapter 7, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, as amended by Public law 30-115, relative to the motor vehicle registration and license plate fees for veterans rated at a 100% disability of individual unemployability. (Bill No. 360-30, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-143 - An act to repeal §30106 (c) of Chapter 30, Title 11 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the exemptions from hotel occupancy tax. (Bill No. 350-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada, Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-142 - An act to add a new §80105 (c) to Chapter 80 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the transfer of property under the jurisdiction of the Port Authority of Guam to the jurisdiction of the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission. (SBill No. 349-30, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / Telo Taitague / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-141 - An act to amend §§ 8502(c) (2) and (3) of Article 5, and 8312 of Article 3 of Chapter 8, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to net metering. (Bill No. 320-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-140 - An act to add new definitions (ss), (tt), and (uu) to §1102 of Chapter 1, Title 16; to add new §§3102.2, 3102.3 and 3102.4 to Chapter 3, Title 16; and to add a new §6233 of Article 2, Chapter 6, Title 4, all of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing charges and compensation for Department of Revenue and Taxation examiners who perform off-duty examinations. (Bill No. 316-30, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-139 - An act to add a new Chapter 85A to Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to creating the Guam Masters Award to recognize master practitioners of Guam's traditional and folk art. (SBill No. 305-30, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.R. Muna-Barnes / Telo Taitague, Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-138 - An act to add a new §6233 to Article 2 of Chapter 6, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the divsion of environmental health of the Department of Public Health & Social Services; and to be known as the "Environmental Public Health Modernization and Revitalization Act of 2010". (SBill No. 272-30, Sponsor: F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-137 - An act to zone the previously unzoned lot number 2436-7, in the municipality of Mangilao, to (C) zone. (SBill No. 187-30, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-136 - An act to add a new Article 2 of Chapter 20 of Title 8, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the creation of an online warrent repository/registry. (SBill No. 162-30, Sponsor: Ray Tenorio / E.J.B. Calvo / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-135 - An act to amend §§ 51202(a) and 51207 of Article 2, Chapter 51 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend §3401.1.(h)(4) of Title 16 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to doubling the penalties for littering for violators that discard cigarettes from vehicles when the fire danger rating is high. (SBill No. 103-30, Sponsor: Telo Tiatague / Judith T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/17/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-134 - An act to amend §6114 of Chapter 6 of Title 3, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the criminal record of a person seeking public office. (Bill No. 384-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada, Passed: 5/3/10, Signed into Law: 5/14/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-133 - An act to amend §72106(a) of Chapter 72 of Title 10 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Fire, Life and Medical Emergency Fund ('FLAME'). (Bill No. 376-30, Sponsor: Ray Tenorio / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / v.c. pangelinan, Passed: 4/28/10, Signed into Law: 4/30/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-132 - An act to amend §§2301(d), (e) and (f), and 2303(b), and to add new §§2301(h), 2303(g) and 2304 to Article 3 Chapter 2 of Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to petroleum sale, accounting and inspection of petroleum products. (SBill No. 327-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/14/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-131 - An act to amend §51118 of Chapter 51, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to removing certain exemptions to Guam's Solid Waste Tipping and User Fees. (SBill No. 332-30, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/2/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-130 - An act to establish a Civilian Volunteer Airport Police Reserve Program within the A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority Police, by adding a new §1112.3 to Chapter 1, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated. (Bill No. 330-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/2/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-129 - An act to amend §30103 of Chapter 30, Title 22, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend §§104203 and 104208, and to repeal §104210 of Chapter 104, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to real estate broker licensing requirements and other purposes. (SBill No. 319-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/2/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-128 - An act to add a new subsection (a) to Section 14 of Chapter XIII of Public Law 30-55, relative to the restriction on the home use of government of Guam vehicles. (SBill No. 307-30, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / R.J. Respicio / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/2/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-127 - An act relative to adopting the Association of Government Accountants' "Citizen-Centric Report" initiative. (SBill No. 263-30, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / R.J. Respicio / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/2/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-126 - An act to amend §6205.2 of Article 2, Chapter 6, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative ro clarifying the restrictions established on the recruitment or compensation of government of Guam personnel above step 10 of the compensation schedule. (Bill No. 208-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / Telo Taitague, Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/2/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-125 - An act to amend §4110 and to add a new §4110.2 to Chapter 4, Title 4 of the Guam Code Annotated, realtive to Sabbatical Leave at the University of Guam. (Bill No. 328-30, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/1/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-124 - An act to amend §281601(b), and to add a new §28817A and a new subarticle B to Chapter 28, Part 5, Division 1 of Title 18 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to including directors' liability and conflict provisions in the revised Model Business Corporation Act. (Bill No. 325-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/1/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-123 - An act to add a new §849.5 to Article 1, Chapter 8 of Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to renaming the Merizo Community Center as the "Senator Jose Manalisay Acfalle Community Center." (SBill No. 