
Bills History - 32nd

The following list of Bill History are available in electronic format from the 32nd Guam Legislature.  The Bill History will continue to be added as they become available from the Senatorial Offices. If you do not see the Bill History, please contact the Clerk of the Legislature or call at (671) 472-3465/3474. (Updated: December 16, 2014)

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Bill No. 436-32 (LS) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to amend Section 1 of Public Law 32-208; relative to removing "Senators of I Liheslaturan Guahan" from the Competitive Wage Act of 2014.

Bill No. 435-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to stop salary increases for elected officials and cabinet members, by repealing Public Law 32-208.

Bill No. 434-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to establish the positions of Community Health Center Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Medical Director, within the Community Health Centers, Department of Public Health & Social Services, by amending §3803 and §3804, all of Article 8, Chapter 3, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, and to adopt the Health Resources and Services Administration Program Regulations under a new Article 4 of Chapter 6, Title 26, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations.

Bill No. 433-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to ratify the settlement agreement among the government of Guam, Guam Economic Development Authority, and Guam Resource Recovery Partners, L.P. and approve the Waste to Energy Project.

Bill No. 432-32 (COR) - B. J.F. Cruz / M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to amend §26120 of Chapter 26 of Title 11 Guam Code Annotated; relative to the inspection of tax returns and other information required to be filed or furnished by the taxpayer

Bill No. 431-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to amend subsections (a) and (d) of Title 17 Guam Code Annotated; to amend subsection (a) of §5008.2 of Title 5 Guam Code Annotated, relative to procurement of solar energy for GDOE schools.

Bill No. 430-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to appropriate the sum of Fifty Three Thousand Six Dollars ($53,006) from the funds not obligated from Public Law 32-065 to purchase mobile radios for police vehicles.

Bill No. 429-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to authorize the appointment of deputies to enforce the Guam's Alcoholic Beverage Control Laws, by adding a new Article 5A to Chapter 3, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 428-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to add subsection (F) to § 8121 of Article 1, Chapter 8, Title 4 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing parity in the retirement annuity of the Attorney General of Guam.

Bill No. 427-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend § 85103(b) of Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated; relative to the composition of the Council on the Arts and Humanities.

Bill No. 426-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada

An act relative to the safe operations of commercial motor vehicles by adopting applicable parts of 49 CFR Part 180 to ensure the Department of Revenue and Taxation's Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (DRT/MCSAP) remains compliant with its federal mandates.

Bill No. 425-32 (LS) - M.T. Limtiaco / Rory J. Respicio

An act to adding a new Chapter 10, Article 1, to Title 22 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to the establishment of the Apprenticeship Act of Guam, to add Article 2 to Chapter 10 for Title 22 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to the establishment of the labor standards for the registration of apprenticeship programs, and to add Atrticle 3 to Chapter 10 of Title 22 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to the establishment of a state plan for equal employment opportunity in the Guam Apprenticeship Act.

Bill No. 424-32 (LS) - R.J. Respicio / T.R. Muna Barnes

An act to amend 9 Gar Division 1, Chapter 3, Section 3226 (h) (2) to clarify that concrete and solid metal walls are acceptable as perimeter fencing for a commercial quarantine facility.

Bill No. 423-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new Item (18) to § 4102(a) of Chapter 4, Title 4 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the personnel needs of the Attorney General of Guam and the Public Auditor.

Bill No. 422-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to provide for isolation and quarantine procedures relative to an emergency detention order for the incubation periods of severe communicable diseases, as determined by the U.S. Center for Disease Control, by amending Sections III and IV of the Isolation and Quarantine Regulations, Chapter 10 of Division 1, 26 GAR., and provide for the disposition of bodies, by, adding a new §4502(H) and amending § 4505, both of Chapter 4A, 10GCA, and to authorize the sum of One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($130,000.00) for related purposes.

Bill No. 421-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to approve amendments to Chapter 8, Title 5A, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations.

Bill No. 420-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to approve rules and regulations governing the standards for professional conduct for Guam educators.

Bill No. 419-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend Section 2, Part I, Chapter II of Public Law: 32-181, relative to authorizing funding for charter schools.

Bill No. 418-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to adopt the Rules and Regulations of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission concerning certification of peace officers and standards of employing agencies and training institutions, to be codified under a new Chapter 3 of Title 27 - Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations.

Bill No. 417-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to appropriate funds from the Supplemental Appropriations Revenue (SAR) Fund for the payment of Government of Guam Employee and Law Enforcement Personnel unpaid overtime costs; and for other purposes.

Bill No. 416-32 (LS) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to add a new Article 2 to Chapter 58, 12 GCA, relative to encouraging the development of 1600 new hotel rooms through the issuance of special qualifying certificates to hotel developers; and, provide for qualifying certificate abeyance pending development of industry specific criteria, by adding a new § 58146.1 to Chapter 58, 12 GCA.

Bill No. 415-32 (LS) - Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign, & Micronesian Affairs, Human & Natural Resources and Election Reform

An act to appropriate the sum of Four Million Dollars for the payment of law enforcement overtime.

Bill No. 414-32 (LS) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to add a new Chapter 14 to Title 2 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to the establishment of the Guam Law Revision Commission.

Bill No. 413-32 (LS) - M.T. Limtiaco

An act to extend the deadline for Real Property Tax (RPT) exemptions, authorize the use of the Taxpayer Identification Number for RPT, and reduce the statute of limitations on the collection of RPT, by adding a new §24109, and by amending §§24204 and 24112, each of Chapter 24, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 412-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr. / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to amend Title 10, Chapter 3, Article 2 of the Guam Code Annotated to add a new subsection 3218(a)(25) to require abortion providers to include gestational age in abortion reports.

Bill No. 411-32 (COR) - M.T. Limtiaco

An act to de-appropriate Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000) from the sums appropriated to the Legislature and re-appropriate Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000) to the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority.

Bill No. 410-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to rezone Lot No. 88, Tract No. 1536, (Agricultural Subdivision), Barrigada, Guam, Estate No. 56545, from Agricultural Zone (A) to Multiple Dwelling Zone (R-2).

Bill No. 409-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to provide for a hazardous pay differential for employees of the Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center in unsafe or dangerous hazardous duty working conditions, by adding a new §84112 to Chapter 86, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 408-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada

An act to provide for development and implementation of Comparable Rate Schedule R charges for residential multifamily accommodations by the Guam Power Authority, by adding a new Item (1) to §8104(D) of Chapter 8, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, and a new Item (1) to §3111 of Article 1, Chapter 3, Title 28, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations.

Bill No. 407-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to repeal and reenact §58.60 of Chapter 58, Title 9 Guam Code Anntoated relative to the crime of promoting prison contraband; which may be cited as the Contraband Reform Act of 2014.

Bill No. 406-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to expand the authorized programs of the Guam Cancer Trust Fund, by amending subsection (d)(2) and (e)(2) of §26603 of Article 6, Chapter 26, Title 11 Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 405-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / V.A. Ada

An act amend §4108 (c)(2) of Chapter 4, Title 4 of the Guam Code Anntoated relative to sick leave.

Bill No. 404-32 (LS) - B.T. McCreadie / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to amend §74103 and §74104, and to add a new §74110 to Chapter 74, Title 11 Guam Code Anntoated relative to establishing mandatory inspection and certification of all nonferrous metal property prior to a transaction of sale at a scrap metal business.

Bill No. 403-32 (COR) - A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to assign the fiscal year 2014 unappropriated balance of the tourist attraction fund to the Guam Community College in support of workforce development.

Bill No. 402-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to provide for the coverage of blood and blood derivatives by health insurance company or health care provider contracted to provide private sector small or large group health plans, by adding a new § 103123 to Chapter 103, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 401-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / R.J. Respicio

An act to amend Chapter V (o)(3) of Public Law 32-181 relative to the protection of Guam's natural resources.

Bill No. 400-32 (COR) - R.J. Respicio

An act to adopt the Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act ("UEFJA") and the Uniform Foreign Money Judgments Recognition Act ("UFMJRA"). Received: 9/17/14 - 4:04 p.m.

Bill No. 399-32 (COR) - R.J. Respicio

An act to amend § 3218, Chapter 3, Article 2, Title 16, of the Guam Code Annotated to update the current standards on the sale of old tires.

Bill No. 398-32 (COR) - A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to support Guam's musicians and entertainers by amending §3414 of Article 4, Chapter 3, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to permitting on-sale licensees to sell and serve alcoholic beverages during extended hours.

Bill No. 397-32 (COR) - R.J. Respicio / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada

An act to appropriate $600,000 for a gymnasium and sports classrooms in northern Guam.

Bill No. 396-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to make whole the obligations to the employees of the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority by appropriating the sum of One Million Four Hundred Dollars ($1,499,500) from the General Fund to pay overdue increments from 2012-2013 by amending Public Law 32-181, Chapter XV.

Bill No. 395-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to amend §74108 of Chapter 74, Title 11 Guam Code Annotated relative to increasing the civil penalties for scrap metal businesses who fail to properly follow reporting requirements as per Guam Law.

Bill No. 394-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new Article 5 to Title 4, Chapter 8, of the Guam Code Annotated to create a new "hybrid" retirement system with mandatory participation by Government of Guam employees hired after December 31, 2014; with optional participation for defined contribution retirement system participants who elect to transfer to the new hybrid plan in accordance with regulations to be promulgated.

Bill No. 393-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio / F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to add a new §80109(v) to Chapter 80 of Division 4 of Title 10 Guam Code Annotated; relative to expanding the borrowing authority of the Guam Memorial Hospital for the renovation of the labor and delivery ward.

Bill No. 392-32 (LS) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to add a new subsection (c) to §3102 of Chapter 3, Title 3, Guam Code Annotated; and new §3101.3 to §3101 of Chapter 3, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated relative to voter pre-registration of persons at least sixteen (16) years of age.

Bill No. 391-32 (LS) - V.A. Ada / T.A. Morrison / C.M. Dueñas

An act to amend Paragraph (14) of §3101(f) of Chapter 3 of 16GCA Motorcycle License Road Exam.

Bill No. 390-32 (LS) - C.M. Dueñas / V.A. Ada / M.T. Limtiaco

An ac to appropriate funds for the payment of the remaining fifty percent (50%) implementation of the salary adjustments pursuant to the Competitive Wage Act of 2014.

Bill No. 389-32 (LS) - B.T. McCreadie / C.M. Dueñas / V.A. Ada

An act to appropriate funds for the unpaid balance of the law enforcement salary adjustments pursuant to the requirements of 10 GCA, Chapter 55, §55102.

Bill No. 388-32 (LS) - B.T. McCreadie / T.A. Morrison / T.R. Muña Barnes / V.A. Ada

An act to add a new Article 6 to Chapter 77, Division 2, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated relative to authorizing the issuance of tax credits for contributors to the renovation and expansion of the Tiyan gymnasium.

Bill No. 387-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to amend Public law 32-169 to appropriate Two Hundred Sixty-Six Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Dollars ($266,550) from Fiscal Year 2014 General Fund Revenues for the purchase of a ballot tabulation system, ballot stock, and coding services, to be utilized by the Guam Election Commission to conduct the 2014 Elections and to fund the costs associated with complying with Public Law 32-134.

Bill No. 386-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to clarify certain functions of the Administrative Law Judge under the Civil Service Commission by amending subsection (C) of Title 4 GCA §4405.

Bill No. 385-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to appropriate funds to the Guam Office of Veterans Affairs to fulfill local matching funding requirements for three separate veterans cemetery grants.

Bill No. 384-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new §26609 to article 6, Chapter 26 of Title 11 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the regulation and taxation of tobacco products.

Bill No. 383-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to adopt the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) By Adding a newdivision11 to Title 13 of the Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 382-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to require that the Guam Regional Transit Authority create an emergency public protocol in consulation with the Guam Homeland Security Office of Civil Defense by amending §6105 of Article 1 of Chapter 6, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 381-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to establish the anethesiologist assistant act, by adding a new article 25 to Chapter 12, Part 2, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 380-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada

An act to add new §§ 51112 & 51113 to Chapter 51 of 18GCA relative to the landlord-tenant relationship and protections for victims of domestic violence, inter alia.

Bill No. 379-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada

An act to add a new §§89.16 & 89.17 to Chapter 89 of 9GCA relative to duty of landlords of multifamily rental units to inform tenants of the occupancy of a unit by a registered sex offender.

Bill No. 1 (7-S) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / C.M. Dueñas / A.A. Yamshita, Ph.D. / V.A. Ada / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to partially fund the budgetary shortfalls within the Guam Medicaid program of the Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS), and the non-communicable disease consortium under DPHSS, by reprogramming and appropriating Eight Million Eight Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Eight Hundred Thirteen Dollars and Seventy-Seven Cents ($8,895,813.77) from the Tobacco Asset Backed Bonds 2001 Series B sub-accounts.