318-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/1/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-122 - An act to amend §26104(c) and (d) of Chapter 26, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to exempting taxicabs from the requirement for a child restraint system, booster seat. (SBill No. 315-30, Sponsor: J.V. Espaldon / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/1/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-121 - An act to amend §§37.10, 37.20 and 37.30, and to add a new §37.40, all of Chapter 37 of Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to amending the Burglary and Criminal Trespass Statutes, to include automobilies and motor vehicles. (SBill No. 295-30, Sponsor: Ray Tenorio / E.J.B. Calvo / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/1/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-120 - An act to amend §8154 of Article 1, Chapter 8, Title 4 of the Guam Code Annotated, realtive to authorizing investments in fixed income securities covered in the U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. (Bill No. 288-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/1/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-119 - An act to amend §22430 of Article 4, Chapter 22 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the use of government funds for disseminating public information. (SBill No. 249-30, Sponsor: Telo Taitague / v.c. pangelinan / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/1/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-118 - An act to reenact §66409(c) of Chapter 66 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to restoring the "DPW Building and Design Fee Account" for the purpose of funding the operations of the Division of Engineering-Capital Improvement Project Building Permits and Inspection Section of the Department of Public Works. (SBill No. 244-30, Sponsor: J.V. Espaldon / T.C. Ada / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/1/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-117 - An act to amend §4109 (a) of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to annual leave for Judges and Justices. (Bill No. 221-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/1/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-116 - An act to add a new Article 3 to Chapter 9, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to creating a Guam Visitors Bureau "Rainy Day Fund". (Bill No. 18-30, Sponsor: J.V. Espaldon / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/1/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-115 - An act to amend §7120.2(e) of Chapter 7, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to veteran license plate fees for veterans reated at a one hundred percent (100%) permanent and total disability. (Bill No. 298-30, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / Telo Taitague / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 3/19/10, Signed into Law: 4/1/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-114 - An act to amend §63201(b), and §63203(b) and (c) of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to recognizing the growth and expansion of the Guam National Guard in recent years in its contributions to the national defense of our nation and in support of our island, through ensuring that the qualifications and duties of the adjutant general, and the assistant adjutant general for the Guam Air National Guard properly reflect such growth and impending future military National Guard initiatives. (SBill No. 155-30, Sponsor: F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 2/26/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-113 - An act to repeal §43119 of Chapter 43, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to abolishing a board or commission that has not met within a year. (Bill No. 284-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-112 - An act to repeal §§ 4403, 4405 (b) and (c), 4408, and §5105; to amend §4406; and to add new §§ 4410 and 4411 to Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to restoring certain jurisdictions. and to clarify certain functions of the Civil Service Commission. (SBill No. 92-30, Sponsor: J.P. Guthertz, DPA / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-111 - An act to amend § 7119 (a) and (c) of Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, Chapter 7, Article 1, relative to computing the non-immigrant temporary worker registration fee for each non-immigrant worker on a pro-rated length of time no greater than the length of time the worker is legally authorized to be in Guam for employment purposes, and to specify deposit amounts of fees. (SBill No. 313-30, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / J.P Guthertz, DPA / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-110 - An act to add a new §51120 to Chapter 51 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the authorization to create a feasibility plan for the installation of a commercial methane recovery system at all Guam landfills. (SBill No. 310-30, Sponsor: Telo Taitague / T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-109 - An act to amend §6114 of Chapter 6 of Title 13, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the criminal record of a person seeking public office. (SBill No. 296-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-108 - An act to amend subsctions (c), (d) and (e), and add new subsections (f) and (g) to, §3811 of Chapter 3, Article 8, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated; and to add new subsections (6) and (7) to §3814 of Chapter 3, Article 8, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the establishment and use of the Community Health Center Revolving Fund. (SBill No. 280-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-107 - An act to add a new §4127 to Chapter 4 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the granting of administrative leave for donations of blood. (Bill No. 277-30, Sponsor: Ray Tenorio / E.J.B. Calvo / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/11/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-106 - An act to amend §3811 (a) of Chapter 3, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing clarification and flexibility to the Department of Public Health & Social Services in the management of its financial resources for the direct operation of the Community Health Centers. (SBill No. 275-30, Sponsor: F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-105 - An act to amend §6217 of Chapter 6 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to ensuring that public employees who work at night receive night differential pay. (Bill No. 236-30, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/11/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-104 - An act to appropriate funds from the balance of the 2009 Territorial Education Facilities Fund to the Department of Education. (Bill No. 230-30, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / E.J.B. Calvo / v.c. pangelinan, Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-103 - An act to amend subsection (h) and to add a new subsection (i) to §61503 of Chapter 61, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to exceptions to yard and area regulations. (SBill No. 201-30, Sponsor: R.J. Respicio / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-102 - An act to add a new §75108 (i) to Chapter 75, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated; to add a new §21002.1 to Chapter 21, Title 3, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend §2104 of Chapter 21, Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Commission on Decolonization. (SBill No. 184-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / Telo Taitague / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-101 - An act to reprogram and appropriate funds for various programs and projects, and other purposes, for Fiscal Year 2010. (SBill No. 317-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 2/26/10. Signed to Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-100 - An act to amend Section 4 of Public Law 30-57, relative to the Jose D. Leon Guerrero Commercial Port of Guam Master Plan Update 2007 Report. (SBill No. 333-30, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/11/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-99 - An act to add a new §7177 to Chapter 7 of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to vehicles owned or operated by individuals with hearing or speech disabilities. (Bill No. 293-30, Sponsor: Telo Taitague / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.B. Palcios, Sr., Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-98 - An act to add a new §3117 to Chapter 3 of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to drivers licenses issued to individuals with hearing and speech disabilities; and to add a new §57106 to Chapter 57 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to Guam Identification Cards issued to individuals with hearing and speech disabilities. (SBill No. 282-30, Sponsor: Telo Taitague / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-97 - An acto to add a new subsection (f) to §84121 of Chapter 84, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the rights of individuals with hearing and speech disabilities to access emergency 911 services. (Bill No. 281-30, Sponsor: Telo Taitague / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-96 - An act to transfer properties under the jurisdiction of the Port Authority of Guam to the jurisdiction of the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission, by adding a new §80105 (b) to Chapter 80 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated. (SBill No. 218-30, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / E.J.B. Calvo / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/12/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-95 - An act to add a new §849.4 to Chapter 8 of Article 1 of Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to naming the baseball fields situated within the Dededo Sports Complex as the "Gregory "Coach Greg" Andrew Matanane Memorial Baseball Complex", acknowledging his his contributions in securing the funds for the development of the fields. (SBill No. 245-30, Sponsor: E.J.B. Calvo / F.F. Blas, Jr. / J.V. Espaldon, Passed: 2/26/10, Signed into Law: 3/10/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-94 - An act to add a new §§4201 through 4365 to Chapter 4 of Title 3, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations, relative to establishing the rules and regulations of the Guam Unarmed Combat Commission (Bill No. 291-30, Sponsor: T.R. Muna-Barnes / J.V. Espaldon / T.C. Ada, Passed: 1/22/10, Signed into Law: 2/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-93 - An act to repeal §3401(g), and to repeal and re-enact §4302(g), of Chapter 4, Article 3, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to removing the continuing clause provisions to health insurance companies on Guam who contract with the government of Guam and to require all companies or other legal entities providing health insurance to the government of Guam to make available electronically de-identified detailed demographic, medical, dental, vision and pharmacy claims utilization and cost information subject to meeting HIPAA regulations. (SBill No. 107-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 1/22/10, Signed into Law: 2/9/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-92 - An act to repeal and reenact §68975, and to add a new §68975.1 to Chapter 68, Article 11, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Farmers' Cooperative Association of Guam. (SBill No. 152-30, Sponsor: v.c. pangelinan / T.R. Muna-Barnes / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed:1/22/10, Signed into Law: 2/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-91 - An act to amend §12106(a) of Chapter 12, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to amending petition submission dates for the establishment of charter schools for the school year 2010-2011. (Bill No. 308-30, Sponsor: J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / Telo Taitague, Passed:1/22/10, Signed into Law: 1/22/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-90 - An act to amend §10401 of Article 4, Chapter 10, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Port Authority of Guam Public-Private Partnership authorization through a performance management contract. (SBill No. 300-30, Sponsor: T.C. Ada / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed:1/22/10, Signed into Law: 2/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-89 - An act to change the membership composition of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission, and to establish minimum quorum requirements for the commission meetings, by amending §32302(a), and adding a new §32302.20 to Article 3, Chapter 32, Title 17, Guame Code Annotated. (SBill No. 287-30, Sponsor: A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed:1/22/10, Signed into Law: 2/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-88 - An act to add a new subsection (h) to §40128 of Chapter 40 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to actions taken by the Municipal Planning Councils. (Bill No. 279-30, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed:1/22/10, Signed into Law: 2/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-87 - An act to amend §5007 of Article 1 of Chapter 5 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the procurement activities of the Guam Visitors Bureau. (Bill No. 264-30, Sponsor: B.J.F. Cruz / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 1/22/10, Signed into Law: 2/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-86 - An act to amend §67107 of Chapter 67, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to allowing greater participation of verteran service organizations in the Guam Veterans Commission. (SBill No. 260-30, Sponsor: F.F. Blas, Jr. / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed:1/22/10, Signed into Law: 2/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-85 - An act to amend Section 2 of Public Law 30-42, relative to the Department of Administration assisting the Department of Education with their financial and personnel services functions in an effort to improve their efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability. (Bill No. 254-30, Sponsor - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 1/22/10, Signed into Law: 2/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-84 - An act to amend Section 9 of Public Law 30-25, relative to the effective date for the implementation of the International Building Code; and to add a new Section 11 to Public Law 30-25, relative to the adoption of the codes referenced in the IBC. (SBill No. 243-30, Sponsor - J.V. Espaldon / T.C. Ada / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 1/22/10, Signed into Law: 2/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-83 - An act to creat the 12th Festival of Pacific Arts Coordinating Committee. (SBill