Bill No. 378-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to amend Public Law 32-168 to appropriate the sum of $668,000 from Fiscal Year 2014 General Fund revenues to the Guam Police Department for the purpose of paying prior years overtime incurred by the Guam Police Department.

Bill No. 377-32 (COR) - R.J. Respicio

An act to amend Public Law 32-169 to authorize the purchase of a ballot tabulation syste, ballot stoc, and coding services, to be utilized by the Guam Election Commision to conduct the November, 2014, and future elections from fiscal year 2014 revenues.

Bill No. 376-32 (COR) - A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act requiring the completion of an independent economic impact statement relative to the minimum wage on Guam.

Bill No. 375-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to amend §§77110.1 and 7110.2, and to repeal §§ 77110.3 and 77110.4 of Chapter 77, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the minimum requirements for positions within the Guam Police Department.

Bill No. 374-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend Section 3 to Chapter X of Public Law 32-068 (General Appropriations Act of 2014) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to GVB for På'å Taotao Tåno'.

Bill No. 373-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add Section 25 to Chapter X of Public Law 32-068 (General Appropriations Act of 2014) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to GVB for Guam Unique Merchandise and Art.

Bill No. 372-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to add Section 23 to Chapter X of Public Law 32-068 (General Appropriations Act of 2014) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to GVB for the Guam Symphony Society.

Bill No. 371-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend Section 9 to Chapter X of Public Law 32-068 (General Appropriations Act of 2014) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to GVB from the Guam International Film Festival.

Bill No. 370-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add Section 24 to Chapter X of Public Law 32-068 (General Appropriations Act of 2014) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to the Guam Humanities Council.

Bill No. 369-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add Section 22 to Chapter X of Public Law 32-068 (General Appropriations Act of 2014) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to the Guam Council on the Arts and Humanities Agency.

Bill No. 368-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend Section 13 to Chapter X of Public Law 32-068 (General Appropriations Act of 2014) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to GVB for the Amot Taotao Tano Farm.

Bill No. 367-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add Section 21 to Chapter X of Public Law 32-068 (General Appropriations Act of 2014) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to GVB for Guampedia Foundation, Inc.

Bill No. 366-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add Section 20 to Chapter X of Public Law 32-068 (General Appropriations Act of 2014) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to GVB for Inetnon Gefpå'go Cultural Arts Program, Inc.

Bill No. 365-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add Section 19 to Chapter X of Public Law 32-068 (General Appropriations Act of 2014) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to GVB for Hurao Academy, Inc.

Bill No. 364-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend Section 12 to Chapter X of Public Law 32-068 (General Appropriations Act of 2014) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to GVB from the Humatack Foundation.

Bill No. 363-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend Section 10 to Chapter X of Public Law 32-068 (General Appropriations Act of 2014) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to Guam FestPac & Folklife Festival Trust Account.

Bill No. 362-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to extend the deadline for real property tax (RPT) exemptions, authorize the use of the taxpayer identification number for RPT, and reduce the statute of limitations on the collection of RPT, and reduce the statute of limitations on the collection of RPT, by adding a new §24109, and by amending §§ 24204 and 24112, each of Chapter 24, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 361-32 (COR) - T.R. Muna Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend Section 4 to Chapter X of Public Law 32-068 (General Appropriations Act of 2014) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction fund (TAF) to GVB for the Historic Inalahan Foundation.

Bill No. 360-32 (COR) - T.R. Muna Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to send Section 18 to Chapter X of Public Law 32-068 (General Appropriations Act of 2014) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction fund (TAF) to GVB for Manhita Chamorro.

Bill No. 359-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to partially fund the budgetary shortfalls within the Guam Meidcaid Program of the Department of Public Health and the non-communicable disease consortium under DPHSS, by reprogramming and appropriating seven million dollars ($7,000,000) from the tobacco asset backed bonds 2001 series b sub-accounts.

Bill No. 358-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to fund the restoration and redevelopment of the municipality of Hagatna, by amending 22 GCA §79501 and by adding a new item (12) to 5 GCA §22425(q).

Bill No. 357-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to provide tourists who are victims of crime with emergency assistance, by adding a new §30109 to Chapter 30, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 356-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada

An act to amend §8243 of Chapter 8, Title 12 of the Guam Code Annotated, to provide the Guam Power Authority flexibility in fulfilling the mandates of Public Law 32-140.

Bill No. 355-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada

An act to authorize the Department of Public Works, government of Guam, to acquire Lot No. 150-R3-1R/W, Merizo, Guam for the Pigua Bridge reconstruction project.

Bill No. 354-32 (LS) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

>An act to authorize owners of private property to erect or have erected political signage, by adding a new item (5) to subsection (a), a new item (3) to subsection (c), each of §61541, part 5, article 5, chapter 61, title 21, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 353-32 (LS) - A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to add a new Chapter 54(B)to Title 10, Guam Code Annotated to promote plastic bag reduction in Guam for the protection of our environment.

Bill No. 352-32 (LS) - T.C. Ada

An act to add a new §3104 to Chapter 3, Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotates, relative to the reinstatement of Chief of Police and Fire Chief to previous classified position upon expiration of appointment, and to establish an alternative compensation level for the Chief position.

Bill No. 351-32 (LS) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to amend § 1022 of Chapter 10, Article 1 of title 1, Guam Code Annotated, Relative to the Guam Flower.

Bill No. 350-32 (LS) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to appropriate the sum of six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000) from the supplemental appropriation revenue (SAR) fund for the purpose of paying prior years overtime incurred by the Guam Police Department.

Bill No. 349-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to rezone Lot No. 5221-1-4-R1, municipality of Barrigada, from Agriculture Zone (A) to Multi-Family Dwelling Zone (R-2).

Bill No. 348-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to rezone lot no. P10.9A-3-16, in the municipality of Dededo from agriculture(A) to commercial(C)

Bill No. 347-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to rezone lot no. p10.9A-3-r19, in the municipality of Dededo from agriculture(A) to commercial(C)

Bill No. 346-32 (COR) - M.T. Limtiaco

An act to add new §8138.6, 8138.7, 8138.8, and 8138.9 to Chapter 8 of Title 4 GCA relative to creating a separate Board of Trustees for members of the Difined Contribution Retirement Plan.

Bill No. 345-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to amend Section 3, Section 4, and to repeal Section 6 all of Public law 21-130 to authorize Department of Land Mangement to exchange private property taken for the construction of the Agat - Umatac Highway with Government land.

Bill No. 344-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add a §1114 and §1115 to Chapter 1 of Title 11 and a new item (E) to Chapter 21, Division 2, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated relative to requiring the Department of Revenue and Taxations to publish unclaimed income tax refund checks and to establish the income tax refundassistance hotline also known as the taxpayerassistance claim support act of 2014.

Bill No. 343-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to rezone Lot No. 16, Block No. 16, in the municipality of Dededo from Multi-Family Dwelling (R-2) to Commercial (C).

Bill No. 342-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to rezone Lot No. 22, Block 9 in the municipality of Dededo from Residential (R-1) to Commercial (C).

Bill No. 341-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to rezone Lot No. 14NEW, Block No. 16 in the municipality of Dededo from Multi-Family Dwelling (R-2) to Commercial (C).

Bill No. 340-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act relative to the transfer of Guam Department of Agriculture property to the Office of Veterans Affairs with respect to the boundaries of the Guam Veterans Cemetary.

Bill No. 339-32 (COR) - A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to add a new Article 6B to Chapter 51A of 10 GCA, relative to the establishment of a commercial recycling program.

Bill No. 338-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / M.F.Q. San Nicolas / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to add a new subsection (E) to §70105 of Chapter 70 of Title 11 Guam Code Annotated relative to the Department of Revenue and Taxation including fields on the business liscense application and renewal forms identifying the gender, ethnicity, veteran status, and North American industry classification system code number of business owners.

Bill No. 337-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to amend §§ 76114, 76116, and 76124 of Chapter 76, Title 10 Guam Code Annotated, relative to the underground storage tank management fund, closure, and associated penalties.

Bill No. 336-32 (LS) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to extend the expenditure timeline for the appropriation from the Guam Territorial Highway Fund pursuant to P.L. 32-053, to designate and prioritize certain capital improvement projects by the Department of Public Works for flood mitigation and other purposes.

Bill No. 335-32 (LS) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to extend the timeline for obtaining exemptions and exceptions for social worker licensure, by amending §122317 and §122318 of Article 23, Chapter 12, Part 2, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 334-32 (LS) - R.J. Respicio

An act to appropriate the sum of One Hundred Thirty Four Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($134,250) from the General Fund for the purchase of a ballot tabulation system, and the sum of Forty Eight Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($48,500) from the General Fund for the purchase of ballot stock and coding services, to be utilized by the Guam Election Commission to conduct the November, 2014, and future elections.

Bill No. 333-32 (LS) - B.T. McCreadie / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / C.M. Dueñas / M.T. Limtiaco / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.R. Muña Barnes / V.A. Ada / M.F.Q. San Nicolas / R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to amend § 5106 (a) of Chapter 5, Title 19 Guam Code Annotated relative to providing discretion to the Office of the Attorney General with regards to the automatic certification of minors as adults for certain crimes, which may be cited as the "Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2014".

Bill No. 332-32 (LS) - T.R. Muña Barnes / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / B. McCreadie / T.A. Morrison / C.M. Dueñas / V.A. Ada / M. Limtiaco

An act to authorize I Maga'Lahen Guâhan to exchange government owned property in Asinan Ordot-Chalan Pago reserved for the Department of Public Health and Social Services for government owned property in Tamuning owned by the Chamorrow Land Trust.

Bill No. 331-32 (LS) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to add a new § 10315 to Chapter 10, Title 5 of Guam Code Annotated; Relative to the Online and Public Dislcosure of Medical License issued by Guam Board of Medical Examiners.

Bill No. 330-32 (COR) - C.M. Dueñas

An act to rezone Lot 2-R3, Block 2, Tract 172, Municipality of Dedeo, from One-Family Dwelling Zone (R1) to Commercial Zone (C).

Bill No. 329-32 (COR) - C.M. Dueñas

An act to rezone Lot No. 2-1 NEW, Tract 132, Municipality of Agat, from One-Family Dwelling Zone (R1) to Commercial Zone (C).

Bill No. 328-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada

An act to approve and adopt the CIP schedule and land use designations in the Jose D. Leon Guerrero Commercial Port of Guam Master Plan Update 2013 Report.

Bill No. 327-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act relative to amending 12 GCA § 5135 (D) to place the GHURA 500 Lot Sale Fund under the custodianship, discretion and purview of the Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority.

Bill No. 326-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to amend §8502 Chapter 8 of Title 12 Guam Code Annotated relative to increasing the cap on customer-generator power service entrance capacity for non-residential class customers.

Bill No. 325-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add a §79108 to Chapter 79 of Title 12 Guam Code Annotated relative to publishing consumer complaints.

Bill No. 324-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr

An act to add a §849.8 to Chapter 1 of Article 1 of Title 1 Guam Code Annotated; Relative to naming the East Agana Beach Park to the "I Inetnon Lalahen Guahan-Ymlg Centennial Beach Park" in Honor of the Young Men's League of Guam Organization.

Bill No. 323-32 (COR) - C.M. Dueñas / T.A. Morrison / B.T. McCreadie / V.A. Ada / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / M.T. Limtiaco

An act to reduce the Business Privilege Tax Rate from Four Percent (4%) to Three and Eight-Tenths Percent (3.8%); to increase certain Business Privilege Tax Exemptions from Forty Perecent (40%) to Seventy-Five Percent (75%); and, to repeal 11 GCA § 26203.1, relative to exemption limitations.

Bill No. 322-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to raise the minimum wage and cut business privilege taxes, by amending §3105 of Article 1, Chapter 3, Title 22, Guam Code Annotated and §§ 26202 (a), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), and (j) of Article 2, Chapter 26, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 321-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada / C.M. Dueñas

An act to amend §80.50 to Chapter 80 of 9GCA relative increasing fines for felonies, misdemeanors and violations.

Bill No. 320-32 (LS) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add a new Chapter 53 to Division 2, and to add a new Section 70134 to Chapter 70, Division 3, Title 11 of the Guam Code Annotated, Relative the creation of the Guam Qualified Retirement Plan and Trust Act.

Bill No. 319-32 (LS) - T.A. Morrison

An act to add a new article 3 to Chapter 46, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated relative to creating the "Computer Spyware Protection Act."

Bill No. 318-32 (LS) - T.A. Morrison

An act to add a new Article 5 to Chapter 46, Title 9, Guam Code Anntoated relative to creating the "Computer Protection Act."

Bill No. 317-32 (LS) - T.A. Morrison

An act to add a new Article 4 to Chapter 46 of 9GCA relative to the crime of phishing.

Bill No. 316-32 (LS) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to repeal and reenact §3105 Chapter 3 of Title 22 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to responsibly raising the minimum wage.