No. 189-30, Sponsor: J.V. Espaldon / B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 1/22/10, Signed into Law: 2/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-82 - An act to amend Section 6 of Public Law 21-14, enacted on April 20, 1991 which identified lot no. 513, Merizo, to reflect the new designated lot no. 528-2, municipality of Merizo. (Bill No. 182-30, Sponsor: E.J.B. Calvo / Ray Tenorio / Telo Taitague, Passed: 1/22/10, Signed into Law: 2/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-81 - An act to add new §§ 7111 and 7112 to Chapter 7, Title 2, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the creation of, qualifications to be nominated for, and the awarding of the "Excellence in Youth Leadership" award. (SBill No. 125-30, Sponsor: Committee on Tourism, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Public Broadcasting at the request of the 27th Guam Youth Congress, Passed: 1/22/10, Signed into Law: 2/8/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-80 - An act to amend §26603 (a), (b), (c) and (d), and to add a new (e), of Article 6, Chapter 26, of Title 11 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to increasing tabacco taxes, the Healthy Futures Fund, and creating a Guam Cancer Trust Fund. (SBill No. 150-30, Sponser - B.J.F. Cruz / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 1/22/10, Signed into Law: 2/5/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-79 - An act to add a new item (4) to subsection (a) of §13102 of Chapter 13 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, to require all persons or public officials that have authority to enter into binding contracts on behalf of the Government of Guam or any of its departments, agencies, autonomous entities and public corporations to comply with the public official Financial Disclosure Act of the Government of Guam; and to amend §5114, Chapter 5, Article 2, Part B of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the delegation of procurement authority. (Bill No. 209-30, Sponsor - J.P. Guthertz, DPA / R.J. Respicio / Matt Rector, Passed: 1/22/10. Overridden: 1/22/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-78 - An act to place the Merizo Pier Park under the administrative jurisdiction of the Merizo Mayor's Office, by adding a new item (20) to §40113(b) of Chapter 40, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated. (Bill No. 193-30, Sponsor - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / Telo Taitague / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 1/22/10, Overridden: 1/22/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-77 - An act to add a new subsection (p) to §50103 of Chapter 50 of Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to Guam Economic Development Authority loans and lending practices. (Bill No. 147-30, Sponsor - v.c. pangelinan / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 1/22/10, Overridden: 1/22/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-76 - An act to re-establish the guam Community Police Review Commission as provided in Chapter 78, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated; to amend §78105 and §78108 (a) of Chapter 78, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated; and to add a new §78126 to Chapter 78, Title 10, Guam Code Anootated. (Bill No. 108-30, Sponsor - v.c. pangelinan / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 1/22/10, Overridden: 1/22/10) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-75 - An act to amend §75108.1 (a) of Chapter 75, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to cottage industry activity authorized. (Bill No. 246-30, Sponsor - v.c. pangelinan / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/13/09, Signed Into Law: 11/27/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-74 - An act to repeal §75104.1 of Chapter 75, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to lot No. 237-6-1, Agana. (Bill No. 241-30, Sponsor - v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 11/13/09, Signed Into Law: 11/27/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-73 - An act to add a new Article 13 to Chapter 15, and to add a new Article 7 to Chapter 18, both of Title 17 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Dr. Antonio C. Yamashita Teacher Corps. (SBill No. 229-30, Sponsor - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 11/13/09, Signed Into Law: 11/27/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-72 - An act to amend §5150, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the duties of the Attorney General in procurement oversight and advisement. (Bill No. 220-30, Sponsor - B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 11/13/09, Signed Into Law: 11/27/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-71 - An act to authorizing hazardous pay to parole officers who perform the duty of supervising and counseling parolees, and to authorize hazardous pay to employees of the Department of Corrections who perform duties, which if performed by other law enforcement or public safety officers, would entitle such officers to hazardous pay, by amending §6222(a) of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated. (Bill No. 227-30, Sponsor - A.B. Palacios, Sr. / Telo Taitague / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/13/09, Signed Into Law: 11/27/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-70 - An act to add a new §57105 to Chapter 57 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing the means to cover the cost of issuing Guam Identification Certificates. (Bill No. 210-30, Sponsor - Telo Taitague / v.c. pangelinan / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 11/13/09, Signed Into Law: 11/27/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-69 - An act to amend §5103(f) of Chapter 5, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the compensation of commissioners of the Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority. (Bill No. 198-30, Sponsor - T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 11/13/09, Signed Into Law: 11/27/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-68 - An act to add a new §40115.A to Chapter 40, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to recognizing village Mayors as direct representatives of the people, empowering them with authority for village events. (SBill No. 196-30, Sponsor - T.R. Muna-Barnes / Telo Taitague / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/13/09, Signed Into Law: 11/27/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-67 - An act to include all graduates under the Pedro "Doc" Sanchez Scholarship program to receive the One-Step Merit pay increase benefit, by amending subsection (e) of §15906, Article 9, Chapter 15, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated. (SBill No. 191-30, Sponsor - A.B. Palacios, Sr. / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/13/09, Signed Into Law: 11/27/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-66 - An act to add new subsections (14) and (15) to §8104 of Chapter 8; to add subsections (n) and (o) to §14104 of Chapter 14; and to amend §14104.1, and §14404 of Chapter 14, all of Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to permitting the Guam Power Authority, and the Guam Waterworks Authority to enter into long term contracts. (SBill No. 175-30, Sponsor - T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 11/13/09, Signed Into Law: 11/27/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-65 - An act to authorize