Bill No. 315-32 (LS) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to appropriate two hundred ninety-two thousand eight hundred dollars ($292,800) to fund programs for drug and alcohol treatment services and emergency youth shelter for homeless, runaway, and abused youth, by adding a new §11 to Chapter IX of Public Law 32-068.

Bill No. 314-32 (LS) - A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to add a new Chapter 81 to Title 21, Guam Code Annotated relative to creating a streamlined and expedited process for rezoning real property for constructing small projects by partially privatizing the process.

Bill No. 313-32 (LS) - B.T. McCreadie / V.A. Ada / C.M. Dueñas / M.T. Limtiaco / T.A. Morrison / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to create a new Article 6 to Chapter 90 Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the construction and renovation of the Department of Corrections Adult Correctional Facility to ensure the safety of the people of Guam; which shall collectively be cited as "The Department of Corrections Contruction Initiative Act of 2014".

Bill No. 312-32 (LS) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act relative to appropriating the funds in the GMHA Healthcare Trust and Development Fund to the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority pursuant to Public Law 32-060; by amending subsection "(B)" of §97103, Chapter 97, Article 1, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated. Received: 4/9/14 - 5:41 p.m.

Bill No. 311-32 (LS) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act relative to appropriating the funds available in the Limited Gaming Fund in Fiscal Year 2013-2014 in accordance with Public Law 32-060.

Bill No. 310-32 (LS) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to add a new §55104, §55104.1, §55104.2, §55104.3 to Chapter 55, Division 3, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated; relative to the establishment of physical fitness standards and policies for public safety and law enforcement uniform personnel; and shall henceforth be known as the "Fit to Serve and Protect Act of 2014".

Bill No. 309-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add a new Section 7 to Chapter 1 of Public Law 32-068 and to repeal and re-enact Section 13109(a)(5), Chapter 13, Title 2 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to prioritizing the uses of additional Section 30 revenues and to increase transparency and accountability in the reporting of Section 30 revenues to be received by the government of Guam.

Bill No. 308-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to provide an ex-officio representative of the GMH Volunteers Association a member position on the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Board of Trustees, by amending subsection (a) of §80105, Chapter 80, Division 4, 10 GCA.

Bill No. 307-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to amend Section 5102(d) of Title 7 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to the power of the Judicial Council to adopt pay schedules and plans and to appropriate funds for salary and benefit increases for non-law enforcement employees of the Judiciary.

Bill No. 306-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to appropriate funds to the Office of Veterans Affairs for the implementation of Guam Veterans Registry as mandated in Public Law 32-101

Bill No. 305-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to amend § 58108 and to add a new § 58108.1 to Chapter 58, Title 10 Guam Code Annotated relative to the duties of the Guam Fire Department and the Guam Waterworks Authority with respect to fire hydrants.

Bill No. 304-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to amend Sections 2(d) and 2(g) of Public Law 31-229 relative to school facilities located in Tiyan.

Bill No. 303-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to appropriate the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) from the fund balance of the Guam Board of Accountancy Fund to the University of Guam Endowment Foundation, Inc. for the creation and implementation of the Herminia Dierking and John Phillips Visiting Professor and Lecturer Program.

Bill No. 302-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to repeal § 73127 and to repeal and reenact § 73130 of Chapter 73 Title 5 Guam Code Annotated relative to establishing fines and penalties for individuals who make false statements to a Guam Customs Officer.

Bill No. 301-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to amend § 52.30 of Chapter 52 Title 9 Guam Code Anntoated relative to the crime of unsworn falsification.

Bill No. 300-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend § 151004 of Chapter 15 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated; relative to allowing trainees under the Nursing Training Program to agree to accept employment with a private hospital on Guam as a condition of selection and enrollment in the program.

Bill No. 299-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / B.T. McCreadie / V.A. Ada

An act to include foster children in the government of Guam group health insurance contract prospectively by amending §§ 4301 (a) and (b), §4301.1(a), §4302, and §4302.2(c), and by adding a new subsection (h) to §4301.1, each of Article 3, Chapter 4, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 298-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie / V.A. Ada / T.A. Morrison

An act to amend §§ 67.401.4 and 67.401.9 of Chapter 67, Title 9 Guam Code Annotated relative to punishment for the delivery, dispensing, manufacturing and importation of controlled substances, which may be cited as the "Methamaphetamine Incarceration Reform Act of 2014".

Bill No. 297-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / V.C. Pangelinan

An act amend §1105 of Title 9 GAR relative to the importation of cattle.

Bill No. 296-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / C.M. Dueñas / T.A. Morrison / R.J. Respicio / B.T. McCreadie / M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to amend §60109 and to add a new §60109.1 to Chapter 60 of 10GCA relative to concealed firearms licensing.

Bill No. 295-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to add a §849.7 to Chapter 1 of Article 1 of Title 1 Guam Code Anntoated; relative to naming the Tiyan Football Field in honor of "Mikkel Tan I. Vy Foundation."

Bill No. 294-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / B.J.F. Cruz / C.M. Dueñas / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / V.A. Ada / R.J. Respicio / B.T. McCreadie / T.A. Morrison

An act to establish the "Police Patrol Vehicle & Equipment Revolving Fund", by adding a new Section § 77135 to Article 1, Chapter 77, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated; and to provide funding by amending § 3602 of Article 6, Chapter 3, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the assessment and collection of vehicle safety inspection fees.

Bill No. 293-32 (COR) -- T.A. Morrison / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to amend §61542 of Chapter 61, of 21GCA relative to political signs.

Bill No. 292-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to add a new subsection §4104.2 to §4104 of Chapter 4, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated realtive to the Proof of Eligibility for Veterans Preference Credit.

Bill No. 291-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to appropriate the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) from the General Fund to the office of the Mayor of Yona for the demolition and disposal of the Taga'Chang Beach Park main pavilion due to its advanced state of disrepair as to endanger the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the community.

Bill No. 290-32 (COR) - T.A. Morrison / B.T. McCreadie / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to amend §§77114 & 77116 relative to dedicating the Recreation Services Fund of the Department of Parks and Recreation exclusively for recreational activities and to authorize the Department to solicit and accept donations.

Bill No. 289-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend subsection 5121(E) of Part C, Article 2, Chapter 5, Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to permitting alternative dispute resolution in contracts approved by the Government of Guam Retirement Fund.

Bill No. 288-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas / B.J.F. Cruz WITHDRAWN

An act to suspend all tax credit, except as authorized prospective to this act, as contractually obligated, or as authorized under the Internal Revenue Code.

Bill No. 287-32 (COR) - T.R. Muna Barnes

An act to authorize I Maga'Lahen Guahan to exchange government owned property in Asinan Ordot-Chalan Pago reserved for the Department of Public Health and Social Services for the government owned property in Dededo owned by the Chamorrow Land Trust.

Bill No. 286-32 (COR) - T. Morrison / V.A. Ada / C.M. Duenas / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / B.T. Mc Creadie.

An act to amend §1001 of 1GCA relative to estavlishing Guam History and Chamorro Heritage Day as a legal holiday on Guam. Received

Bill No. 285-32 (COR) - T.R. Muna Barnes

An act making an appropriation from the general fund to the Department of Administration (DOA) for Westcare Paciric Islands for the specific purposes of conducting intense outreach activities, providing informational and referal services to all veterans on Guam.

Bill No. 284-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to establish the posistion of Chief Medical Director, Department of Public Health & Social Services; and to provide for collateral duty as Medical Director, Bureau of Communicable Disease Control, by adding a new §1104, §1105 and §1106 to Chapter 1 - Administration, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 283-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to approve and adopt the Jose D. Leon Guerrero Commercial Port Authority of Guam (PORT) Master Plan Update 2013 Report.

Bill No. 282-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to amend § 37.10 and 37.20 of Chapter 37, Title 9 Guam Code Annotated relative to the crime of burglary in schools, which may be cited as the "Safer Schools Act of 2014".

Bill No. 281-32 (COR) - C.M. Dueñas

An act to add a new Section 22401.2 to Article 4, Chapter 22, of Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to authorizing the government of Guam, through the Office of the Governor, to retain professionals to pursue claims of the government of Guam against third parties on a contiengency fee basis, authorization to pay for same, and to appropriate to the Office of the Governor $350,000 to pay for the costs and expenses (not fees) associated with brining an action against the federal government for harms at the Ordot dump.

Bill No. 280-32 (LS) - V.A. Ada

An act to add a new Chapter 72 to 9GCA relative to bias-motivated crimes.

Bill No. 279-32 (LS) - T.R. Muna Barnes / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to provide for a Guam Environmental Protection Agency-Conducted Sustainable Materials Management Study and implemantation of a one-year pilot projection demonstrating the ability of Guam to develop a beneficial use for discarded glass bottles that would among other things, divert glass from the Layon Municipal Sanitary Landfill, and for ther purposes.

Bill No. 278-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan / B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to prioritize the funding of the classified and unclassified employees of the government of Guam by setting the salaries of I Maga'låhen Guåhan, I Segundu Na Maga'låhen Guåhan, Senators of I Liheslaturan Guåhan, the Attorney General of Guam, the Public Auditor of Guam, and heads of the Departments and Agencies of the Executive Branch to October 1, 2013 salary rates.

Bill No. 277-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to add a new SEction 3349 to Article 3, Chapter 3, Title 16 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to the duties of drivers when approaching stationary vehicles displaying emergency or warning lights.

Bill No. 276-32 (COR) - M.T. Limtiaco

An act to eliminate the setting of Senators' salaries as a percentage of the salary paid to the Judges of the Superior Court of Guam.

Bill No. 275-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to ensure the sanctity of the medical peer review process at the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority, by amending subsection (n) of §80109, Chapter 80, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 274-32 (COR) - A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / V.A. Ada / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / B.J.F. Cruz

An act authorizing the Guam Department of Education to implement a state preschool program by adding a new Section 6101.1; and to adjust the complusory age of school, attendance by amending Sections 6102, 6103, 6104, 6105, 6105.1 and 6106; and to establish the Preschool Day and Year by adding a new Section 6121 all of Article 1, Division 2, Chapter 6 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 273-32 (COR) - A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act repeal § 70.35 of Chapter 70, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated; and to add a new Article 3 to Chapter 28 of Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to invasion of privacy.

Bill No. 272-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to add a new §80.37.6 to Chapter 80, Title 9 Guam Code Annotated relative to enhanced sentences for vulnerable victims, which may be cited as the "Vulnerable Victims Act of 2014".

Bill No. 271-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.A. Ada / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to add a new §67102.2 to Chapter 67, Title 10 Guam Code Anntoated, relative to granting the Guam Veterans Commission the authority to implement a comprehensive master plan towards the establishment of "I Sengsong Beteranun Guahan - Guam Veterans Village." which shall serve as a one-stop veterans service center; and for other purposes.

Bill No. 270-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to adopt the Rules and Regulations governing the process by which a person may seek removal of his/her name fromo the Family Violence Registry Database, to be codified under a new Article 4 in Chapter 1 of Title 19 - Law, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations.

Bill No. 269-32 (LS) - Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign, & Micronesian Affairs, Human & Natural Resources, and Election Reform by the request of I Maga'låhen Guåhan, the Governor of Guam, in accordance with the Organic Act of Guam

An act making appropriations for the operation of the executive branch of the Government of Guam for Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2015, making other appropriations, and establishing miscellaneous and administrative provisions.

Bill No. 268-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to approve the Department of Administration's implementation plans of the 'Government of Guam Competitive Wage Act of 2014', to require a performance-based standard for Directors and Deputy Directors of Line Agencies and I Maga'låhen and I Segundu Maga'låhen.

Bill No. 267-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas / T.C. Ada

An act to strengthen provisions for the repair or demolition of unsafe structures in Guam's Building Law, by amending §§ 66501, 66503, 66504, 66505, 66507 and 66508 of Article 5 and § 66701 of Article 7, each of Chapter 66, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 266-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muna Barnes / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to add a new § 849.7 of Chapter 8 of Title 1 Guam Code Annotated relative to the renaming of the Tiyan Parkway to the Chalan Mag'Hâga.

Bill No. 265-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to authorize the Chamorro Land Trust Commission to enter into economic lease by adding a new Section 75122, Chapter 75, Title 21 Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 264-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / B.T. McCreadie / T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio / T.R. Muña Barnes / V.A. Ada / T.A. Morrison / C.M. Dueñas

An act to relative to prohibiting the sale or distribution of electronic cigarettes to minors, by adding a new § 6101(l) to Article 1, and amending § 6400 of Article 4, Chapter 6, Title 11 Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 263-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to add a new §77113.1 to Chapter 77, Title 10 Guam Code Annotated relative to establishing an annual police recruitment cycle, starting in Fiscal Year 2015 for a five year period.

Bill No. 262-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to amend §77107 and to add a new §77135 to Chapter 77, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated relative to establishing a public-private partnership for vehicle impoundment.

Bill No. 1 (6-S) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / R.J. Respicio / C.M. Dueñas

An act to amend §80109(s)(9) of Chapter 80, Division 4 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the waiver of sovereign immunity on a loan previously authorized for the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority.

Bill No. 261-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new § 76405 to article 4 of Chapter 76 of Title 11 of the Guam Code Annotate; relatvie to requiring a tax clearance for professional license.

Bill No. 260-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new subsection (f) to § 13104 of Chapter 13 of Title 4 of the Guam Code Annotated; Relative to
requiring a tax clearance from the Department of Revenue and Taxation within the Financial Disclosure of all Candidates for Public Office and all officials appointed by I Maga’lahi whose appointment is subject to the consent of I Liheslaturan Guåhan.

Bill No. 259-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to authorize I Maga'lahen Guahan to exchange on a value for value basis privately owned property locaed in the municipality of Barrigada upon certification by the Department of Public Works for use of a ponding basin for flood mitigation for government of Guam owned property located in the municipality of Dededo.

Bill No. 258-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add a new Section 4122 to Chapter 4 and to amend Sections 22704(a) and (c), Chapter 22 of Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated and to add Section 3(d) to Public Law 30-37, relative to requiring legislative appropriation for the government of Guam puchase, lease-to-own, and/or other lease-purchase of real property and for other purposes.

Bill No. 257-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to amend § 4107, Chapter 4, Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated, to amend Sections 5 and 6 of Public Law 30-37, to amend Section 7 of Public Law 31-76 and to amend Section 1107(g), Chapter 1, Title 11 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to enhancing I Maga'låhen Guåhan's comprehensive program and financial plan through identifying the Guam Department of Education, the University of Guam, and the Guam Community College appropriations and to increase transparency, accountability, and planning in the budget reporting of tax credits.

Bill No. 256-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to add a new §7178 to Chapter 7, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated relative to motor vehicles registration.

Bill No. 255-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie WITHDRAWN

An act to amend §70117 of Chapter 70, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated relative to business licenses.

Bill No. 254-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to amend §3102 of Chapter 3, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated relative to driver's license renewals.

Bill No. 253-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada / V.C. Pangelinan

An act to amend §30113 of Chapter 30, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated relative to the exclusion of attorneys employed in the Department of Law who serves in the Guard and/or reserve under Title 10 or Title 32 of the U.S. Code.

Bill No. 252-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / R.J. Respicio / C.M. Dueñas

An act to amend Article 2, Chapter 10 Title 12 Guam Code Annotated §10238 relative to the waiver of sovereign immunity on a loan previously authorized for the Jose D. Leon Guerrero Port Authority of Guam. Received: 1/3/14 - 2:33 p.m.

Bill No. 251-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / R.J. Respicio / C.M. Dueñas

An act to amend Public Law 32-67 relative to the waiver of sovereign immunity on a loan previously authorized for the Guam Legislature.

Bill No. 250-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / R.J. Respicio / C.M. Dueñas

An act to amend Division 4 of 10 Guam Code Annotated §80109(s)(9) relative to the waiver of sovereign immunity on a loan perviously authorized for the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority.

Bill No. 249-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada / C.M. Duenas / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / R.J. Respicio / T.R. Muna Barnes / T. Morrison / F. B. Aguon, Jr. / M.T. Limtiaco

An act to reprogram the sum of three hundred seventy five thousand dollars ($375,000.00) to the department of Public Works for the paving of village streets and the repair of damages to village streets as a result of traffic diversion related to ongoing road construction projects.

Bill No. 248-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to appropriate twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) from the General Fund to allow the Government of Guam to pay for an inverse condemnation settlement pursuant to Superior Court of Guam Civil Case No. CV1158-12

Bill No. 247-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act relative to expanding the Guam Slayer's Statute that would prohibit inheritance by a person who murders someone from whom he or she stands to inherit; through the repeal and reenactment of §819 of Chapter 8, Title 15, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 246-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to amend Sections of Article 3 of Chapter 5, Title 5, Guam Code Anntoated relative to source selection and contract formation in Guam Porcurement Law.

Bill No. 245-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to amend Sections 8144, 8145, and 8149, Article 1, Chapter 8, Title 4 of the Guam Code Anntoated relative to custodians, investment agents, and bank deposits.

Bill No. 244-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr. / M.F.Q. San Nicolas / R.J. Respicio

An act amending Public Law 32-068 relative to withholding tax revenue collections and making appropriations to the Unified Judiciary for law enforcement salary increase implementation.

Bill No. 243-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to implement the law enforcement pay adjustment for employees of the Unified Judiciary of Guam, fund capital improvements to the municipal market of Mangilao and to create the responsible non-profit endowment fund, by amending §2 of Chapter 1 and adding §§ 13, 14 and 15 to Chapter XI, each of Public Law 32-68.

Bill No. 242-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to amend §28.65 of Chapter 28, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the crime of indecent exposure.

Bill No. 241-32 (COR) - R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada

An act to amend Title 3 GCA § 13106; to add a new Title 3 GCA § 13107; to renumber the existing §§ 13107 - 13109; to amend Item (b) of Title 3 GCA § 6105; to amend Items (a) and (b), and to delete Item (c) of Title 5 GCA Chapter 40 § 40110; relative to a vacancy in a Mayor's of Vice Mayor's Office, and to provide for a special election to fill any vacancy among Guam Mayors or Vice Mayors, provided that such vacancy or vacancies occur 240 days or more before the date of the next General Election for Mayors and Vice Mayors.

Bill No. 240-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to rezone Lot No. 54NEW-R1, Block No. 3, Municipality of Tamuning, Guam from Single-Family Dwelling Zone (R-1) to Commerical Zone (C).

Bill No. 239-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to restablish an Expedited Judicial Process to address claims relative to property expropriated for public purposes by the Government of Guam without just compensation.

Bill No. 238-32 (COR) - T.A. Morrison / V.A. Ada / C.M. Duenas WITHDRAWN

An act to amend §1001 of 1GCA relative to reestablishing Guam Discovery Day as a legal holiday of the Government of Guam.

Bill No. 237-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to amend subsection 12107(c)(4), subsection 12107(f) and subsection 12107(g) of Chapter 12, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Guam Academy Charter School Act of 2009.

Bill No. 236-32 (COR) - A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada

An act to add new Section 3102.5 and Section 3102.6 through Section 3102.8 to Chapter 3 of Title 16, Guam Code Anntoated relative to authorizing the Department of Revenue and Taxation to outsouce the driver testing requirement for certain commercial driver's licenses, and to the reciprocation of commercial driver's licenses.

Bill No. 235-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add a new section 19 to part I, Chapter II of Public Law 32-068 and to amend Section 1303, Chapter 1, Article 3, Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to upholding the intent of I Liheslatura’s annual appropriations to the Guam Department of Education (GDOE) for every fiscal year and for funding the repair and/or renovation of Simon Sanchez High School and for other facilities and maintenance needs of the GDOE.

Bill No. 234-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to require that the Office of Technology establish a protocol to back‐up critical electronic data necessary for the efficient operation of agencies by adding a new subsection (l) to §20204.1 of Article 2, Xhapter 20, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 233-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to require a period for public comment at every public meeting of an agency or instrumentality of the government of Guam, by adding a new §8117 to chapter 8, title 5, Guam Code Annotated. Received: 12/3/13 - 11:07 a.m.

Bill No. 232-32 (COR) - T.R. Muna Barnes

An act to rezone Lot no. 23, Block no. 4, Tract no. 170, West Acres subdivision, Dededo, Guam from single-family dwelling (R-1) to multiple-family dwelling (R-2). Received: 12/2/13 - 10:31 a.m.

Bill No. 231-32 (COR) - T.R. Muna Barnes

An act to rezone Lot no. 22, Block no. 4, Tract no. 170, West Acres subdivision, Dededo, Guam from single-family dwelling (R-1) to multiple-family dwelling (R-2). Received: 12/2/13 - 10:31 a.m.

Bill No. 230-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to require that the Office of Technology establish a secure web-based communications protocol to allow agencies to securely share information with authorized recipients by adding a new subsection (j) to §20204.1 of Article 2, Chapter 20, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated. Received: 11/27/13 - 3:03 p.m.

Bill No. 229-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to require that the Office of Technology establish a web-based meeting protocol to allow agencies to hold non-public meetings remotely by adding a new subsection (k) to §20204.1 of Article 2, Chapter 20, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 228-32 (LS) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to exempt beneficiaries of the Defined Benefit Retirement Plan from the suspension of their annuity payments for limited term appointments as school bus drivers or automotive mechanics, by amending subsection (a) of §8121, Article 1, Chapter 8, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 227-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to authorize the creation of the Guam Streetlight Authority to issue bonds to finance the purchase and installation of new LED streetlights.

Bill No. 226-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to add a new Chapter 58D to Title 5 Guam Code Annotated relative to the finance, design, renovation, rehabilitation, construction or maintenance of public schools.

Bill No. 225-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to add a new Chapter 58C to Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the renovation or construction of a new Simon Sanchez High School and to amend and renumber §22425(q) Article 4, Chapter 22, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to revaluation of real property taxes and to amend §53101 of Title 17 Guam Code Annotated, relative to Early Childhood Program Fund.

Bill No. 224-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to amend §5425, §5426, §5427, §5450, §5452, §5480, §5481 and §§5485 (a) and (b) of Article 9, and §5703, §5705, §5706(b), §5707(a), §5708 of Article 12, Chapter 5, Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to clarifying legal and contractual remedies in Guam Procurement Law.

Bill No. 223-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to appropriate the sum of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars for the compensation to farmers for crop damages program established pursuant to Chapter 64A, Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 222-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to amend §89.01(d)(2); to amend §89.01(g)(2)(B); to add a new subsection (C) to §89.01(g)(2); to amend §89.02(a)(2); to amend §89.02(a)(3); to amend §89.02(b)(2); to amend §89.02(c)(1) and to add a new subsection (d) to §89.02 all of Chapter 89, 9 Guam Code Annotated relative to the crimes against minors and sex offender registry.

Bill No. 221-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act relative to re-zoning Lot No. 1106-2NEW, located in the municipality of Mangilao, from Single-Family Residential ("R-1") to Commercial ("C"), for purposes of establishing a medical clinic and health care related commercial activity.

Bill No. 220-32 (LS) - R J. Respicio / T.R. Muña Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to require the Mayors Council of Guam (MCOG) and the Guam Environmental Protection Agency (GEPA) to collaborate on development of an operational plan for the implementation of this act, and to appropriate Two Million Dollars ($2.000.000) from the recycling revolving fund to the Mayors Council of Guam for the purchase of heavy equipment to be utilized by the MCOG for that collection and disposal of recyclables, junk cars, green waste and other debris.

Bill No. 219-32 (LS) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to ammend § 30109 of Article 1, Chapter 30, 5 Guam Code Annotated relative to the duties of the attorney general of Guam.

Bill No. 218-32 (LS) - B.T. McCreadie / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.A. Morrison / C.M. Duenas / M.T. Limtiaco / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / R.J. Respicio

An act to reserve and appropriate the sum of $4,800,000 upon the maturity of the government of Guam limited obligation: business privelege tax bond series 2013c bond, to provide additional fuding for the construction of a new Simon Sanchez High School, and related purposes.

Bill No. 217-32 (LS) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to rezone Lot No. 3 of Tract 1419, located in the municipality of Dededo, from Agricultural Zone (A) to Commercial Zone (C).

Bill No. 216-32 (LS) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act relative to enacting principles of balanced and restorative justice in the Juvenile Criminal Justice System between the victim and offender.

Bill No. 215-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to add a new Article 24 to Chapter 12, Title 10 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to allowing the medical use of cannabis, amending provisions of the Controlled Substances Act, providing penalties, and for other purposes, also known as the Joaquin Concepcion Compassionate Cannabis Use Act of 2013.

Bill No. 214-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to allow employees of government of Guam agencies and instrumentalities to apply payroll deductions to registered non-profits, by amending §20111 of Article 1, Chapter 20, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 213-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada

An act to authorize I Maga'lahen Guahån to exchange government property in Barrigada for privately owned property located in Barrigada to be used for the Guam Flood Mitigation Plan.

Bill No. 212-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to add a new Chapter 59A to Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the procuring, installing, operating, leasing, maintaining, refurbishing, and replacing of energy-efficient streetlights for the entire island of Guam also known as the Island-Wide Energy Efficient Street Light Act of 2013.

Bill No. 211-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas / V.C. Pangelinan

An act to adopt the Banking and Insurance Board proposed regulations under the Guam Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortage Licensing Act of 2010.

Bill No. 210-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas / V.C. Pangelinan / T.C. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz / B.T. McCreadie / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to add a new subsection (6) to § 12101, and to amend §§ 12101(4), 12104, 12106 and 12107, all of Chapter 12, Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to informing the owner, lienholder and insurer when a vehicle has been towed, and providing for the liability of a towing company for damage sustained to a vehicle while in its custody.