the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation to designate areas within the Guam Territorial Park System as "alcohol free zones", and to provide for penalties for non-compliance, by adding new subsections 77101(d) and 77104(i), and §§77104.1 and 77104.2 to Chapter 77, Article 1, Title 21 Guam Code Annotated. (Bill No. 151-30, Sponsor - A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 11/13/09, Signed Into Law: 11/27/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-64 - An act to add a new Chapter 26A to Division 2 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) to contract an independent environmental health inspection company(s) to conduct sanitary inspections on behalf of DPHSS; and to fund inspection servies from fees authorized to be collected under §7119 of Chapter 7, Title 22 of Guam Code Annotated. (Bill No. 135-30, Sponsor - T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 11/13/09, Signed Into Law: 11/27/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-63 - An act to amend subsection (a) and add a new subsection (c) to §90105 of Chapter 90, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to preohibiting smoking within twenty (20) feet of an entrance or exit of a public place where smoking is prohibited. (Bill No. 101-30, Sponsor - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / B.J.F. Cruz / J.P. Guthertz, DPA, Passed: 11/13/09, Signed Into Law: 11/27/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-62 - An act to add a new section §7120.3 to Chapter 7, Title 6 Guam Code Annotated relative to the issuance of special Gold Star license plates. (Bill No. 99-30, Sponsor - v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 11/13/09, Signed Into Law: 11/27/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-61 - An act to amend §3106.1 of Chapter 3, Division 1, Title 7, Guam Code Annotated, relative to Judiciary of Guam Judges' and Justices' annually compensation adjustment. (Bill No. 181-30, Sponsor - F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 11/10/09, Signed Into Law: 11/25/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-60 - An act to add new §§30119 and 30120 to Chapter 30, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the office of the Attorney General to collect a fee for its Attorney General clearances, and to establishing a separate fund for the deposit of those fees, entitled the "Victim or Witness Travel-Housing Fund", for use by the Office of the Attorney General. (Bill No. 177-30, Sponsor - A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 11/10/09, Signed Into Law: 11/25/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-59 - An act to repeal and reenact §§33106, 33214 and 33601 of Title 5 Guam Code Annotated, to establish a separate Notary Public Revolving Fund; to establish new fees collected by the Government of Guam for notary applications; and for issuing Certificates of Authenticity and Apostilles, and to clarify that Apostilles are issued by the Director or Deputy Director of the Department of Administration. (Bill No. 176-30, Sponsor - A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 11/10/09, Signed Into Law: 11/25/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-58 - An act relative to authorizing the Guam Census Program temporary recruitment and employment of personnel, consistent with U.S. Census Bureau guidelines, and to conducting necessary activities related to the Guam Decennial 2010 Census and any future census, by adding a new §1209.1.1 to Article 2 of Chapter 1, Division 1, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated. (Bill No. 116-30, Sponsor - F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 11/10/09, Signed Into Law: 11/16/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-57 - An act to approve Phase I of the Jose D. Leon Guerrero Commercial Port of Guam Master Plan Update 2007 Report. (Bill No. 178-30, Sponsor - T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 9/11/09, Signed Into Law: 9/11/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-56 - An act to amend Attachment A of Public Law 29-19 for the purpose of allocating bond proceeds to cover budgetary shortfalls for the Department of Education for FY 2009. (Bill No. 224-30, Sponsor - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / v.c. pangelinan / B.J.F. Cruz, Passed: 9/8/09, Signed Into Law: 9/10/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-55 - An act making appropriations for the operations of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the Government of Guam for fiscal year ending September 30, 2010, making other appropriations, and establishing miscellaneous and administrative provisions. (SBill No. 58, Sponsor - Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, Retirement, and Land by request of I Maga'lahen Guåhan, the Governor of Guam, in accordance with the Organic Act of Guam, Passed: 8/28/09, Signed Into Law: 9/4/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-54 - An act to amend Public Law 29-113 relative
to the hiring and training of limited-term
part-time substitute teachers in the Guam
Public School System. (Bill No. 30-156, Sponsor - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / M.J. Rector, Passed: 7/2/09, Signed Into Law: 7/14/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-53 - An act to amend Subsection (b) of §4124 of
Chapter 4 of Title 17 of the Guam Code
Annotated, relative to service learning as
a requirement for high school
graduation. (Bill No. 30-154, Sponsor - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / M.J. Rector, Passed: 7/2/09, Signed Into Law: 7/14/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-52 - An act to amend §§10104(j) and 10104(k) of
Chapter 10, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated;
to amend §§12000, 12001.2 and 12015, and to add new §§12001.2(f) and 12015(g) of Chapter 12,
Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to
placing the Jose D. Leon Guerrero
Commercial Port under the oversight of
the Public Utilities Commission. (Bill No. 121, Sponsor - T.C. Ada / Telo Taitague / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 7/2/09, Signed Into Law: 7/14/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-51 - An act to add a new §10312 to Title 5, Guam
Code Annotated, relative to requiring the
Gguam Energy Office to post Government of
Guam electrical meter information on
the internet. (Bill No. 120, Sponsor - B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 7/2/09, Signed Into Law: 7/14/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-50 - An act to change the name of the Guam
Public School System (GPSS), to the
Department of Education (DOE) by amending§3101, Chapter 3 of Title 17, Guam Code
Annotated, and to amend other relevant
laws as necessary for consistency with
the change of this agency's name. (Bill No. 110, Sponsor - M.J. Rector / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 7/2/09, Signed Into Law: 7/14/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-49 - An act to amend §10.15 of Chapter 10 of Title 8,
Guam Code Annotated, relative to the
statute of limitations on crimes against
children. (SBill No. 90, Sponsor - Ray Tenorio / E.J.B. Calvo / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 7/2/09, Signed Into Law: 7/14/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-48 - An act to authorize I Maga’lahen Guahan to
exchange portions of Government-owned
Lot No. 532, Lot No. 533, and Lot No. 534,
located in the municipality of Merizo,
with equal portions of adjacent Lots No.
43, Lot No. 42, and Lot No. 41 that have been
encroached upon as part of the roadway;
and to authorize the purchase of the
remaining fractions of the Government
owned lots by the adjacent landowners
based on the appraised values. (Bill No. 84, Sponsor - v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 7/2/09, Signed Into Law: 7/14/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-47 - An act to amend §§2109 and 2110 of Title 4, and §§40103.1 and 40107 of title 5, all of the Guam
Code Annotated, relative to the Mayors'
Offices of Guam. (Bill No. 82, Sponsor - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 7/2/09, Signed Into Law: 7/14/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-46 - An act to authorize I Maga'lahen Guahan to
sell the easement known as the "Government Alley" that is bound by the
U.S. District Court on the western
boundary, South O'Brien Drive on the
southern boundary and the metes and
bounds of the western boundary of lot 2394-1, all in the municipality of Hagatna, with
a total area of Fifty Eight and Five Tenths
plus or minus square meters (58.5 ± sq. m.) to
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sablan (Ralph and
Janiece) for its appraised fair market
value. (Bill No. 39, Sponsor - E.J.B. Calvo / T.R. Muna-Barnes / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 7/2/09, Signed Into Law: 7/14/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-45 - An act to repeal Chapter 41 of Title 22, Guam
Code Annotated, relative to the Guam Boxing
and Wrestling Commission; to add a new
Chapter 7 to Title 11, Guam Code Annotated,
relative to "unarmed combat" and
establishing the Guam Unarmed Combat
Commission; and to cite this act as the "Guam Unarmed Combat Commission Act of 2009". (SBill No. 23, Sponsor - J.V. Espaldon / T.R. Muna-Barnes / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 7/2/09, Signed Into Law: 7/14/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-44 - An act to add a new Article 3 to Chapter 46 of Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to mortage fraud. (Bill No. 16, Sponsor - Ray Tenorio / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 7/2/09, Signed Into Law: 7/14/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-43 - An act to adopt the personnel rules and
regulations for Jose D. Leon Guerrero
Commercial Port and to authorize
compensation and benefit adjustments. (SBill No. 142, Sponsor - T.C. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr. / A.B. Palacios, Sr., Passed: 7/2/09, Signed Into Law: 7/2/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-42 - An act to amend §1512.1 (i)(2) of Article 5,
Chapter 1 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated,
relative to paying out 2008 and prior years'
tax refunds; to appropriate Two Hundred
Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) to the
Department of Administration for
processing and mailing of COLA and tax
refunds; and to appropriate One Hundred
Eighty Thousand Dollars ($180,000) to the
Department of Revenue and Taxation for
the processing of tax refunds. (Bill No. 160, Sponsor - v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada, Passed: 6/29/09, Signed Into Law: 7/1/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-41 - An act to provide necessary funding for the
balance of the fiscal year to critical youth
support programs, to include the DMHSA Youth
Drug and Alcohol Programs, and the programs
for youths who are runaways, homeless, or victims of abuse, through amending Public
Laws 29-52 and 29-113. (Bill No. 146, Sponsor - F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 6/29/09, Signed Into Law: 7/1/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-40 - An act to amend Section 1 of Public Law 29-84
and Title 1 GCA §849.1, relative to the
David J.T. Limtiaco Plant Nursery Building. (Bill No. 88, Sponsor - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 6/29/09, Signed Into Law: 7/1/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-39 - An act to establish minimum
qualifications for management level
uniformed positions in the Guam Police
Department, by adding new §§ 77110.2, 77110.3
and 77110.4 to Chapter 77 of Title 10, Guam
Code Annotated. (Bill No. 60, Sponsor - A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Overridden: 6/29/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-38 - An act to appropriate funds to the Mayors
Council of Guam from the Guam Highway
Fund for village streets maintenance and
beautification and other purposes. (Bill No. 53, Sponsor - E.J.B. Calvo / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / Ray Tenorio, Overridden: 6/25/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-37 - An act to authorize tax credits to the
lessors of the temporary location of
the John F. Kennedy (JFK) High School
campus. (Bill No. 1, Sponsor - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 6/25/09, Signed Into Law: 6/25/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-36 - An act to repeal and re-enact Chapter 76, of
Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to
the storage of hazardous materials. (Bill No. 80, Sponsor - T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 5/29/09, Signed Into Law: 6/19/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-35 - An act to repeal and re-enact Capter 32 of
Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the
Professional Engineers, Architects and Land
Surveyors (PEALS) Law. (Bill No. 25, Sponsor - J.V. Espaldon / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 5/29/09, Signed Into Law: 6/19/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-34 - An act to amend Section 25 (h) of Part II of Chapter V
of Public Law 29-113, relative to appropriating
Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000) to the
Guampedia project. (Bill No. 114, Sponsor - v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 5/29/09, Signed Into Law: 6/16/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-33 - An act to amend §§26101, 26102, 26103, 26104 and 26105, and to add new §§ 26106 and 26107, all of Chapter 26 of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated,
relative to requiring the use of a seat belt
assembly and child restraint system, and clarifying standards for riding in the bed of a pickup truck. (Bill No. 97, Sponsor - T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 5/29/09, Signed Into Law: 6/16/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-32 - An act to add a new Subsection (f) to §75101,
and to add a new §75121, all of Chapter 75 of
Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to
the designation of lands for the
cultivation of traditional herbal