Bill No. 209-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to amend Section 1 of Public Law 31-234, relative to extending the deadline to obligate or expend American Recovery and Reinvestment Funds.

Bill No. 208-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to add § 51112 of Chapter 51, Title 18 Guam Code Annotated relative to providing an additional source of funding to the Guam Housing Corporation's Housing Trust Fund by authorizing the transfer to the same of interest on security deposits arising from landlord tenant rental agreements.

Bill No. 207-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to add §8241.1 of Title 12 of the Guam Code Annotated and to approve the terms and conditions of Guam Power Authority Revenue Bonds to finance capital improvements to the island-wide power system.

Bill No. 206-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend subsection (C) of §26603, of Article 6, Chapter 26, of Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishjing tax parity between cigarettes and chewing tobacco.

Bill No. 205-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / B.T. McCreadie / R.J. Respicio / T.A. Morrison / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / M.T. Limtiaco / C.M. Dueñas / M.F.Q. San Nicolas / V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add a new Article 6 to Chapter 77, Division 2 of Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to promoting economic development by authorizing the issuanace of tax credits to entities who assist with the development of Guam's agricultal and "Guam product Seal" products export initiative through contributions to offset shipping costs.

Bill No. 204-32 (COR) - M.T. Limtiaco / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.A. Morrison / C.M. Dueñas / V.A. Ada

An act to amend §§7105-7108 of 17 GCA, relative to the authorization of commercial advertising leases; to authorize the Department of Public Works to establish a commercial advertising space program on school buses; and, to establish the DPW Bus Maintenance Fund.

Bill No. 203-32 (COR) - C.M. Dueñas / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / V.A. Ada / T.A. Morrison

An act to offer incentives for the purchse of plug-in electric vehicles.

Bill No. 202-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada / C.M. Dueñas

An add a new Article 3 to Chapter 37 of 9GCA relative to carjacking.

Bill No. 201-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a nwe §5141 to Chapter 5 of Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated; relative to establishing system of training, continuing education, and certification for Government of Guam procurement.

Bill No. 200-32 (COR) - R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new § 77135 to Article 1, Chapter 77 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to police clearances, to be known as the "Police Clearance Clarity Act of 2013."

Bill No. 199-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada

An act to amend §22425(q)(4) and (q)(5) of Title 5 Guam Code Annotated, relative to funding the facilities and maintenance division of the Guam Department of Education.

Bill No. 198-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to add a new §5013 to Title 5, Chapter 5 of Title 5 Guam Code Annotated, relative to Government Procurement Policy in favor of women owned businesses.

Bill No. 197-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to add a new §3223 to Chapter 3 of Title 17 Guam Code Annotated, relative to Honorary High School Diplomas for certain senior citizens.

Bill No. 196-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to amend §§ 53101(c). 53105 and 53110 of Chapter 53, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to ensuring the repair and restoration of Guam's public roadways by contractors and public agencies who excavate these roadways.

Bill No. 195-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to add a new Chapter 91 to Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to protecting infants who are born alive as a result of an abortion, through the establishment of the "Infant Child's Right to Life Act."

Bill No. 194-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to add a new Chapter 55 to Division 2, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated; and a new subsection (i) to § 103104 of Chapter 103, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the establishment of a Guam Intrastate Securities Exchange under the Intrastate Offering Exemption of the Federal Securities Act of 1933.

Bill No. 193-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / C.M. Dueñas

An act to amend Section 4 of Public Law 31-235, relative to deleting the provision requiring the "Printed Materials" and the "Checklist Certification" to undergo the rule making process pursuant to the Administrative Adjudication Law.

Bill No. 192-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new § 64.15, § 64.16, and § 64.17 to Chapter 64 of Title 9 of the Guam Code Annotated; relative to the prohibition and forfeiture of electronic machines or devices to conduct sweepstakes gambling.

Bill No. 191-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to amend Public Law 31-235, relative to the Women's Reproductive Health Information Act of 2012.

Bill No. 190-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to a new Chapter 28 to Division 2 of Title 17 Guam Code Annotated relative to the establishment of the Research Corporation, University of Guam (RCUOG).

Bill No. 189-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to amend § 6229.14 of Article 2, Chapter 6 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated; and to repeal Item (10) of subsection (a), and Item (5) of subsection (b) of § 12805 of Article 8, Chapter 12, Part 1of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to facilitating the recruitment of hard-to-fill allied health professional positions.

Bill No. 188-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new § 80.50 to Article 2, Chapter 80, Title 9 Guam Code Annotated known as the Justice Safety Valve Act of 2013 relative to empowering the courts of Guam to depart from applicable mandatory minimum sentences under specific conditions, and for other purposes.

Bill No. 187-32 (COR) - C.M. Dueñas / V.A. Ada / M.T. Limitiaco / B.T. McCreadie / T.A. Morrison / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. WITHDRAWN

An act to appropriate the sum of Nine Million Dollars ($9,000,000) from Section 30 tax revenues to the Department of Administration to provide for the payment of tax revenues.

Bill No. 186-32 (COR) - T.A. Morrison / V.T. McCreadie / V.A. Ada / C.M. Dueñas / M.T. Limtiaco / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to appropriate the sum of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) from Section 30 tax revenues to the Guam Police Department, the Guam Fire Department, and the Department of Corrections.

Bill No. 185-32 (COR) - M.T. Limtiaco / B.T. McCreadie / V.A. Ada / C.M. Dueñas / T.A. Morrison / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to appropriate the sum of Four Hundred Forty Nine Thousand, One Hundred Nineteen Dollars ($449.119) from Section 30 tax revenues to purchase vehicles for the Guam Police Department.

Bill No. 184-32 (COR) - A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / V.A. Ada / B.T. McCreadie / T.A. Morrison / M.T. Limtiaco / C.M. Dueñas

An act to appropriate the sum of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) from Section 30 tax revenues to the Department of Education for the implementation of provisions for Public Law No. 31-29.

Bill No. 183-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to add a new Article 5 to Chapter 3 of 22GCA relative to privacy of employees' personal information.

Bill No. 182-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie / V.A. Ada / C.M. Dueñas / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.A. Morrison / M.T. Limtiaco WITHDRAWN

An act to reserve the total of $4,800,000 upon the maturity of the government of Guam Limited Obligation: Business Privelege Tax Bonds Series 2013C Bond to fund the construction of a new middle school, to provide additional funding for the construction of a new Simon Sanchez High School and for other purposes.

Bill No. 181-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to amend Section 2 of Public Law 30-145, which amended Section 4 of Public Law 28-71, relative to approving the terms and conditions of the issuance of Guam Waterworks Authority Revenue Bonds, to increase the amount of the bonds that the Guam Waterworks Authority is authorized to issue, and to approve the terms and conditions of Guam Waterworks Authority Revenue Bonds to refinance certain Guam Waterworks Authority Revenue Bonds.

Bill No. 180-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada

An act to amend Section 30102(a) of Chapter 30, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated, to require agencies permitted to retain councel other than the Attorney General, to hire unclassified, in-house counsel.

Bill No. 179-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz / T.R. Muña Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to amend P.L. 30-83 relative to the coordinating committee of the 12th Festival of Pacific Arts of 2016.

Bill No. 178-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to appropriate the remaining funds escheated to the General Fund prior to end of Fiscal Year 2013, pursuant to §21116 of Chapter 21, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, to the Department of Public Health & Social Services and authorized to use as a local requirement for the Medicaid Program.

Proposed SBill No. 1 (4-S) - Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs, Human & Natural Resources, and Election Reform

An act making appropriations for the operations of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches of the government of Guam for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014; making other appropriations; and establishing miscellaneous and administrative provisions.

Bill No. 1 (4-S) - Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs, Human & Natural Resources, and Election Reform

An act making appropriations for the operations of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches of the government of Guam for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014; making other appropriations; and establishing miscellaneous and administrative provisions.

Bill No. 177-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan / M.F.Q. San Nicolas / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio

An act making appropriations for the operations of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches of the government of Guam for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014; making other appropriations; and establishing miscellaneous and administrative provisions.

Bill No. 176-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add a new Article 2 to Chapter 12, Division 2, Title 22 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the licensing of service contracts sold on Guam.

Bill No. 175-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / B.J.F. Cruz / T.A. Morrison

An act to allow non-commissioned officers to have their service recognized for management positions of the government of Guam, by adding a new §4129 to Article 1, Chapter 4, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 174-32 (LS) - V.C. Pangelinan / R.J. Respicio / M.F.Q. San Nicolas / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada / F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act making appropriations for Medical and Dental Insurance Premiums for employees of the Executive and Legislative Branches and for retirees of the government of Guam for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014.

Bill No. 1 (3-S) - Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs, Human & Natural Resources, and Election Reform

An act making appropirations for the operations of the Executive Branch of the government of Guam for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014, making other appropriations and establishing miscellaneous and administrative provisions.

Bill No. 173-32 (LS) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to amend Section 2 1(G) of Public Law 32-053 relative to flood mitigation projects of the Department of Public Works.

Bill No. 172-32 (COR) - B.T. McCreadie / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.C. Ada / T.A. Morrison / V.A. Ada / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.R. Muña Barnes / R.J. Respicio / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / C.M. Dueñas

An act to create a new Article 6 & 7 to Chapter 90 Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, realtive to the construction and renovation of the Department of Corrections Adult Correctional Facility to ensure the safety of the people of Guam; which shall collectively be cited as "The Department of Corrections Construction Initiative Act of 2013".

Bill No. 171-32 (LS) - V.A. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz

An amend §§ 3114 of 16GCA, 57103 of 10GCA, 4121 of 4GCA and 1107 of 17GCA relative to government of Guam ID cards issued to persons under 21 years of age.

Bill No. 170-32 (LS) - V.C. Pangelinan / M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to add a new subsection (w) to § 8104, and to amend §§ 8139.1, 8143(j), 8144, 8145, 8146, 8149, 8150, 8151, 8152, 8153, 8154, 8156, 8157, 8158 and 8158.1, all of Article 1, Chapter 8 of Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the defined benefits plan of the Government of Guam Retirement Fund.

Bill No. 169-32 (LS) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to rezone Lot No. 5168-4, located in the municipality of Tamuning, from Single-Family Dwelling Zone (R1) to Light Industrial Zone (M1).

Bill No. 168-32 (LS) - T.R. Muña Barnes WITHDRAWN

An act to rezone Lots No. 22 and 23, Block No. 4, Tract No. 170, West Acres Subdivision, Dededo, Guam from Single-Family Dwelling Zone (R-1) to Multiple-Family Dwelling Zone (R-2).

Bill No. 167-32 (LS) - R.J. Respicio

An act to repeal § 23113 of Chapter 23, Title 22 of the Guam Code Annotated to remove the current tax exemption on premiums collected by insurance companies as part of the QC program.

Bill No. 166-32 (LS) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to transfer title of Lot No. 5397 municipality of Barrigada, Guam to the University of Guam.

Bill No. 165-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.C. Ada / B.T. McCreadie

An act to adopt the Government of Guam Healthy Vending Machine Policy, as provided and mandated pursuant to Public Law 31-141, to be codified under a new Chapter 13 of Division 4, Title 2, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations; and to amend § 23109 of Chapter 23, Part 1, Division 2 of Title 19m Guam Code Annotated; and to amend §§ 22420.1 (a) and (c), and to add a new § 22420.2, all of Article 4, Chapter 22 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, to provide for the inclusion of the Goverment of Guam Healthy Vending Machine Policy to canteens and other food and beverage vendors on Government premises.

Bill No. 164-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / V.A. Ada / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to authorize the Governor, pursuant to Executive Order, to temporarily adjust, waive or suspend the provisions for Tuberculosis testing, by amending §3329 of Article 3, Chapter 3, Division 1, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 163-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act relative to providing service-disabled veteran-owned businesses preference in government of Guam contractual opportunities for the provision of services or products to the community; through adding a new Article 15 to Chapter 5, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated; this act shall heretofore be referred to as the "Guam Service-Disabled Veterans Business Opportunity Act".

Bill No. 1 (2-S) - Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs, Human & Natural Resources, and Election Reform

An act to authorize the A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam, to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of refunding the general revenue bonds, 2003 Series A, B, and C and to finance new projects, to refinance the energy efficiency loan on a subordinate basis, to add a new § 1115 and amend §§ 1203.1 and 1224 of Title 12, Chapter 1 of the Guam Code Annotated, and to amend § 5351 of Title 5, Chapter 5 of the Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 162-32 (LS) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to amend § 162102 of Chapter 162, Title 11, Guam Code Anntoated, relative to the Collective Investment Funds Act.