medicinal plants and the establishment of
the "Hatdin Åmot Chamorro". (Bill No. 94, Sponsor - v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 5/29/09, Signed Into Law: 6/16/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-31 - An act to amend Paragraph 13 of §23111 of Chapter 23 of Title 7, Guam Code Annotated, relative to furthering Creditor Protection for Guam’s Residents. (Bill No. 87, Sponsor - Ray Tenorio / v.c. pangelinan / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 5/29/09, Signed Into Law: 6/16/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-30 - An act to amend Subsection (f) of §15102, and
to add new Subsections (g), (h) and (i) to §15205,
all of Chapter 15 of Title 4 of the Guam
Code Annotated, relative to the
disclosure of conflicts of interest. (Bill No. 81, Sponsor - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 5/29/09, Signed Into Law: 6/16/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-29 - An act to add a new §8124 to Article 1 of Chapter 8 of Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring the Guam Power Authority to disclose the details of its fuel purchases on its website. (Bill No. 74, Sponsor - Telo Taitague / R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada, Passed: 5/29/09, Signed Into Law: 6/16/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-28 - An act to amend Section 2 of Public Law 29-104, relative to extending the date of submission for an independent study and investigation of radiation leakage into Apra Harbor. (Bill No. 70, Sponsor - B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 5/29/09, Signed Into Law: 6/16/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-27 - An act To amend §1900 of Chapter 19, Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, to rename the Office Of The Public Auditor the "Office Of Public Accountability". (Bill No. 65, Sponsor - A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 5/29/09, Signed Into Law: 6/16/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-26 - An act to add a new Chapter 26 to Title 9, GCA, relative to combating human trafficking on Guam and to protecting victims of human trafficking from sexual and economic exploitation. (Bill No. 36, Sponsor - T.R. Muña-Barnes / Ray Tenorio / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Passed: 5/29/09, Signed Into Law: 6/16/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-25 - An act to repeal and re-enact §67101 and to repeal §§ 67102, 67104, 67105 of Article 1; and to repeal Article 4, all of Chapter 67 of Title
21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to
adopting the international building code
as the building code of Guam. (Bill No. 22, Sponsor - J.V. Espaldon / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 5/29/09, Signed Into Law: 6/16/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-24 - An act to amend §1512.1(B) of Article 5 of Chapter
1 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the issuance of bonds to finance certain
General Fund Expenses. (Bill No. 1 (3-S), Sponsor - Committee on Rules, Natural
Resources, Federal Foreign,
and Micronesian Affairs -
By request of I Maga'lahen Guahan in accordance with the
Organic Act of Guam., Passed: 6/9/09, Signed Into Law: 6/10/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-23 - An act to appropriate Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($500,000) from the Tourist Attraction Fund to the
Guam Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle Eradication Program. (Bill No. 83, Sponsor - v.c. pangelinan / R.J. Respicio / J.V. Espaldon, Overridden: 5/1/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-22 - An act to amend Section 25(a) of Part II,
Chapter 5 of Public Law 29-113; to add a new Section 25(J) to Part II,
Chapter 5 of Public Law 29-113; to reappropriate unexpended sums, as
previously authorized in section 25(A) of Part II, Chapter 5 of Public
Law 29-19; and to reappropriate unexpended sums, as previously
authorized in Section 18 of Part II, Chapter IV of Public Law 28- 150;
relative to providing greater flexibility to the Guam Visitors
Bureau in its use of appropriations authorized by I Liheslaturan Guahan. (Bill No. 71, Sponsor - B.J.F. Cruz / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Overridden: 5/1/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-21 - An act to amend §2401(c) of Title 1,
Guam Code Annotated, and §60112 of title 21, Guam Code Annotated;
and to add a new Subitem (c) to §2107 of Title 2, Guam Code Annotated,
relative to tasking I Kumision Guahan Fine'nana and I Liheslatura to
determine which land the federal government may intend to lease
or sub-lease, exchange for other land, or purchase, and report
their findings to and I Maga'lahi. (Bill No. 43, Sponsor - J.P. Guthertz, DPA / R.J. Respicio / B.J.F. Cruz, Overridden: 5/1/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-20 - An act to add a new
Article 2 to Chapter 18 of GCA relative to legislative aproval
settlement agreeements. (Bill No. 69, Sponsor - Telo Taitague / B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 4/3/09, Signed Into Law: 4/23/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-19 - An act to adopt the proposed
amended lease rates for office, warehouse and ground space, as
well as the newly established fee structure for
telecommunications at the Jose D. Leon Guerrero Commercial Port
of Guam (PAG). (Bill No. 78, Sponsor - T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes, Passed: 4/3/09, Signed Into Law: 4/17/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-18 - An act to refer KGTF or KGTF TV-12 as
PBS Guam in any Laws of Guam. (Bill No. 75, Sponsor - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 4/3/09, Signed Into Law: 4/17/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-17 - An act to establish minimum
qualifications for the Chief Medical Examiner (CME), by amending§81103; and adding a new §81103.1, to Chapter 81 of Title 10, Guam Code
Annotated. (Bill No. 72, Sponsor - A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 4/3/09, Signed Into Law: 4/17/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-16 - An act to approve
the Child Support Guidelines, submitted to I Liheslaturan Guahan by the Child Support
Guidelines Review Commission pursuant to Public
Law 28-63 and Public Law 28-68. (Bill No. 63, Sponsor - A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 4/3/09, Signed Into Law: 4/17/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-15 - An act to amend §§77109 and 77110,
Chapter 77 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the