Bill No. 161-32 (LS) - F.B. Aguon, Jr. / B.J.F. Cruz / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / R.J. Respicio / V.A. Ada / B.T. McCreadie / T.A. Morrison / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to add a new subsection (d) to § 2101 of Chapter 2, Division 1 of Title 7, Guam Code Anntoated, relative to the establishiment of a Guam Veterans Treatment Court within the Judiciary of Guam, and to be known as the "Justice for Veterans Act of 2013."

Bill No. 160-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to adopt the rules and procedure for the Government of Guam Health Insurance Negotiating Team and the conduct of the annual solicitation of health insureance coverage for Government of Guam active employees, retirees, and their dependants.

Bill No. 159-32 (COR) - T.A. Morrison / T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend subsection II. AG. of Section 2 of Chapter I, and to add a new Section 19 to Chapter X both of Public Law 31-233 (General Appropriations Act of 2013) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to the Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) for the Humåtak Community Foundation (HCF), Inc. for the purposes of developing the Humåtak Heritage Village Museum (HHVM).

Bill No. 158-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.A. Morrison

An act to require each agency or instrumentality of the Government of Guam to determine payments that can be made through its website, and to require the Office of Technology to estimate the cost of implementing such online payments.

Bill No. 157-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new § 5404 to Article 8, Chapter 5 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the proceeds perived from the disposal of excess or surplus supplies and equipment that are the property of the Jose D. Leon Guerrero Port Authority of Guam (PAG).

Bill No. 156-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / B.J.F. Cruz / T.R. Muña Barnes / C.M. Dueñas

An act to add a new Chapter 14 to Title 2, Guam Code Annotated, relative to creating the Guam Trademark Commission for the development of a Cultural Trademark Statute for the protection and preservation of Guam's Chamorro Cultural Arts.

Bill No. 155-32 (COR) - R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz / T.R. Muña Barnes / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / V.A. Ada

An act to accept and approve the terms and conditions of the appended agreement between the Bank of Guam and I Liheslaturan Guåhan, with the assistance and advice of the Guam Economic Development Authority (GEDA), relative to financing the reconstruction of the historic Guam Legislature building in Hagåtña, in conjunction with the Guam Preservation Trust, to include modernizing, referbishing and restoring the existing structure, which is an important component of the revitalization of Hagåtña.

Bill No. 154-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.T. McCreadie / T.C. Ada / T.A. Morrison / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add new § 7160(f) of Chapter 7, Title 16 Guam Code Annotated, relative to exempting from vehicle registration fee requirements certain motorized utility vehicles operated by Guam Mayors in accordance with, and in futherance of, their statutorily prescribed duty to oversee, coordinate and otherwise undertake the beautification and maintenance of their villages.

Bill No. 153-32 (COR) - A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to add a new Chapter 4B to Division 1 of Title 19, Guam Code Annotated; to amend § 22107, Division 2, Chapter 22 of Title 7, Guam Code Annotated; to add a new § 80.49.1 of Chapter 80, Article 2 of Title 9, Guam Code Annotated; and to add a new § 1036 to Chapter 10 of Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the rights of nursing mothers and their children in regards to breastfeeding, and to be known as the "Nana Yan Patgon Act."

Bill No. 152-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to rezone Lot Nos. 146-4, 146-5, 146-6, 146-7 and 146-R7, in the municipality of Merizo from Single-Family Dwelling Zone (R-1) to Commercial Zone (C).

Bill No. 151-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add a new sub section (A) to § 77114.1 and § 77115 of Article 1, Chapter 77, Title 21 Guam Code Annotated relative to fees and revenue from concessions and uses.

Bill No. 150-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to rezone Lot No. 2 of Tract 1419, located in the municipality of Dededo, from Agricultural Zone (A) to Commercial Zone (C).

Bill No. 149-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to repeal Public Law 32-060.

Bill No. 148-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to establish a permanent funding source for paying financial institutions to provide merchant services for the government of Guam, by amending subsection (a) of §22436, Article 4, Chapter 22, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 147-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan / C.M. Dueñas

An act to amend Section 7 of passed Bill No. 19-32 and any subsequent Public Law resulting from passed Bill 19-32 (COR).

Bill No. 146-32 (LS) - V.A. Ada / B.T. McCreadie / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / R.J. Respicio

An act to add a new Article 3 to Chapter 37 of 9GCA relative to Castle Doctrine.

Bill No. 145-32 (LS) - F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.A. Morrison / T.C. Ada / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to add a new § 849.5.1 to Article 1, Chapter 8 of Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to naming the Malesso Pier Park as the "Plåsan Pantalån Beterånon Mansendålon Malesso' (Malesso Veteran Sons and Daughters Pier Park)" in honor and special recognition of the men and women from Malesso who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, and in acknowledgement of all Guam veterans.

Bill No. 144-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act relative to requiring the Department of Administration to identify funds necessary to address Merit Bonus Compensation for Judiciary of Guam employees; and thereby authorizing the timely remittance, appropriation, and payment of such obligations.

Bill No. 143-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.C. Ada / T.R. Muña Barnes / M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to amend § 3102.1 of Chapter 3, Article 1, Title 16, Guam Code Anntoated, relative to extending the applicability of the waiver of driver's license fees for veterans to include all classes and endorsements.

Bill No. 142-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to add a new §3118 to 16GCA relative to allowing residents who are off-island for an extended period of time to renew their drivers license online or through the mail.

Bill No. 141-32 (COR) - T.A. Morrison / T.C. Ada

An act to amend subsection (c) of § 3209 of Article 2 of Chapter 3 of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to allowing for the use of clear ultraviolet (UV) ray filtering material on the front windshields of motor vehicles.

Bill No. 140-32 (COR) - T.A. Morrison / M.T. Limtiaco / V.C. Pangelinan / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to amend Section 2 (c), Section 3, and Section 4 of Public Law 25-55, Relative to 911 surcharges.

Bill No. 139-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act relative to removing any reference of slot machines in the definition of gaming devices; through deleting sub-item "(1)" of subsection "(N)" of §7102, Chapter 7, Title 3 of the Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations.

Bill No. 138-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to amend Section 1515(i)(2)(G), Article 5, Chapter 1, Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to the repair and improvements to the Guam Fishermen's Cooperative.

Bill No. 137-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new §1115 to Chapter 1 of Title 12 of the Guam Code Annotated; relative to providing no cost space to the Guam Customs and Quarantine Agency in a manner consistent with federal law.

Bill No. 136-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / R.J. Respicio

An act to rezone Lot No. 2174, located in Tiyan in the municipality of Barrigada, from Agricultural Zone (A) to Light Industrial Zone (M1).

Bill No. 135-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act relative to increasing the representation of the number of veterans serving on the Guam Veterans Commission, to initiate efforts toward the eventual establishment of the "Sengsong Beteranun Guahan - Guam Veterans Village", which shall serve as a one-stop veterans services center; and for other purposes; through the repeal and re-enactment §67107 of Chapter 67, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 134-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to add a new § 67110 to Chapter 67, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to recognizing the Office of Veterans Affairs as the official local agency for establishing and maintaining the "Guam Veterans Registry," which shall be utilized for enumerating the population of veterans on Guam, and for the use of such information for increasing or acquiring necessary health care and other relevant services to benefit veterans and their families.

Bill No. 133-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new subsection (c) to §6206, to amend subsection (a) of § 6210, and to add a new subsection (c) to § 6210 of Article 2, Chapter 6; to amend subsection (b) of § 6401 of Article 4, Chapter 6; and to amend subsection (d) of § 10102 and § 10113 of Article 1, Chapter 10, all of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend § 1820 of Article 2, Chapter 18 of Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting the sealing of settlements of claims against the government.

Bill No. 132-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / V.A. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to add a new Section 11 to Public Law 30-200 relative to expanding the borrowing ability of the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority by including the authorization to also enter into Revolving Loan Funds, and Direct Loan Funds.

Bill No. 131-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada

An act to amend subsection (f) and add a new subsection (g) to §3301 and of Chapter 3, Title 16 Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing speed limits.

Bill No. 130-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada

An act to amend §1106.(k) of Chapter 1 Title 22 Guam Code Annotated relative to imposing fines for employing aliens without lawful work status.

Bill No. 129-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / C.M. Dueñas

An act to authorize the A.B. Won Pat Guam International Airport Authority to issue Revenue Bonds for the purpose of refunding the General Revenue Bonds, 2003 Series A, B, C and D, refinance the Energy Efficiency Loan, and finance new projects.

Bill No. 128-32 (COR) - Committee on the Guam US Military Relocation, Homeland Security, Veteran's Affairs and Judiciary

The Customs and Quarantine Agency enacts the following Rules and Regulations to amend Title 4, Government Administrative Rules and Regulations, Chapter 2, Article 5, §2505(a)(2) of the Customs, Agriculture, and Quarantine Inspection Service Charge pursuant to 5GCA73, §73151.

Bill No. 127-32 (LS) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / R.J. Respicio / C.M. Dueñas

An act to appropriate the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) escheated to the General Fund, pursuant to §21116 of Chapter 21, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, to the Department of Revenue and Taxation for the purpose of supporting the objectives of P.L. 32-135, also known as the "Cash Economy Enforcement Act of 2011".

Bill No. 126-32 (LS) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / R.J. Respicio / C.M. Dueñas

An act to appropriate unexpended funds escheated to the General Fund, pursuant to §21116 of Chapter 21, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, for the purpose of funding principal and interest obligations pursuant to the Guam Federation of Teachers v. Government of Guam, Et. Al., Superior Court Case No. SP 0009-07.

Bill No. 125-32 (LS) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada / T.R. Muña Barnes / R.J. Respicio / C.M. Dueñas

An act to appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) from the Guam Territorial Highway Fund to the Department of Public Works for the acquisition of property for the Tiyan Parkway project.

Bill No. 124-32 (LS) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / R.J. Respicio / C.M. Dueñas

An act to appropriate the sum of One Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,400,000.00) escheated to the General Fund, pursuant to §21116 of Chapter 21, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, to the Department of Revenue and Taxation for the purpose of funding Real Property revaluation.

Bill No. 123-32 (LS) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.R. Muña Barnes / R.J. Respicio / C.M. Dueñas

An act to appropriate the sum of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00) escheated to the General Fund, pursuant to §21116 of Chapter 21, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, to the Department of Revenue and Taxation for the purpose of funding the agency's Transaction Processing System.

Bill No. 122-32 (LS) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / R.J. Respicio / C.M. Dueñas

An act to appropriate the sum of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00) escheated to the General Fund, pursuant to §21116 of Chapter 21, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, to the Guam Police Department for the purchase of new police vehicles.

Bill No. 121-32 (LS) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / R.J. Respicio / C.M. Dueñas

An act to appropriate the sum of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($700,000.00) escheated to the General Fund, pursuant to §21116 of Chapter 21, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, to the Department of Administration for the purpose of funding the acquisition of software, migration, fiber connection security, and other upgrades necessary to support and protect the government of Guam's computer system and network infrastructure.

Bill No. 120-32 (LS) - F.B. Aguon, Jr. / R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada

An act relative to honoring Guam's men and women who have courageously and selflessly served our island people and our nation in the war on terror and who have made the ultimate sacrifice, through the establishment of a Fallen Heroes Monument; through adding a new subsection §79601.2 to Chapter 79, Article 6, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 119-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada / C.M. Dueñas

An add a new Article 2 to Chapter 37 of 9GCA relative to home invasion.

Bill No. 118-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / B.J.F. Cruz / V.A. Ada / M.F.Q. San Nicolas / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / R.J. Respicio / B.T. McCreadie / T. Morrison / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act relative to Alcohol Beverage Control, to be known as "The Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service Act", by adding new §§ 3123, 3124 and 3125 to Article 1, Chapter 3, 11 GCA; to amend § 3207, and add §§ 3212.1, 3230, 3231, and 3232 to Article 2, Chapter 3, 11 GCA; to amend 11 GCA §3613; and, add a new (h) to §2105, add a new (c) to §2106, add a new (c) to §2107, and add a new §2111, all of 3 GAR Chapter 2 [Alcoholic Beverage Control Board].

Bill No. 117-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / B.T. McCreadie

An act to amend §§ 3705 and 3707 of Article 7, Chapter 3, Title 16 GCA, relative to expanding the duties of the Guam Police Department Community Assisted Policing Effort (CAPE) volunteers to include enforcement of the Handbilling Act, and for other purposes.

Bill No. 116-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas / B.J.F. Cruz / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / V.C. Pangelinan

An act to amend § 65102; and to add a new subsection (e) to § 65103, and a new § 65103.1, all of Chapter 65, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the establishment of operational continuity plans for each agency of the Government of Guam.

Bill No. 115-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to add a new Section 16 to Chapter X of Public Law 31-233 (General Appropriations Act of 2013) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to Inetnon Gefpå'go Cultural Arts Program, Inc. for the purposes of developing a southern visitor attraction venue at the Inarajan Garden House (IGH).

Bill No. 114-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / B.J.F. Cruz / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to add a new Section 16 to Chapter X of Public Law 31-233 (General Appropriations Act of 2013) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to Hurau Academy, Inc. to continue their mission in promoting and perpetuating the Chamoru language and culture.

Bill No. 113-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new Section 16 to Chapter X of Public Law 31-233 (General Appropriations Act of 2013) making an appropriation from the Tourist Attraction Fund (TAF) to Duk Duk Goose, Inc. to cover production costs for a cultural children's television program.

Bill No. 112-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada / T.R. Muña Barnes / R.J. Respicio

An act to amend § 12015.5(b), and to add new subsections (i) and (j) to § 12015.5 of Chapter 12, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the creation of an Affordable Housing System Development Charge (AHSDC).

Bill No. 111-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / M.T. Limtiaco

An act to authorize government employees to utilize annual leave to pay debts to Guam Memorial Hospital Authority, by adding a new §4109.6 to Chapter 4, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 110-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada

An act to add a new Chapter 8 to 11GCA relative to quantifying and reporting the affects of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) as it relates to the Compacts of Free Association.

Bill No. 109-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend §26205 of Article 2, Chapter 26, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to increasing the Statute of Limitations on the collection of unpaid Business Privilege Tax to ten (10) years.

Bill No. 108-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to amend §§ 44103, 44105, 44108, 44114, 44115, and 44118, and to repeal §§ 44109 and 44106(c) and (d), all of Chapter 44, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend § 45105 of Chapter 45, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Guam Beverage Container Recycling Act of 2010, and the power of the Guam Environmental Protection Agency to implement the same.

Bill No. 107-32 (LS) - B.T. McCreadie / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.R. Muña Barnes / M.F.Q. San Nicolas / V.A. Ada / M. Limitiaco

An act to add a new Section to Chapter 80, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to creating a "Two Strikes" provision for habitual offenders of serious crimes.

Bill No. 106-32 (LS) - R.J. Respicio / V.C. Pangelinan

An act to mandate that the Bureau of Statistics and Plans (BSP) collect data on the amount and type of all produce imported to Guam, such information to be listed quarterly by type of produce on both the BSP and Department of Agriculture's websites.

Bill No. 105-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to authorize subsidy payments received in connection with Qualified School Construction Bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 58B of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 104-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act relative to transfer of the title of ownership of Lot No. 7 NEW, Block No. 1, Tract 1427 located in the municipalities of Tamuning, Tiyan from the Guam International Airport Authority to the Chamorro Land Trust Commission.

Bill No. 103-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend Section 14 of Chapter XII, of Public Law 31-233, relative to the stipends of the Civil Service Commission.

Bill No. 102-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend §4402 of Chapter 4, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the meetings of the Civil Service Commission.

Bill No. 101-32 (LS) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to amend §24204 of Article 2, Chapter 24, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated; relative to reducing the statute of limitations on the collection of real property tax due to the government of Guam from thirty (30) years to ten (10) years.

Bill No. 100-32 (LS) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / R.J. Respicio

An act to add a new Item (e) to §21116 of Chapter 21, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring the deposit of unclaimed or unpaid tax refund checks into the Income Tax Reserve Fund.

Bill No. 99-32 (LS) - B.T. McCreadie

An act to amend subsection (a) of § 80.60 of Article 4, Chapter 80, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to clarifying minimum sentences for crimes.

Bill No. 98-32 (LS) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to add a new § 3210.1 and amend § 3218 of Article 2 of Chapter 3, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to mandating the establishment of a Guam Immunization Registry, and to provide for the coordinated submission of other statistical data for compilation and reporting by the Office of Vital Statistics.

Bill No. 97-32 (LS) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to appropriate available funds from the Guam/Territorial Highway Fund to designate and prioritize certain capital improvement projects, purchase heavy equipment needed by the Department of Public Works for flood mitigation and fund the Department of Revenue and Taxation's Transaction Processing System.

Bill No. 96-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr. / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act relative to expanding the representation on the Hagatna Restoration & Redevelopment Authority, to include the Mayor of Hagatna and a Legislative representative, and for other purposes; through amending §§79301 of Article 3, Chapter 79, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 95-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / R.J. Respicio

An act to appropriate the sum of Three Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,100,000.00) escheated to the General Fund, pursuant to §21116 of Chapter 21, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, for the purpose of supporting unfunded government of Guam obligations.

Bill No. 94-32 (COR) - R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / M.F.Q. San Nicolas / C.M. Dueñas

An act to amend subsections (b), (d) and (g) of § 9902 of Article 9, Chapter 9 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to prompt payment requirements for health care and health insurance requirements.

Bill No. 93-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to amend §12015.5, Chapter 12, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the water and sewer system development charge.

Bill No. 92-32 (COR) - M.T. Limtiaco / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to add a new sub-item (1) to 21 GCA § 51103(q), relative to defining a bed and breakfast; to amend 21 GCA § 61305, 21 GCA § 61306, and 21 GCA § 61307, relative to adding a bed and breakfast to the list of uses permitted and conditional uses allowed in an R1, R2 and Commercial Zone.

Bill No. 91-32 (COR) - R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada

An act to earmark all tax revenue derived from the operation of any new acute care hospital facility, and to appropriate such earmarked revenue to the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority to supplement pharmaceutical and related supplies.

Bill No. 90-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to amend §§18102, 18103, 18105, 18105.1, 18106, 18108, 18112, 18113, 18114, 18121, 18125, 18126, 18128.4, 18128.5, 18128.7, 18128.8, 18129, 18131, and 18133 of Division 1 of Chapter 18 of Title 10 Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Babering and Cosmetology Act of 2010.

Bill No. 89-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to add a new Article 17 to Chapter 22, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the responsible reserve fund.

Bill No. 88-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to amend §§ 3207 and 3309 and to add a new §§ 3207.1 and 32087.2 of Chapter 3 Title 11 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the regulation of alcoholic beverage licensure.

Bill No. 87-32 (COR) - T.A. Morrison / M.F.Q. San Nicolas / C.M. Dueñas

An act to amend §§3305.1 Chapter 3 of 16GCA relative to implementing a Universal Helmet Law.

Bill No. 86-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada

An act to add §10238 to Article 2, Chapter 10 of Title 12 Guam Code Annotated to authorize the Jose D. Leon Guerrero Port Authority of Guam (PORT) to waive sovereign immunity to satisfy a prerequisite for approval of a $10,000,000 commercial loan.

Bill No. 85-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to prohibit the use of government funds for the appeal of Civil Case 1:11-CV-00008, Rea Mializa I. Paeste et al v. Government of Guam and Eddie Baza Calvo, Benita Manglona, and John Camacho, in their official capacities and to add a new subsection (i) to Section 30109, Chapter 30 of Title 5 Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 84-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to add a new subsection (f) to Section 2, Part III, Chapter II of Public Law 31-233, relative to the appropriation to the Guam Community College Apprenticeship Program.

Bill No. 83-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to amend §77403, §77404, §77405 and §77407 of Chapter 77, Article 4, Division 2, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the construction, development, upgrading, repair or maintenance of public school sports facilities.

Bill No. 82-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to repeal Chapter 25 of Title 8 Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 81-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to provide health insurance to government of Guam employees and retirees for Fiscal Year 2014.

Bill No. 80-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add a new subsection (f) to Section 2, Part III, Chapter II of Public Law 31-233, relative to the appropriation to the Guam Community College Apprenticeship Program.

Bill No. 79-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to amend §106119(k) of Chapter 106, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the transfer of dormant and unclaimed bank account funds from the Treasurer of Guam to the Guam Housing Corporation's Housing Trust Fund.

Bill No. 78-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add subsection (d) to §3102.3 Chapter 3 of 17 Guam Code Annotated relative to the composition of the Guam Education Board to include a representative from the Mayors' Council of Guam.

Bill No. 77-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan / R.J. Respicio

An act to amend Section 68975 of Chapter 68, Article 11, Title 21 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to the development of the Farmer's Market facility by the Farmer's Cooperative Association of Guam, Inc.

Bill No. 76-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to amend §§161.15, 161.125 and 161.130; and to add a new subsection (d) to §161.95, all of Chapter 161 of Title 8, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the efficient implementation of the mandates of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Commission.

Bill No. 75-32 (LS) - T.R. Muña Barnes / M.F.Q. San Nicolas / B.T. McCreadie

An act to add a new Article 8, and to repeal § 3341 of Article 3, all of Chapter 3 of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting aggressive panhandling and panhandling at specified locations in Guam; and to be known as the "Aggressive Panhandling Act of 2013".

Bill No. 74-32 (LS) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes / C.M. Dueñas / T.A. Morrison / M.F.Q. San Nicolas / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / V.C. Pangelinan / B.T. McCreadie

An act to add a new § 7120 to Chapter 7 of Division 2, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the GUam Department of Education to enter into a power purchase agreement to purchase solar energy from a qualified provider(s); to add a new § 8502 (2)(c) to Article 5, Chapter 8 of Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to raising the net metering cap for Guam Power Authority public school customers under a third party owned solar energy system; and to add a new § 5008.2 to Part A of Article 1, Chapter 5 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the policy in favor of renewable energy purchase of service.

Bill No. 73-32 (LS) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / B.J.F. Cruz / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to amend the Title of Chapter 86, §86102(a) and §86103, all of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to renaming the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse (DMHSA) to the "Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center" (GBHWC), and to allow for changes to other relevant laws as necessary solely for consistency with the agency's name change.

Bill No. 72-32 (LS) - V.A. Ada

An act to add new §§2228 and 2229 to Chapter 22 of Title 15, Guam Code Annotated, relative to including digital assets in a decedent's estate.

Bill No. 71-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to repeal Paragraph (34) of §26203 of Chapter 26 of 11GCA relative to business privilege tax exemptions.

Bill No. 70-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada

An act to add a new Article 8 to Chapter 32 of 5GCA relative to Gift Cards and Gift Certificates.

Bill No. 69-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio

An act to add a new Section §5351 to Chapter 5 of Title 5 GCA, relative to the duration of commercial leases for public real property and related facilities.

Bill No. 68-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to authorize I Maga'lahen Guåhan to exchange a portion of Tract 11405 (formerly Lot Number 10120-20), municipality of Dededo, with a portion of Lot Number 3255-6-R4, municipality of Ordot-Chalan Pago.

Bill No. 67-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to amend Section 2 and Section 3(b) and to add a new Section 4 of Public Law 24-33, relative to amending the license agreement between the Guam Football (Soccer) Association and the government of Guam.

Bill No. 66-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / B.J.F. Cruz

An act relative to authorizing the Guam Police Department to procure police vehicles.

Bill No. 65-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act to add a new §43116 to Article 1 of Chapter 43, Division 4 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing for educational programs for members of boards and commissions.

Bill No. 64-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add a new Article 2 to Chapter 12, Division 2, Title 22 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to the licensing of service contracts sold on Guam.

Bill No. 63-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to amend §22425(q) of Article 4, Chapter 22, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to designating additional revenue derived from the valuation of real property, due to commence during calendar years 2013 and 2014, towards the replacement, or renovation of, Simon Sanchez High School, and other education facilities requiring new construction or rehabilitation; and for other education-related purposes.

Bill No. 62-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / B.T. McCreadie

An act to add a new Article 10 to Chapter 3 of Division 1, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing the Guam Council on Child Death Review and Prevention (CCDRP).

Bill No. 61-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada

An act to add a new § 67101.7 of Chapter 67, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to adopting the Guam Tropical Energy Code (GTEC).

Bill No. 60-32 (COR) - M.T. Limtiaco

An act to create the "Made in Guam" business incubator program within the Antonio B. Won Pat Guam International Airport Authority; to authorize the promulgation of rules and regulations for the program; to provide incentives for eligible businesses; and, to provide sources of funding for the program.

Bill No. 59-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add Chapter 162 to Title 11 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing the Collective Investment Funds Act, and to repeal Section 106155 of Chapter 106, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 58-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada

An act to amend §§6602 and 6603; to re-codify §6603 as §6121; and to add a new §6703, all of Chapter 6 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to protection of student information.

Bill No. 57-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to amend §53108, and to add a new §53110 of Chapter 53 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend §3606(b), and to add a new §3606(e) of Article 6, Chapter 3 of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the encroachment of public roadways and public rights-of-way, and to the removal of abandoned vehicles.

Bill No. 56-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz / T.C. Ada

An act to repeal and reenact §9108 of Chapter 9 of Title 16, Guam Code Annotated, relative to changing the penalty for violation of the Traffic Code from a Petty Misdemeanor to a Civil Violation punishable by a fine.

Bill No. 55-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act relative to transfer of the Title of Ownership of Lot No. 1NEW-1, Block No. 2, Tract 1427 located in the municipalities of Barrigada and Dededo from the Guam International Airport Authority to the Chamorro Land Trust Commission.