appointment of Chief of Police and the Deputy Chief of Police. (Bill No. 62, Sponsor - A.B. Palacios, Sr. / Ray Tenorio / T.C. Ada, Passed: 4/3/09, Signed Into Law: 4/17/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-14 - An act to amend Subsections 3101
(d) and 3101 (o), Chapter 3, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, to
permit the use of motorcycle licenses issued by any other
territory, commonwealth, or state of the United States
pursuant to §310l(d),(o). (Bill No. 46, Sponsor - A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 4/3/09, Signed Into Law: 4/17/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-13 - An act to add a new § 2109 to Chapter 2,
Title 2, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring I Liheslatura to
submit the annual budget for the Government of Guam to I Maga‘Lahi no later than August 31, prior to each fiscal year. (Bill No. 44, Sponsor - R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 4/3/09, Signed Into Law: 4/17/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-12 - An act to amend section 5 of Public
Law 29-106, relative to the appropriation of Five Million Eight
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($5,800,000.00) to the Guam Public School
System for textbooks. (Bill No. 42, Sponsor - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 4/3/09, Signed Into Law: 4/17/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-11 - An act to repeal and re-enact Chapter 70 of Title 21,
Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Guam
Contractors License Board. (Bill No. 24, Sponsor - J.V. Espaldon / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr., Passed: 4/3/09, Signed Into Law: 4/17/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-10 - An act to amend paragraph (c) of §33111
of Title 7, Guam Code Annotated relative to the Mechanics' Lien Law. (Bill No. 7, Sponsor - Ray Tenorio / v.c. pangelinan / T.C. Ada, Passed: 4/3/09, Signed Into Law: 4/17/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-09 - An act to appropriate funds for the
operations and maintenance of the Veterans Memorial Cemetery. (Bill No. 55, Sponsor - E.J.B. Calvo / Ray Tenorio / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 4/3/09, Signed Into Law: 4/17/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-08 - An act to add a new Chapter 12 to
Division 2 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing
the Superintendent of Education to establish a public corporation
for the purpose of advancing excellence in education; and to be
known as the "Foundation for Public Education Act of 2009”. (Bill No. 2, Sponsor - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 4/3/09, Overridden: 4/3/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-07 - An act to amend Article 8 of Chapter 51
of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the
Government of Guam to issue bonds for the purpose of financing
facilities of the Solid Waste Management System, and approving the
terms and conditions of the issuance of one (1) or more series of such
bonds pursuant to such article to pay the costs of a new landfill
and the closure of the Ordot dump and related system costs; toamend §24102(f) and 24103 of Article 1 of Chapter 24 of Title 11, Guam Code
Annotated, relative to the valuation of property subject to real
property taxation; and to amend §1512.1 of Chapter 1 of Title 5, Guam
Code Annotated, relative to the issuance of bonds to finance
certain general fund expenses. (Bill No. 1(2-S), Sponsor - Committee on Rules, Natural Resources, Federal, Foreign, and Micronesian Affairs, Passed: 4/1/09, Signed Into Law: 4/2/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-06 - An act to repeal and Re-enact Section 4 of Public Law 26-100, relative to the composition and duties of the taskforce and the return of Tiyan properties. (Bill No. 35, Sponsor - v.c. pangelinan / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 2/27/09, Signed Into Law: 3/13/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-05 - An act to re-enact Chapter 6 of Title 12,
Guam Code Annotated, relative to re-establishing the Guam
Regional Transit Authority. (Bill No. 37, Sponsor - A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes / T.C. Ada, Passed: 2/27/09, Signed Into Law: 3/13/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-04 - An act to add a new Chapter 48 to Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to notification of breaches of personal information. (SBill No. 9, Sponsor - Ray Tenorio / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / F.F. Blas, Jr., Passed: 2/27/09, Signed Into Law: 3/13/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-03 - An act to amend Section 2 of Public Law 24-33, and to amend §77301, §77302, §77303, §77305, §77306, and §77307 of title
12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the
construction of soccer facilities in the
Southern Sports Complex. (Bill No. 41, Sponsor - v.c. pangelinan / T.R. Muna-Barnes / R.J. Respicio, Passed: 2/27/09, Signed Into Law: 3/13/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-02 - An act to amend §2108 of Title 2, Guam
Code Annotated, relative to consideration of bills before ILiheslatura (The Legislature). (Bill No. 34, Sponsor - v.c. pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / Ray Tenorio, Passed: 2/27/09, Signed Into Law: 3/13/09) Voting Sheet
Public Law 30-01 - An act to add a new Article 8 to
Division 2 of Chapter 51 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to
authorizing the Government of Guam to issue Solid Waste
Management System bonds for the purpose of financing facilities of
the Solid Waste Management System of Guam, and approving the
terms and conditions of the issuance of one (1) or more series of such
bonds pursuant to such article to pay the costs of a new landfill
and the closure of the Ordot dump and other system costs; to add a
new Article 9 to Division 2 of Chapter 51 of Title 10, Guam Code
Annotated, relative to authorizing the Government of Guam to
enter into a lease and a lease-back for the purpose of financing
facilities of the Solid Waste Management System of Guam, and
approving the terms and conditions of such leases pursuant to such
article to pay the costs of a new landfill and the closure of Ordot
dump and other system costs; to authorize the issuance of private
activity bonds for the construction of solid waste disposal
facilities; to prohibit payments without appropriations; and to
direct the Guam Economic Development Authority to solicit
alternative financing. (Bill No. 51, Sponsor - Committee on Rules, Natural
Resources, Federal, Foreign, and
Micronesian Affairs, Passed: 2/26/09, Signed Into Law: 2/27/09) Voting Sheet