Bill No. 54-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan / M.F.Q. San Nicolas

An act amend § 511005 and § 511006 and to add § 511007 and § 511008 to Chapter 51 Article 10 of 10 Guam Code Annotated and to add § 5120 to Chapter 5 Part B of 5 Guam Code Annotated relative to the fund management of the Host Community Benefits.

Bill No. 53-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to repeal §33105 of Chapter 33, and to amend §31109(d) of Chapter 31, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the procurement authority of the Guam Community College.

Bill No. 52-32 (LS) - T.C. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to repeal §22421 of Chapter 22, 5 GCA, relative to the transfer of autonomous agency revenues to the autonomous agency collections fund.

Bill No. 51-32 (LS) - B.T. McCreadie / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to add a new Section 4106.2 to Chapter 4, Title 17 Guam Code Annotated relative to establishing the "E-reader Textbook Supplement Pilot Program" in Guam schools.

Bill No. 50-32 (LS) - R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to define educational and professional requirements for a marriage and family therapist.

Bill No. 49-32 (LS) - R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to define educational and professional requirements for a licensed mental health counselor.

Bill No. 48-32 (LS) - R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to define the educational and professional requirements for a licensed professional counselor.

Bill No. 47-32 (LS) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add a new Section 8103.1 to Article 1, Chapter 8, Title 4 of the Guam Code Annotated, to comply with internal revenue code requirements applicable to the government of Guam Retirement Fund.

Bill No. 46-32 (LS) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to amend a subsection (c) and subsections (h) of Article 1, Chapter 10, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated relative to the Right of Inspection.

Bill No. 45-32 (LS) - B.T. McCreadie / R.J. Respicio

An act to add §5004.1 of Chapter 5, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to allowing the Guam Memorial Hospital to obtain professional services in accordance with industry practice.

Bill No. 44-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D. / A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio

An act to amend §23111(g)(2) of Chapter 23, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the use of mileage earned through credit card purchases authorized by the government of Guam, to support student travel involving academic, sports and cultural activities.

Bill No. 43-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to add a new (b) (1) and (2) to § 67.801; and to add a new § 67.802 and § 67.803 to Article 8 of Chapter 67 of Title 9 Guam Code Annotated relative to strengthening the penalties for the possession, manufacturing, selling, or distribution of any synthetic Cannabinoid or Salvia Divinorum.

Bill No. 42-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to authorize the Department of Public Health & Social Services Director to charge third party payers, first, for services provided to individuals who qualify under any welfare program (Medicaid, Medically Indigent Program, etc.) by adding a new Article 12 to Chapter 2, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 41-32 (LS) - F.B. Aguon, Jr. / B.J.F. Cruz / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to amend Chapter 30, Title 9 Guam Code Annotated relative to strengthening the penalties for crimes of family violence.

Bill No. 40-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio

An act to amend §58111, Chapter 58, Title 10 GCA and §73110, Chapter 73, Title 10 GCA, relative to the penalty classification for violations of the fire code, and to amend §58112, Chapter 58, Title 10 GCA.

Bill No. 39-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to amend §3103 of Chapter 3, Title 7, of the Guam Code Annotated relative to adding a successive term of service for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Guam.

Bill No. 38-32 (COR) - Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs, Human & Natural Resources and Election Reform

An act making appropriations for the operations of the Executive Branch of the government of Guam for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014, making other appropriations, and establishing miscellaneous and administrative provisions.

Bill No. 37-32 (COR) -F.B. Aguon, Jr. / R.J. Respicio / V.A. Ada

An act to rezone Lot No. 2247 Eastern Pat-R1, and lot number 2247-PART-R1 in the municipality of Barrigada from Agricultural Zone (A) to Multiple Dwelling Zone (R2).

Bill No. 36-32 (COR) - M.F.Q. San Nicolas / V.A. Ada

An act to add a new (e) and (f) to §30111 of Chapter 30, Title 22, Guam Code Annotated and a new §24307.1, §24307.2, §24307.3, §24307.4, §24307.5, §24307.6, §24307.7 and Chapter 24, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring real estate appraisers to submit valuations to the Department of Revenue and Taxation and to authorize the Department of Revenue and Taxation to adjust property tax assessments therewith.

Bill No. 35-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add new §§ 61605, 61606, 61607, 61608, 61609, 61610 and 61611 to Article 6 of Chapter 61, of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the enforcement of zoning laws.

Bill No. 34-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An add a new §§ 7178 & 7179 to 16GCA relative to vehicle registrations.

Bill No. 33-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada / R.J. Respicio

An act to amend §7105 of Chapter 7 of 16GCA relative to requiring proof of use tax payment as a condition of registration for vehicles acquired off-island.

Bill No. 32-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada

An act to add a new (e) to §5008 of Chapter 5 of 5GCA relative to prohibiting government of Guam branches, departments, agencies and instrumentalities from excluding local businesses from the procurement process.

Bill No. 31-32 (COR) - V.A. Ada

An act to add a new §5132 to Chapter 5 of 5GCA relative to retention of procurement related email messages.

Bill No. 30-32 (COR) - M.T. Limtiaco / B.T. McCreadie

An act to amend 2 GCA § 1106 (a) and to repeal 2 GCA § 1106 (b), to reduce senators' salaries to Fifty-Five Thousand Three Hundred Seven Dollars ($55,307.00) per annum.

Bill No. 29-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan / B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add §60114.1 and §60114.2 to Chapter 60 of 21 Guam Code Annotated relative to Competitive Equalization Act on the leasing of government of Guam property.

Bill No. 28-32 (COR) - A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act relative to authorizing the reallocation of undistributed collection funds by the Child Support Enforcement Division of the Office of the Attorney General, to provide for the critical support needed for child support and protective services; through amending §34111 of Chapter 34, Title 5; Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 27-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to add a new §850 to Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, to designate Route 15 as "Air Force Highway" in honor of and special tribute to the men and women of Guam who have served in the United States Air Force.

Bill No. 26-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz / V.A. Ada / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to add a new § 8107.1 to Chapter 8 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated; relative to mandating the creation of the 'Guam Public Notice Website'; amending (A) of §8104 Chapter 8 of Title 5 Guam Code Annotated and adding (C) of §8104 Chapter 8 of Title 5 Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 25-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / T.R. Muña Barnes WITHDRAWN

An act to reprogram available funds from the Highway 2001 Bond Construction Fund and the Highway 1985 Bond Construction Fund, and designate and prioritize certain capital improvement projects, and purchase heavy equipment needed by DPW for flood mitigation.

Bill No. 24-32 (COR) - F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to amend §7120.3 of Chapter 7, Title 16, of the Guam Code Annotated relative to waiver of fees for immediate kin of fallen heroes.

Bill No. 23-32 (COR) - A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D. / T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to place the former Agat Fire Station under the administrative jurisdiction of the Mayors' Office of Agat. by amending Item (1) of §40113(B) of Chapter 40, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated.

Bill No. 22-32 (COR) - T.C. Ada / B.J.F. Cruz / R.J. Respicio

An act to amend §2103.12, Chapter 2, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to acting appointments in excess of ninety (90) days.

Bill No. 21-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend § 66104.2 of Chapter 66, Title 10, of the Guam Code Annotated; relative to the employment of civilian volunteer police reserve officers.

Bill No. 20-32 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to establish a Healthcare Trust and Development Fund, by adding a new Chapter 97 to Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, and authorizing the expenditure of monies in the fund by public health care providers for specific purposes pertaining to extinguishing the outstanding debt payables of the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority, and provide expanded healthcare services by establishing and funding a GMHA Primary Healthcare or Urgent Healthcare Center for non-emergent patients; this act to be cited as "The GMHA Healthcare Trust and Development Act of 2013".

Bill No. 19-32 (COR) - C.M. Dueñas / B.J.F. Cruz / T.A. Morrison

An act to amend Chapter 7, Title 3, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations, relative to capturing license fees and taxes from gaming operators.

Bill No. 18-32 (COR) - R.J. Respicio

An act to appropriate the sum of Three Hundred Ninety-Two Thousand One Hundred Sixty-Two Dollars and Seventeen Cents ($392,162.17) from anticipated General Fund Revenues for Fiscal Year 2013 for the outstanding debt balance owed, including principal and interest, for the completion of the Guam Public Market Redevelopment Project, Phase II-Department of Commerce Project No. 320-5-1008-L-AGN, including Change Order No. 1 and Change Order No. 2.

Bill No. 17-32 (COR) - R.J. Respicio / T.C. Ada WITHDRAWN

An act to allow for conditional use of property situated in the municipality of Dededo for meetings and cultural purposes, specifically Lots 15-3 and 15-R3, both of Tract 1413, which are currently zoned "A" (Agricultural), containing an area of 4,208.7± square meters, and bordered by Alageta Road.

Bill No. 16-32 (COR) - R.J. Respicio / C.M. Dueñas

An act to rezone Lot 2181-4NEW-R1NEW-R2, Lot 2181-4NEW-R1NEW-2, Lot 2181-4NEW-1-1, Lot 2181-4NEW-1-2, Lot 2181-4NEW-1-3, Lot 2181-4NEW-1-4, Lot 2181-4NEW-1-R4 and Lot Naval Air Station Agana-21-R1 (Airport Parcel 4) in the municipality of Tiyan, Barrigada from Agricultural Zone (A) to Light Industrial Zone (M1); and to amend §61201 of Article 2, Chapter 61 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to changing the reference of "M1 Limited Industrial Zone" to "M1 Light Industrial Zone."

Bill No. 15-32 (COR) - T.R. Muña Barnes

An act to rezone Lot No. 3, Tract 1942, in the municipality of Barrigada from Single-Family Dwelling (R-1) to Multiple-Family Dwelling (R-2).

Bill No. 14-32 (COR) - C.M. Dueñas / V.A. Ada

An act to add a new §(e) to §5123 of Chapter 5, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to mandating the purchase or lease of vehicles by the government of Guam shall meet or exceed a minimum average combined city and highway miles per gallon (MPG) of twenty-five miles per gallon (25 MPG); to add a new §(f) to §5123 of Chapter 5, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, to allow certain specialty vehicles to be excluded from the provisions of this act.

Bill No. 13-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new § 3123 to Article 1 and to add a new § 3436 and § 3437 to Article 4 of Chapter 3 of Title 11 Guam Code Annotated relative to intoxication of persons under age twenty-one.

Bill No. 12-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to amend §90A101 and §90A102 of Chapter 90A of Title 10 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to the prohibition and sale of candy cigarettes.

Bill No. 11-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new Article 9, to Chapter 63, and to amend §5215 of Chapter 5; and to amend § 63101, to add a new (c) and (d) to § 63116, and to amend § 63129 of Chapter 63 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated relative to creating the Guam Coral and Marine Life Protection Act.

Bill No. 10-32 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz

An act to add a new Chapter 39A to Title 7 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to creating the Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act.

Bill No. 9-32 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan

An act to add new §§ 58148, 58148.1, 58148.2, 58148.3, and 58149 to Chapter 58 of Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, and amend Sections of Chapter 58 of Title 12 Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing the Qualifying Certificate Review Board, the Qualifying Certificate Accountability and Transparency website, and for other purposes.

Bill No. 8-32 (COR) - R.J. Respicio

An act to appropriate to the Department of Education all additional revenue derived from the expiration of any part of the Bush Tax cuts.

Bill No. 7-32 (COR) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to add a new §80105 (i) to Chapter 80 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the transfer of property under the jurisdiction of the Port Authority of Guam to the jurisdiction of the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission.

Bill No. 6-32 (LS) - B.T. McCreadie / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.

An act to amend §25.15 and §25.20 of Chapter 25, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to strengthening penalties for crimes involving criminal sexual conduct, which may be cited as the "Predator Prevention Act".

Bill No. 5-32 (LS) - T.A. Morrison

An act to add a new §40128 Chapter 40 of 5GCA relative to placing the former FQ Sanchez Elementary School facility under the jurisdiction of the Umatac Mayor's Office.

Bill No. 4-32 (LS) - T.A. Morrison / B.J.F. Cruz / V.A. Ada

An act to repeal and re-enact Article 2 of Chapter 20 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated relative to establishing the Office of Technology.

Bill No. 3-32 (LS) - B.J.F. Cruz / T.R. Muna-Barnes / V.A. Ada

An act to add a new Chapter 82 to Title 12 of the Guam Code Annotated; relative to authorizing certain contractual arrangements for public private partnerships in order to mobilize private resources for the purpose of financing the construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructure and development projects normally financed and undertaken by the government.

Bill No. 2-32 (LS) - A.A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

An act to repeal and reenact Section 1105 of Chapter 1, Title 2, Guam Code Annotated, relative to term limits for senators of the Guam Legislature.

Bill No. 1-32 (LS) - J.T. Won Pat, Ed. D. / T.R. Muna-Barnes

An act relative to authorizing the Guam Economic Development Authority to procure the installation and maintenance of electronic security systems throughout Guam public schools also known as the Secure Our Schools Act of 2013, and for other purposes.


